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Anyone else sending their kids to work with DH tomorrow for "Take your kids to work"?

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My kids have the best time at dh work. They have breakfast and lunch catered and have all sorts of fun science and math labs and experiments for the kids to do.


That is really cool that his company does that! Dh will not be taking the kiddos tomorrow, he has a lot to do that the kids would hinder him from getting it all done. He does take the kids here and there when he can.

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Yes, I am sending mine! They are excited, but I'm not sure they'll find it really exciting to sit in meetings most of the day ; ).


I, on the other hand, am unbelievably excited to be at home BY MYSELF for an ENTIRE DAY! Yes, I AM shouting! I am having trouble deciding what I'm going to do with all of that delicious time!

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That is really cool that his company does that! Dh will not be taking the kiddos tomorrow, he has a lot to do that the kids would hinder him from getting it all done. He does take the kids here and there when he can.



It's an engineering company. I guess they want it all to look like fun to recruit some engineers since there is a shortage.

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I, on the other hand, am unbelievably excited to be at home BY MYSELF for an ENTIRE DAY! Yes, I AM shouting! I am having trouble deciding what I'm going to do with all of that delicious time!




12yos doesn't want to go, but dh wants to take him and I'm looking forward to a free day!

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Our dc are too small to go stay with dh at work all day, but he has invited them to come meet him for lunch. He works an hour away, in the city, so this will be a treat for us. :001_smile: We'll probably make a field trip day out of it and visit a museum afterwards. He has worked in this job for two years, but we have never had a chance to see his office or meet anyone because we live so far away. He was going to take them up to his office for a few minutes to show them where he works and introduce them to his coworkers, but, as is typical, he has a meeting right up to lunchtime and a meeting immediately following lunch. He's actually lucky that he will get an hour for lunch tomorrow. He is supposed to get an hour everyday for lunch, but he is much in demand and often ends up being scheduled for meetings right through lunch or having only a few minutes to grab something in between meetings. :glare:


At his previous job, before we moved, we only lived a few minutes away from his office, and he was the bureau chief in charge of the 70 people who worked there. We occasionally met him for lunch and he would often take the kids in after lunch for a few minutes to see his office and let his co-workers ooh and aah over how cute they were and how much they had grown.


He allowed all workers to bring in their children for Take Your Child to Work Day, and there was a committee of workers who volunteered to organize activities for the kids. My kids were really small (18 months and almost 4), so we only went for the lunch hour. They ordered pizza for the whole office and the kids got to eat with their parents. They even had karaoke after lunch. It was a lot of fun for dd. The whole day was rather chaotic for dh, though, who was trying to conduct business while lots of kids of various ages roamed about the building.

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I'd like to. I'm not sure if dh would want him on his current job, he's in construction. He's painting a house this week and it's hot. I just talked to dh and he sounds exhausted.


I have sent him to help him when he worked on a relative's house. They were gone for three blissful days of silence.


I remember going to work with my dad a couple of times. He was a broadcast engineer for a TV station. It was so fun.

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My kids can't go with my dh to work as it would be a national security risk. Not to mention the ship is somewhere in the middle of the ocean so there's really no way to get them there. By the time he's done with his service they'll not really care to go to work with Dad anymore as they'll mostly be grown up.

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I would, except that it would be a logistical nightmare. We have Bible Study in the morning and then gymnastics. Somehow, in 60 minutes, I would have to drive 40 minutes 1 way to get dds home for gymnastics. Maybe Next Year, when he could possibly take the little one, too. They are still rather young to grasp the whole thing. Right now, his office is cool and his co-workers have candy and cars to play with. Yup, that's what it's all about. Oh, and the food and drink (coffee) that comes out of a machine.

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