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MRSA help!!

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16 year old dd has been fighting on and off mrsa for awhile. The first time, doctor gave her bactrim. 10 days later she had a baseball sized abcess under her arm, so I rushed her to a walk in dr. office as soon as I saw it. They lanced it, gave her a prescription for cipro.


As soon as she started feeling better, she quit taking it. I was sooooo angry with her and made her finish what was left.


Sigh...so on thursday she shows me her underarm and there is yet another abcess, so we took her to the doctor and they gave her another prescription- this time for both bactrim and another one that begins with C that is not Cipro.


Today, her abcess looks fine but she's got stomach pain and is vomiting, says she feels like she's going to die. Currently she's on the bed next to me crying. She says she can't breathe, but she looks to be breathing fine.


She also happens to be a huge drama queen. She just requested her sister to come sit with her so she can say goodbye before she passes away.


So, do I freak out and rush her to the ER? Assume the antibiotics are working to cure the mrsa and that this is a stomach virus? She was at a friend's house and called me to come get her, so I know she's really sick.

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if he gave her a new antibiotic she had not taken before, I would suspect an allergic reation. Check online or on the pharmacy handout and see if these are listed as side effects. My dh had an allergic reation to an antibiotic in September and he also felt he wouldn't make it. Different side effects as your dd, but serious side effects listed on the handout. Getting the ER and house doctors to admit that yes, this is an allergic reation was like pulling teeth.

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I would take her in probably. Any fever? If so that would concern me a lot.


My son, though, was on antibiotics and picked up some nasty bacterial overgrowths in the intestines. The antibiotics kill off the protective/good bacteria and then, if probiotics aren't given or given often enough, the nasty stuff can take hold. He was so sick.


Also, I took an antibiotic once that made me wicked sick--vomitting, diarrhea, pain, etc. All of it was part of the side effects of the antibiotic. It was so horrible. I would have to be dying before I would agree to take that again.


I guess I'm saying I'd take her in for certain but stomach pain with an antibiotic can have lots of causes that have nothing to do with the infection the antibiotic is treating.

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MRSA doesn't just affect the skin. That would scare me. What if it's in her abdomen. Once you are a MRSA carrier, aren't you always a MRSA carrier? I don't think a round of antibiotics "cures" it.


Yes. That.


And, like PP said, it could be a reaction to the new antibiotic as well so either way I would be taking her to see someone.

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Good Lord, I hope you're already at the hospital as I'm reading this as MRSA is nothing to mess around with! Please do let us know how she's doing. I've been reading quite a bit lately about the healing properties of Manuka Honey regarding MRSA. I'd be ordering some of it and applying at home, in addition to what the docs are prescribing....

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if he gave her a new antibiotic she had not taken before, I would suspect an allergic reation. Check online or on the pharmacy handout and see if these are listed as side effects. My dh had an allergic reation to an antibiotic in September and he also felt he wouldn't make it. Different side effects as your dd, but serious side effects listed on the handout. Getting the ER and house doctors to admit that yes, this is an allergic reation was like pulling teeth.


When I was pregnant I was given the antibiotic "Ceftin" (sp?) for a bad bacterial infection/pneumonia. I had a reaction that sounds exactly like what you're dd is going through now. Stomach pains, dizziness, etc. I seriously thought I was in labor, or going to die. I think you should call the on-call dr.


So sorry--- sending healing thoughts.


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Well, I took her to the ER and she's fine. It was just her reaction to the antibiotics. The interesting thing is that they told her to stop taking them. The doctor said that she never needed them to begin with. She said that when there is an abcess, all that is needed is for it to be lanced and no antibiotics are needed.


I am so frustrated right now because I don't know which doctors to trust- the ER docs or the ones who saw her on Thursday and lanced the abcess and gave us antibiotics.

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Supposedly, antibiotic-resistant MRSA can be treated with Manuka honey, either on the skin or in the digestive tract. I don't know if it's really true, but if you can find a powerful enough version, it may be worth a try, since it's unlikely to hurt. (there's lots on line but it's hard to find in local stores; Whole Foods has a brand but at 15+ I don't know if I'd trust it to be quite strong enough for applying to a MRSA skin infection)


just my two cents :tongue_smilie:

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We had some MRSA here a couple years ago, and my BFF who is a pediatric hospitalist coached us that good old fashioned WASHING the site(s) and keeping them covered was vital.


We were successful by:

+ washing thoroughly (using a good wound cleaner & plenty of warm water) several times a day,

+ immediately tossing the wash cloth & towel straight into a hot water wash load

+ having the infected child(ren) use their very own towels for all uses, and immediately hot water washing them. (Changing ALL linens at least once a day. Hand towels, etc were tossed RIGHT into the laundry.)

+ keeping ALL wounds covered at all times, using bactrim as a salve after good washing


That did it for us.


It took us maybe 2-3 weeks to clear it all & there were a total of at least 3 lesions (2 kids) that we dealt with. Once we were religious about the above methods, that was the end of the spreading & it was all gone in a week or so.



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