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Refinancing your mortgage....

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We just refi-ed our house for an interest rate of 3.75%. If you have good credit there are some great mortgages available. Dropping your interest rate a couple points is a great way to get ahead on your mortgage and the closing costs can be recovered in about a year.


Just thought I'd mention it to anyone who wasn't aware that interest rates are at all time lows.

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Wow, you got a REALLY good rate! Did you do a 15-year? We got 4.25 on a 30-year. I wanted to go to 15, but DH is a just a tad too concerned about what's going on at his company to feel comfortable with the extra payment amount, so we stayed conservative and will pre-pay instead. I really, really wanted that lower rate though!

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I have been thinking about if for a long time and have not taken action. I need to call Monday and start. Are closing costs typically a lot? We are planning on putting our house on the market in the spring, but expect it to take some time to sell. Would it be silly to bother refinancing?

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I have been thinking about if for a long time and have not taken action. I need to call Monday and start. Are closing costs typically a lot? We are planning on putting our house on the market in the spring, but expect it to take some time to sell. Would it be silly to bother refinancing?


It is taking us I think about 12 months to recoup our closing costs with the refi. Still worth it for us in the long run, but if you're looking to sell in the next year I wouldn't refinance.

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It is taking us I think about 12 months to recoup our closing costs with the refi. Still worth it for us in the long run, but if you're looking to sell in the next year I wouldn't refinance.


That's what I figured. I just thought if it took some time to sell if it did not cost much we would give it a whirl.

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It is taking us I think about 12 months to recoup our closing costs with the refi. Still worth it for us in the long run, but if you're looking to sell in the next year I wouldn't refinance.


I don't know if this is common or unique to our lender (Wells Fargo) but they have a program if they already hold your loan you can get a refinance for free. Yes you have a higher interest rate then if you paid to refinance however for us we have zero money for a refinance so it wouldn't be an option for us. This is the second time we have refinanced with the program each time it has dropped our interest rate another half percent point.


I'd look and see if your lender has something similar because you have nothing to lose in refinancing in this manner.

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We have been watching it. I think we are going to wait it out for a bit yet, I am wondering if they will get down to 2% if things continue on like this. Actually, I wondered if at some point, we will see something like those 0% car loans. Not sure if that would work, but we will have to see.

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Wow, you got a REALLY good rate! Did you do a 15-year? We got 4.25 on a 30-year. I wanted to go to 15, but DH is a just a tad too concerned about what's going on at his company to feel comfortable with the extra payment amount, so we stayed conservative and will pre-pay instead. I really, really wanted that lower rate though!



15 year!

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