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Ok, all you holistic medicine folks, help!

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I have symptoms that I would have laid out money to bet were thyroid problems: fatigue, complete loss of sex drive, hairloss, dry skin, foggyness, dry eyes, etc.


I went to the doc and got tested for thyroid, connective tissue disorders, and the full regular panel...everything came back fine.


That's great, but I'm still not well. I do have a doctor's appointment next week to discuss further options, but I have a feeling she's just going to want to put me on anti-depressants and call it done. I'm not going there. I don't feel that depression is the issue, I think something is out of whack somewhere else.


So...what supplements can I try to help with whatever in the world is going on with me? I'm sure my dh would love to have his wife back, and I would love to be back!

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I forget WHO I was consulting, but I saw someone and told them that my blood test showed that my thyroid was on the low side of normal. She told met hat doctors have VERY different opinions on what is normal from a scientific, conventional treatment viewpoint and one from a natural doctor. I wish I could remember more to tell you, I'm sorry I don't. This all took place after my head injury.


What I would do is bring your results and go see someone who specializes in homeopathic treatment. They will have different opinions than conventional doctors seeing the same numbers from your tests. They also can pin your symptoms better to an issue, one many conventional doctors don't even recognize as real. Candida and adrenal are two that come to mind.


Can you please let me know what you find out? I've also been trying to get answers.

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I am going through the same thing, classic thyroid syptoms but thyroid levels coming back normal.


My friend recommended I ask my Dr to try thyroid meds for a short period just to see if they make a difference. I think that's what I'm going to do.

Please don't just try thyroid meds to see if they help. That is a very dangerous thing to do. IF you thyroid is normal and you speed it up, you risk a thyroid storm. I live with the fear of that possibility every day of my life. You do not want it.


Get a referral to an endocrinologist, get the proper blood work done. Find out exactly what is wrong before you go messing about with meds for a "maybe."

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Did they check vitamin D levels?


When they checked iron, did they do BOTH hemoglobin AND ferritin? Most doctors do just hemoglobin. However, the two tests measure iron differently. It is quite possible for your hemoglobin to be within normal limits but your ferritin to be very low. If your ferritin is low then you need more iron.

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:iagree: I have been tired for years. My tests always came back normal. The only solution ever offered was antidepressants. One doctor even asked why I even mentioned my symptoms if I didn't want the Prozac.:glare: I finally found a doctor (saw her for the first time last week) who really listened to me and ordered the right tests. I have low vitamin D, low iron saturation, and low progesterone. I'm taking D3, iron, magnesium taurate, and I will start the progesterone at the midpoint of my cycle. I am hopeful that maybe this is the beginning of feeling better.

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:bigear: I just returned from a blood draw appt with my naturopath to check T3 and T4 levels since my thyroid actually swelled up.


Otherwise I am already on 5000mg D3 and other immune boosters.

Hope you get an answer that will help - either here or from your doc.

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Did they check vitamin D levels? I don't know if they're included in regular screenings. Re. thyroid, aren't saliva tests more accurate?


My naturopath just took blood to test my T3 and T4 levels. For other hormone testing, I had to do the saliva test.

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I have symptoms that I would have laid out money to bet were thyroid problems: fatigue, complete loss of sex drive, hairloss, dry skin, foggyness, dry eyes, etc.


I went to the doc and got tested for thyroid, connective tissue disorders, and the full regular panel...everything came back fine.


That's great, but I'm still not well. I do have a doctor's appointment next week to discuss further options, but I have a feeling she's just going to want to put me on anti-depressants and call it done. I'm not going there. I don't feel that depression is the issue, I think something is out of whack somewhere else.


So...what supplements can I try to help with whatever in the world is going on with me? I'm sure my dh would love to have his wife back, and I would love to be back!


I had a similar problem and they ran every possible thyroid test. The doctors never found anything. What changed? I moved to Hawaii. I haven't had any of those problems since moving here and getting more sunshine. I think I was deficient in vitamin D. After we move back to the mainland (in the middle of winter, BOOO) I plan on getting some sunshine every day (even if it's cold out!) and supplementing my vitamin D. We'll see if it helps.

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