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Paisley Hedgehog

Vote for your perferred read-aloud  

  1. 1. Vote for your perferred read-aloud

    • Sing Down the Moon
    • Sign of the Beaver
    • Something else

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Hard to choose. Sing Down is more about a girl--would that make a difference?

Also, my children's lit professor read us the first chapter of Sing Down during class (this was 28 years ago, probably when it was rather new)--he was emphasizing the richness of the language in some kittie lit, compared with other garbage out there. I've never forgotten that experience--it is beautiful. So, maybe you should read the first chapters of each and see what you like better.


Sing Down for language, and it's told from the NA perspective. The other for the perspective of a boy about your child's age who is not NA.

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I haven't read Sing Down the Moon either, so I didn't vote, but dd really enjoyed Sign of the Beaver last year. She read it herself and recommended it to her brother to read just for fun. He did and enjoyed it too. I do think it is a good "boy" book.


We have all enjoyed all the O'Dell books we have read too, so I don't think you can go wrong between your choices.

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I am the lone vote for Sing Down the Moon. Ds read that book last year to me. He really enjoyed it. I thought it was beautiful, and really was a great discussion book about American history. However, I have never read Sign of the Beaver, although ds has.


OK-Ds just woke up, so I asked him. He said Sign of the Beaver (huh! He seemed to love Sing Down the Moon when we read it). He says he likes the more survival aspects of SOTB. He says it will give you a view of Indian lives. However, he did say for understanding Indian culture, lifestyle and history that he thought Sing Down the Moon was better.


Maybe both :tongue_smilie:?

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Sign of the Beaver

Boy protagonist, colonial wilderness, lives along for some month while father goes to get the rest of the family; befriended by a similar-aged Native American boy; they do some wilderness sorts of things. Written at about a 4th grade level. Due to age/gender of the 2 main characters, and to the wilderness survival/hunting aspects, this book will appeal to elementary-aged boys.



Sing Down the Moon

Teen girl protagonist; desert southwest of 1860s/70s; family is displaced by the US army from their homeland to an Oklahoma reservation; the teen boy she loves is injured trying to fight; tribe members die; eventually the teen girl and teen boy decide to sneak out of the reservation and return to live on their ancestral land. Subject matter and older girl protagonist make this more of a middle school book, and more of a girl book.

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I think that Sign of the Beaver is a wonderful book but I wouldn't choose it to represent Native American life. We are going to read it when we learn about the Early settlers and their relationships with the Native Americans.


To really learn about Native Amercian life and culture I loved "The Birchbark House". The kids learned so much while enjoying the story. They learned about the hard work, (and curing hides using the animals brains) about smallpox and the devastation it brought, and the celebrations at harvest time. They also learned about the spiritual beliefs of this clan, and the grandmother was a healer. There was a rather sad part, but I thought the grief was handled well. I think out of everything we read, it was the best.

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