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Conventions: Why does one go?

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This is how we stumbled onto Journey into Africa. I also like to visit the Rainbow Resource booth to buy some fun games for the year.


I am not one to listen to the lectures but I know a lot of people feel like they get a lot out of them.

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I'm going to the HS one this summer.

1) it is a mile from my house

2) Andrew P. and SWB's talks on one of the days all line up to be interesting to me.

3) What the hey! They must be there because someone gets something out of it. Maybe this time that someone will be me. Can I really go to my grave having never been to one teeny, weeny conference?

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I sometimes go to hear speakers who I want to hear, but more often to be able to actually put my hands on books and look through them to decide what I think about them.


:iagree: Ditto, I love being able to look through the curriculum. This year I'm thinking about Trisms, but I want to see it not just read about it. So, I'm hoping it will be at our local convention.

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This is how we stumbled onto Journey into Africa. I also like to visit the Rainbow Resource booth to buy some fun games for the year.


I am not one to listen to the lectures but I know a lot of people feel like they get a lot out of them.


Hmmm. So Rainbow Resource has a booth? And you can buy stuff at it? How big is it? Their catty is HUGE!

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I'm going to the HS one this summer.

1) it is a mile from my house

2) Andrew P. and SWB's talks on one of the days all line up to be interesting to me.

3) What the hey! They must be there because someone gets something out of it. Maybe this time that someone will be me. Can I really go to my grave having never been to one teeny, weeny conference?


Voddie Buchman (I am sure I got he spelling totally wrong!) is speaking at the one closest to me, and I am tempted to hear him. I am laughing at myself for being so nervous to go!

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:iagree: Ditto, I love being able to look through the curriculum. This year I'm thinking about Trisms, but I want to see it not just read about it. So, I'm hoping it will be at our local convention.


I sometimes go to hear speakers who I want to hear, but more often to be able to actually put my hands on books and look through them to decide what I think about them.


I would enjoy seeing all the stuff i only hear about. How much time do you spend at vendor booths? Is it crazy crowded? Do you get to purchase that day or is it just to look at? I am rethinking my isolation policy!

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Never been, probably never will.......Too many choices and temptations in curriculum. I would blow our car budget, food budget, school budget, mortgage!!


I've been to one little "middle school/high school" one day conference. It was a total disappointment. I didn't learn anything that I haven't learned on the internet or from friends.


And, I'm too cheap! I could spend the money for the conference on more books!!!

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Hmmm. So Rainbow Resource has a booth? And you can buy stuff at it? How big is it? Their catty is HUGE!


You may want to Google the conventions in your area, then see if they have a vendors list on it. Not every dist. is at every convention. They will spread themselves around and if there is overlap in a state, they will pick and choose where they will appear.


They concentrate on bringing the less textbook based items. It is more of the fun stuff than the heavy curriculum. They will ship free what ever you order at a fair though so that can be nice if you only want a book or two! They bring an impressive selection of manipulatives and games!

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I just love to browse, but I also can't tell you how many times a conversation with a stranger browsing next to me has helped me approve or discard a curriculum possibility! The vendors/publishers/authors are a big help, too, and I love the atmosphere enough and how it encourages me to ramp up for the next school year that I fork over the money to go to a convention whenever I can. Plus, I don't have to pay shipping. :D

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I just returned from our local convention. My dh and I have one getaway alone a year and that is to the hs convention:auto:, sad statement of our travel life but...

I find it a time to look at resources, listen to speakers and hope to be inspired, a time for dh and I to cast a vision for the coming year for our family, it is more than just the convention itself.

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It can be very crowded, but if you shop early/late or while others are in hearing speakers, there may be somewhat of a break in the crowd. Indy wasn't crowded at all this year, compared to past years.


You can spend all your time at vendors' booths if you like, LOL. Schedules are printed so that you can plan which speakers you want to hear, but you're also free to just shop if that's what you want. The vendor hall is open all day, while the seminars are ongoing.


Mostly you can purchase that day. If a vendor runs out of something, or something new is not yet available from the printers, etc., then they may send it on to you. Most of the time these things will be sent to you at no charge and within 2 weeks.


Live a little!

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Hmmm. So Rainbow Resource has a booth? And you can buy stuff at it? How big is it? Their catty is HUGE!


At the 2 conventions I attend (one I work at and one I go for me) , Rainbow resource is the biggest vendor. The great thing about purchasing at the conventions is that shipping is free even if you don't take it home with you. Also, some companies give convention discounts... I got a great deal on VT algebra with a free dvd player thrown in (to sweeten the incentive) this way.

I say the conventions are well worth the cost of registration...


Blessings, kathi

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I would love to attend one, just for the fun of it. To look through books, talk with vendors, and sit in on a couple of speakers.


But the cost has always kept me away. I figure with gas, admittance fee, spouse fee, having to find a babysitter (when anyone who homeschools would want to go and therefore would be unavailable for babysitting) or pay the cost of every single child, and then the one year in IL where they said "no strollers" (I may use a sling, but if I'm going to be looking at books etc, I might want a stroller with me for part of the time), etc....it's just not worth the mess. Then add that I try to save money, not spend it. I can't do that if I waste all of the above on going to convention.

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It's like being a kid going to a toy store for me. I love to look at all the products out there and flip through books that I wouldn't normally have a chance to see. I don't necessarily buy a lot, but I do pick up a few games and other extras that I probably wouldn't order online somewhere.


I do enjoy hearing some of the speakers when there is something different to hear that I haven't already attended.

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Socializing, Shopping, Speakers (in that order:001_smile:)




I love to see my friends and visit with them. This year we moved and it will be our first time back in Florida since leaving. My kids are so excited about catching up with their friends. I also like to actually see curriculum. I realize many websites have great examples online, but it still helps me to actually hold the books in my hands. Finally, I have enjoyed some of the speakers. Sometimes I am surprised at how much the speakers can inspire me to keep homeschooling. Oh... there is another reason I HAVE to go to the convention in Orlando... it is not far from Downtown Disney. Ghiardelli's Ice Cream shop is there and I can get a hot fudge toffee sundae. Absolutely makes it worth going to the convention.

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Occasionally I want to hear one of the speakers, but it's more about handling the merchandise that I would otherwise be able to view only online. I try to have my selections narrowed down ahead of time so I can spend a lot of time looking over the few items I am considering.


Nice to avoid shipping, too.

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