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Paisley Hedgehog

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I don't know if these count as big changes, but ds will finish TT7 sometime in January, so I'm getting the LoF pre-algebra books to see him through in math for the rest of the year.

I also want ds to do more writing, so I'm adding WriteShop.

Science is something I am always reconsidering. This fall, ds's goal was to get his general class amateur radio license, which involved a lot of good science--physics--type of studying. He passed the exam at the end of October! His dad has some hands-on type projects relating to antennas and tuning to keep ds busy through the end of the semester, so I don't know what we'll do for science come January. We have Ellen McHenry's The Elements, so we may work our way through that. I have my college GenChem textbook, so we may work our way through some of the easier problems to supplement. I'm looking at the GEMS stuff and ACS' Inquiry in Action too. Science is so hard!

If it is an option, I'd like ds to start Latin at our Homeschool Resource Center in January. If not, he'll start next fall. The Latin teacher there is our advisor and whenever I walk by her classroom the kids look like they're really tuned in and having fun. Ds doesn't want to do Latin; he wants to take a more modern language so I think I'd meet up with unnecessary resistance at home. But I think he'd have fun in that setting.

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We just made some changes and I am looking at changing LA in January.

We have added TT Pre-algebra, K12-World History A, and World Religions/World Geography. I know he is really lagging behind in writing skills. I just haven't found a program that works for him. I'm considering BJU for LA.

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Some things we are working on changing currently. For example, adding in more arts and music. To do so requires reworking our science and history schedule, but it will be worth the effort. We are also trying to incorporate a bit more writing. We are also trying to work in some afterschooling for my DS.


In January, we will be starting VT, so that will more than likely change some of our curriculum further. But I am waiting until we see how it works out before planning anything out.


If I had my choice, I would be switching math programs. But that one is beyond my control.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's a link to another post I wrote about this.


1. We dropped Saxon Math in favor of Math Mammoth, supplemented with games, card playing, puzzles, good "mathy" books, etc.


2. We dropped formal history and science. The kids are choosing what they are interested in and we go from there. Right now they are really into science documentaries and experiments on various topics. And mythology.


3. No spelling program, and while we use Explode the Code and Intermediate Language Lessons, we use them in conjunction with other activities (like ds working on a comic book this week).


4. We dropped formal art and music history. Instead, we listen to music, are going to the symphony, and art museums. Plus they create a lot of art.


Overall, we have just... relaxed. We don't unschool really, because I do require the Three R's, but other than that it is all child led.


Changing yet again... we're going to try Oak Meadow after all. I'm not sure where we'll start in it, but I really do want to give it a good go. We'll keep Math Mammoth though in place of OM math as the kids really like it.

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We're changing a ton right now--why wait? :tongue_smilie: I've been changing things for a week now, and I'm changing more based on how this week is going.


I'm using a daily planner I found online to make sure I don't forget things.


Math--from MUS to MEP, three days a week

Science as a spine, dd5 choosing our subjects about a month in advance

History--starting it twice a week with the Ambleside recommendations

Dropping French in favor of ASL

Starting Get Ready/Set/Go For The Code and ETC instead of AAS for now


Now I have to sell stuff :glare:

Edited by LittleIzumi
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No. We're not. I can't believe it, but we have found our groove.... for now. Last year we were switching all kinds of things but this year we're good.

Math - DS1-Singapore/A Beka, DS2 - A Beka

LA - A Beka LA program, FLL1/2, WWE1

History - SOTW2 (just started book 2 last week)

Science - WTM way (I wish there was a name for this... we just do it like the science chapter in the grammar stage says to do it and it's working fine)

Bible - Suffer Little Children


We dropped Fine Arts a while back. It was actually going really well, but by lunch time I was completely exhausted and poor DS1 was severely in need of some major outside, running around, shouting time and I just couldn't bring him back in for more academics, even though he did enjoy our Fine Arts program. It just got to be too much.

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I hope to make the switch before January, just placed my order yesterday. We are dropping ETC, SWO, FLL, abeka cursive and PP. Instead we will be starting Phonics Road just as soon as I have my bearings. I am very much looking forward to simplifying. So our line up will look like this: MFW Adv, PR, Singapore, WWE (prob drop it after we get through PR1). Ahh, I can almost breathe! We also co-op Latin, Art and memory work.


I am really excited about this change! I hope this is the missing piece for us. I am extremely happy with MFW and Singapore, so I may just be able to relax for a few years. Can you imagine?

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I am not planning a big change for Jan. but I am planning on having everything going.;)

It seems like it has taken us a big to really get into the swing of things after our 4 months off for my oldest ds's illness and now we are on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I considered not taking hardly any time off but I think I am only going to shorten our Christmas time off to 2 wks instead of 3.

After Christmas Vacation I want to get our Reading Cur., my dd's writing cur. and our science going. It will take a couple of months to get through our science and then I will start MOH I. It isn't at all what I had originally planned for this year but seems like it is what will work for us at this time.


Happy Planning.:D

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We just did a major LA change. I dropped all other LA and started PR1 with all three kids. They are all just going at a speed they can handle. We all sat in the floor yesterday and played phonogram bingo with chocolate chips as markers. They loved it and while it was reinforcing phonograms with older two, I used it to introduce youngest to a few new ones.


And, I am in the process of switching to MFW CtG for all of the kids. I have all of my HOD for sale. I can't wait for us all to be studying together. We will start MFW after the first of the year. For now, I am letting them pick what they want to read for science/history.

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Posting again, but I've made my final decisions.


Ds will be starting BJU Math 3 at the end of January. I switched last year from BJU to CLE. He's been very bored with it this year so I've been letting him do the remaining workbook pages I had in BJU 2. He LOVES them and wants to do it. I think there will be a few areas he might need a little more review on a regular basis, but I've read some good ideas that I didn't know or think about when I did it before.


DD is using LoF as a supplement to CLE Math 8 (Fractions and Dec/Percents). When she finishes those LoF books, she's going to drop CLE and do LoF Pre-Algebra books to finish out this year.


Dd already switched from the Hakim series to BJU 8th grade textbook, and that has been great.

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I'm posting again as well because it looks like I will be making some changes after all, I will be making mine after Thanksgiving though. I will be changing my 2nd grader to Singapore math, we'll be using 1B at his pace to get him used to the curriculum and moving on when he's ready. I will continue to use Mastering Mathematics for any concepts that he gets stuck on and calculadders for drill with the flashmaster. The most changes will be for my 9th grader, he's going to be starting Easy Grammar, Easy writing (to help him with more complex sentences), and Understanding Writing or Writing Strands, still deciding between these two. I'm also thinking of having him switch to using the BJU World History book for his spine, this is still up for debate as well. The great thing is that I don't have to buy anything, these are things that we already have from our older kids.

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We made our big switch a couple of weeks ago. We starting using My Father's World for Bible, History, Music, and Literature. We kept our LA, Math, Science, Art, and most of the same books that we had already planned to use. It's still different though, and better. I'm happy with the change.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I am changing my 6yo's curriculum from mainly CM with a little Classical to totally classical. I went with Easy Classical Main Schedule for 1st. I am not going to try to add in history at this point, I will wait until next year. I am already doing ES BIO and we like it, so we will continue with that for science.

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I made the change from TWTM to AO, and we're loving it. Just as classical, but more indepth with history which is what my kids needed. I still use TWTM for book ideas and extra stuff-the book itself is invaluable and so are all of the resources I have because of it.


I'm loving homeschooling again. :001_smile:

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And, I am in the process of switching to MFW CtG for all of the kids. I have all of my HOD for sale. I can't wait for us all to be studying together. We will start MFW after the first of the year.


I am doing the same thing, except I'm going to Adventures. I'd considered slugging on through the rest of the year with HOD, but decided it would make our year so much better to go ahead and switch in January. I am really looking forward to the change and fresh start.

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We're having a shift, but starting now, not waiting until the new year.


We are abandoning ToG until next fall.


This is our first year at home and the extreme "mommy guilt" I have (from being so far "behind" because we're really spending so much time just trying to figure out what *our school* looks like in real life) is driving me INSANE.


So we're continuing on with all our basics; same maths, reading, phonics, and writing. We'll use Evan-Moor Geography and FIAR for rounding out everything. I feel like this will give us a more gentle transition through the rest of the year while I continue to figure it all out. ;) It gives me plenty of time to really get comfortable with ToG and KNOW where my children are skill-wise before attempting to move forward with it.


Our first county review is the first week of January and I'm a little worried about seeming "scattered" but with the support of my husband I really feel confident that this is where God wants us in this season.

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Well, I did my thinking and recondsidering what we want as a family for our school. That turns out to be Oak Meadow and a more Waldorfy way. It will be interesting making the switch from my mind set of WTM/schoolishness to relax and let learning happen.

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Guest Cindie2dds
Well, I did my thinking and recondsidering what we want as a family for our school. That turns out to be Oak Meadow and a more Waldorfy way. It will be interesting making the switch from my mind set of WTM/schoolishness to relax and let learning happen.


Don't feel it has to be all one way either. I've learned that the hard way. Rella loves math workbooks, any math workbook. OM math didn't work well at this age for her. I tried so hard to tell her how lovely it was and she just rolled her eyes and asked for Saxon and Miquon. :lol: There are so many beautiful aspects of OM, and we enjoy it and others for what they can give us. :)

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I am making major changes to both kids stuff. I tried to make it easier by buying packaged curriculum. I really looked a long time at all the pre packaged curriculum, but it has not worked out as well as I hoped.


My ds would just prefer to use SWB stuff than anything else. We were using POE. Now we are using WWE 2, FFL 3, and Guest Hollow American History 1. Luckily I had already about WWE and FFL awhile back used. Math and SOTW will stay the same. We will now get to add back in SongSchool Latin that my ds requested.


I tried OM for my dd. She does like it, but it moves too slow for her. She would just rather have a workbook than anything else. I am not sure what I am doing for her just yet.


We already made changes, and I see a big improvement in attitudes. :001_smile:

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