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anyone else tired of going through the midlife change

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All my friends laugh because the other day I told them I was counting down to menopause. Based on my age and when my mother completed menopause I figure I have roughly 120 periods to go. I will be holding a big party when I am done with this pia perimenopause.

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Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. My mom and her mom, both went through menopause at 42. I thought I would, also, then. I had been having changes since I turned 40. This year in February, I opted to have the hysterectomy. Best decision that I have made in a long time.....don't miss a thing. (I am 46 now, btw.....)

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Two of my sisters had hysterectomies and the other one went through menopause at 42. I had hoped I would be finished like her, but no such luck. I will be 43 next month. Given that my cycles have been short my entire life, I thought perhaps I would catch a break and end early. Peri is for the birds, but at least I feel like I am headed in the right direction. Hearing that someone is 7 years into it does make one feel a bit discouraged. :glare: Glad I am not alone, however.:D

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I've been having some of the perimenopause stuff, irregular periods, occasional hot flashes. I asked her if their was a specific time when you knew you were in menopause. She said medically you are not considered "in Menopause" until you've been without a cycle for one year. I then asked her how long it will last and will it get worse. She said that for many women it can get worse (night sweats, changing sheets etc, changing clothes frequently, pulling off clothes etc) and it can take several years to get through it and some don't ever get through it. They still have occasional hot flashes the rest of their lives. That was NOT what I wanted to hear. But on the good side she asked me what I was experiencing so far and I told her. She then told me I'd probably have an easy time and it would only take a couple of more years. I've been in perimenopause for 8 years now. I reach my 1 year moment in December. Hopefully I will have a easy time with it but I'm still on my journey.

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You ladies are not making me feel hopeful about the coming years! But then, my cycles have always been whacky and it's never been smooth sailing for me....what's a few more years? I am taking the herbs now, doing everything I can right now...but its never worked 100% in the past so I dont expect it to in the next few years. Just when I think I have it sussed, it goes and changes on me. I am 43. I dont even know if I am in perimenopause yet because my cycles have never been regular or predictable so changes in my cycle means not much.

I do kinda like my cycles though.....but I think I will be ready to let them go when the time comes.

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I don't know what's worse - hot flashes, insomnia, irregular and sometimes super heavy periods... Ugh! My mom didn't go through any of this. She just stopped one day after a lifetime of regular periods. :glare: She still remembers the day. It's been 4 years of this so far.:crying:

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