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My 3 year old has an extra tooth coming in!

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I noticed it last night. He has a slight gap (not big enough for a whole tooth) in the front. He has a tooth coming in sideways behind the front row and you can see it in the gap. He screams bloody murder when I take him to get his teeth cleaned, so I'm not looking forward to a dentist visit to get this checked out! Anyone had a child grow extra teeth? Did they pull them? Yikes! Oh, BTW -found out DH had 3 extra teeth growing up, they pulled his. :bigear:

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My youngest has an extra tooth on the top and is missing a tooth on the bottom. His smile is goofy, but our dentist said she wasn't worried. Apparently it's often inherited (though no one in our family has it) and even if the baby teeth are misnumbered, the adult teeth can be OK. My ds is not quite three, and we are switching dentists, so the plan may change but for now we're not doing anything about it.

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My DS7 had an extra tooth...although they caught in the x-rays, so it never actually grew in. They removed it, in-office visit with a specialist...can't remember which kind as this was a few years ago. DS was sedated though. Whole thing wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

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My 6 year old son had an extra tooth behind his front row of teeth. It was found by x-ray last summer and the dentist said they'd just watch it. It broke through a few months later and was bothering him so I took him in to have it checked in Dec and they did another x-ray. It was pushing on his permanent tooth that hadn't come in yet. We opted to have it pulled. Ds just had novocaine and laughing gas for the procedure. He did wince a little but it was over in less than 5 minutes. They had to pull one of his front teeth to have room to pull the extra tooth (called a mesioden).


His permanent tooth still hasn't come in yet but from the x-ray it looks very crooked. I wish we'd had the tooth pulled earlier.

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Not exactly relevant to your situation - but my oldest was born with a tooth. It was an "extra". It was the weirdest thing taking him to the dentist when he was only a few days old to get it pulled - they were afraid it would fall out and he would swallow/choke on it.

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Sounds more common than I thought! CrimsonWife, I haven't taken him to the dentist yet, so I'm not sure. But it's pretty far back, not in line with the other teeth at all. I hope it's not a permanent one, if so he's going to have one messed up bite. It's also coming in sideways. I'm calling on Monday, guess we'll find out the deal next week. fingers crossed it's not a big deal!

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Well my kids teeth always come in a bit behind the baby teeth... but by the time they push out the baby tooth, they are already lined up where they should be.

My oldest also had a tooth coming in right on top of a baby tooth. I thought it was extra... it broke the surface on the side of his gum up really high...it was scary to see! Turns out it was the adult tooth, but it was being pushed out the side of his gum by another adult tooth up in his sinus area... he had to get the baby tooth pulled, and have oral surgery to place a bracket and chain on the hidden tooth to pull it away from the adult tooth trying to erupt.

It wasnt fun.

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My dd had two extra front permanent teeth and we noticed them about that age. I went to a pediatric dentist who also consulted with our orthodontist. They each looked over the x-rays and consulted on the best method because we certainly didn't want to pull a real permanent tooth. We ended up pulling both her front baby teeth and the extra permanent tooth that came through. The remaining extra tooth did not come in until she was much older. It was funny because all her pictures for many years show her with no front teeth.


When we discovered the extra permanent tooth, it had already caused her real permanent teeth to be sideways. By pulling the baby teeth and the extra tooth early, one permanent tooth can in perfectly and the other one was a little sideways. She wore braces for 9 months to correct that.


I would just suggest you find a great dentist and maybe follow up with an orthodontist. Mine does not charge until you actually need braces, if and when you do. It was great to have two different eyes!!

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My oldest had an extra adult tooth. She had it pulled before it came through when she was 5. They gave her Valium, Novocaine and laughing gas and she did great.


She also had shark teeth for awhile. I think she had two or three adult teeth come in before the baby teeth fell out. That was really weird looking.



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My ds had an extra tooth. It got pulled around age 8. He was VERY slow to lose his baby teeth (he still has some at 13 3/4). The dentist said it shouldn't/ didn't hurt as much as pulling other teeth because the root system was so weak. He has had other baby teeth pulled as well; the pain only last a few hours for him.

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My oldest had three front baby teeth. The extra grew right between the "real" baby front teeth. Our dentists left it alone hoping that her permanent teeth would push it out, but in the end, they came in around it. She did have to have it pulled when she was six. It wasn't a big deal for us.

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