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It's Festivus for the rest of us and I have some things to complain about...

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OK, I am PMSing in a BIG way and I am a little (a lot) crabby and I need to vent...no one needs to feel obligated to fix my problems I really just want to complain about random things. :tongue_smilie:


1. My neighbor's dog barks incessantly. I hate that stupid dog and his owner. It's barking wakes my baby from her nap repeatedly. Yes, I have gone to the neighbor. Yes, I have gone to the management of the subdivision, No, I have not called the police. This is Malaysia...they would not understand why I am calling over something like this. No one seems to care or even understand why I am upset. Things are gonna get ugly.


2. I have had a nasty headache all day and I am OVER IT.


3. My oldest ds has a piano recital tomorrow. He needs dress pants. The pants I bought him last year for recital no longer fit because he has grown like 5 inches since then. He wore them ONE time because it is so hot here we NEVER wear pants except on occasions like this. So I am spending a boat load of money on pants that he will probably wear one time...again.


4. I have an issue with christians who always talk about how we need to be "transparent" with one another because I am pretty sure that is just "christianese" for them wanting to get in my business. And I hate prayer requests that sound like gossip...."God, we pray for so-and-so because we hear she is cheating on her husband..." What is up with THAT? Can you tell I am having issues at church right now?


5. If my boys don't stop fighting I am going to freak out.


6. still got the headache


7. oh there's more but now my own complaining is making me crabbier.


My wonderful dh is on my good side though. :D Not only did he buy me an external hard drive for my new digi-scrapping hobby BUT the local drug store FINALLY (after over a year) got some decent american hairspray and he happened to be there today when they stocked it and he bought ALL OF IT even though it cost a fortune because the hairspray here is so bad it makes want to cry when I have to get ready for work every day.


Don't laugh. YOU try living in 90 degrees with 100% humidity for 365 days a year WHILE having to get dressed up and do your hair and make-up for work every day WHILE using the crappy malaysian brand hair spray. I love him!!!


whew...glad THAT rant is over. Now I will be glad when this week is over. I think I need a drink. :glare:

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Oh Heather- you're entitled and it's okay to vent here. We all feel like that at sometime. Maybe monthly! :lol:


I admire you for this venture/life you're on- such a departure from living here in America. I lived in Latin America as a child and remember some of the discomforts...a different perspective than my parents, surely.


Glad your son can take piano lessons. Glad you have a daughter (she's darling, by the way) and the miracle of how she's yours. HOpe the day gets better.


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1. My neighbor's dog barks incessantly. I hate that stupid dog and his owner. It's barking wakes my baby from her nap repeatedly. Yes, I have gone to the neighbor. Yes, I have gone to the management of the subdivision, No, I have not called the police. This is Malaysia...they would not understand why I am calling over something like this. No one seems to care or even understand why I am upset. Things are gonna get ugly.



Where's Newman when you need him? :lol:


Happy Festivus!


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4. I have an issue with christians who always talk about how we need to be "transparent" with one another because I am pretty sure that is just "christianese" for them wanting to get in my business. And I hate prayer requests that sound like gossip...."God, we pray for so-and-so because we hear she is cheating on her husband..." What is up with THAT? Can you tell I am having issues at church right now?




:iagree:yeah, this.


Also, my dh is in Haiti right now and I'm getting sick. So no back up.


But, on the upside, he comes home Tuesday night and so by then I should either be feeling fine or be completely sick, but, either way he'll be here.

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Hmmmmmmm... Can you secretly shoot the dog with a Nerf gun or something? Or swap out his collar for one of those shock collars? :lol: Of course I'm not serious! But could you?


I have a nasty headache too. I am entering the wonderful new phase of perimenopause. So now not only do I get to skip a period here and there, when it does show up it's TWICE as bad as ever. Nice.


Good training on the dh!!! He loves you, yes, but he's also tired of hearing you complain about the hairspray issue so when he saw those cans he thought "score!!!" :lol: At least that's how my dh shows his undying love for me.:tongue_smilie:



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Oh my. You have every right to complain!


I know you weren't looking for solutions, but what about an ultrasonic bark device? Here's an article about them: http://www.ehow.com/about_5504986_do-sound-bark-controls-work.html I think the idea is that you can point it at your neighbor's yard, and whenever the dog barks, the unit will emit an unpleasant (to the dog - you can't hear it) noise, which trains the dog to stop.

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My head is completely stuffy and I can't take any nasal sprays due to my high bp. My lips are dry, my hands are dry and for some idiotic reason, they won't let me bring in a vaporizer. :glare:


I'm one month away from my (whisper) "female surgery" and the cause of the need for surgery is in full swing and I'm in the 7th circle of h*ll.


I have sick days, but only one vacation day left and it's reserved for Christmas eve, and if I call in sick, they take the first sick day as a vacation day, so I can't call in.


But, despite all that, here's a little something to bring a giggle regarding the transparency and "prayer request."




Start at 2:40.

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he bought ALL OF IT even though it cost a fortune because the hairspray here is so bad it makes want to cry when I have to get ready for work every day.


Don't laugh.


I'm sorry; I cannot help but laugh!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: But secretly, when I vent like this to someone, I really want to make them laugh so that *I* can laugh and feel better! Hope you feel better. That's great about the hairspray - we buy things in quantity a lot, too. My dh bought something like 20 bottles each of shampoo and conditioner one time, because it was discounted to a dollar a bottle - he called me and I said, "Buy 'em all!! I'll find storage!" :lol:

Edited by Colleen in NS
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In a country where nobody responds to a complaint about a barking dog would they really respond to a complaint about a dead dog?


(I love dogs, totally almost completely kidding but really I know how I get when I am at the end of my rope and I have never been at the end of my rope in country without good hairspray. Ok, technically I don't use hairspray so I substituted lattes for hairspray and I almost cried myself.)

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4. I have an issue with christians who always talk about how we need to be "transparent" with one another because I am pretty sure that is just "christianese" for them wanting to get in my business.





Too true.


And the ones talking about it are *never* the ones who want to *share* - they just think the rest of us need to spill our guts.


No thanks.

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Congratulations on the hairspray! I once lived in a town with one store, and they only sold baby shampoo. It didn't help that it was rainy season. How could my hair be both limp AND frizzy?? It can really get to you after a while when every day is a bad hair day.:tongue_smilie:

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Perhaps your aluminum Festivus pole could be useful in solving your barking dog problem.


Just sayin' :D





Can I get in on the Festivus b!tching?


1. Indy has a cold. He's a super trooper when he's sick and rarely complains. My gripe is that he gave it to me. :glare:


2. My sinuses feel like they're going to explode.


3. Baby doesn't care that I don't feel like eating. He's hungry and demands that I eat something.


4. My mom is arriving in 2 days (for a month!) and my house is in an unacceptable state of disarray.


5. I want to watch some Christmas specials and nothing is on. Where's Rudolph? Frosty? Santa?


6. It's bloody cold.



Wow, I feel better! Festivus for the rest of us!

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Can I get in on the Festivus b!tching?


5. I want to watch some Christmas specials and nothing is on. Where's Rudolph? Frosty? Santa?




Wow, I feel better! Festivus for the rest of us!


:svengo: no christmas specials? What is the world coming to? That was one thing I planned ahead for before moving here and I bought them on DVD to bring with us...perhaps I should have thought of that for hair spray too. :tongue_smilie:

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