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Everyone! Bed time and wake time for 8-9 yr old girl?

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My dd will be 9 in exactly a month and is currently 4'6" tall. She is usually asleep by 11:30pm and wakes up between 10 and 10:30 am. I'm not worried about the later wake up and to bed times because we're night owls and I'm in no rush to be up before 9am and then only if I have to be.

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DC went to bed around 8 when the youngest was 9-10. When the oldest was 9, and none of them knew how to read a clock, I could get them to bed by 6 :D. Life was good.


DD (14) still needs 12 hours sleep (ideally 8:30 - 8:30ish). Dd(16) is lucky to get 9 (10 - 7) unless it's crew season. Ds (19) morphed into a night owl in middle school.

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At that age:


my oldest went to bed around 11pm and got up around 8:30am


my middle went to bed around 9:30pm and got up around 7am


my youngest went to bed around 9:30pm and got up around 6:30am


So they were all in bed for 9-9.5 hours.



Nowadays, the 17yo goes to bed between 1am and 3am and gets up around 9am on days she has class (starts at 10:30am) to as late as noon on the other days. The 15yo goes to bed between 11pm and midnight and gets up around 8am. The 12yo goes to bed between 10:30 and 11pm and gets up around 7am.

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Mine really needs 10+ hours per night. I usually send her to get ready for bed at 8, then reading in bed by 8:30 and lights out by 9. Getting up at 7:30 or 8 is still tough for her. ;)


She has *always* needed more sleep over a 24 hour period than her brother, even though he took more naps as a toddler than she ever did.


And mine is a small one who doesn't grow quickly. ;) Heaven help us when she *does* finally hit a growth spurt! ;)

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Dd has needed 9+ hours of sleep since ditching naps. If I let her she would happily go to bed with me at midnight and wake up at 10a.



my daughter is the same way.


bedtime is about 8ish here (later in the summer). i read to my daughter & after i leave she usually reads or plays a little with her barbies (stays in bed though & has nightlight on). by about 9 or after though, i usually start telling her to settle down. i wake her up by 8:00 or 8:30 (sometimes 9:00 if she had a really crazy weekend). if i don't wake her up though, she would seriously sleep til 10. she's like my husband, and could stay up late with no issues & loves sleeping in. my son is like me though, even if he stays up late, he's up by 7:00ish

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Both our 6 1/2 and 8 1/2 daughters turn off their lights at approximately 8:30. The younger gets up by 7 and the older gets woken up by me around 8am. I think she'd sleep later if given the opportunity. In other words, my younger gets 10 1/2 hrs and the older gets 11-12 hrs. On weekends/summer/holidays, I let the girls read in bed for as long as they want, and they often fall asleep around 10 and get up around 8-9.

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