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Prayers please! My ds's friend fell 65 feet yesterday!!

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My oldest son (18) loves to rock climb. His friend that got him hooked on it was climbing with someone else yesterday and fell 65 feet landing on his back.


He was airlifted to tha hospital. He currently has feeling in his hands and feet, but is in excruciating pain.


I am getting my info second hand from my distraught teenager, so I don't have more accurate information.


BTW, this young man's parents live out of the country, so they aren't even here at this point. His brother is here attending university. THis is an incredibly huge burden on that young man!


Please storm heaven with prayer for Bradley. Every time A tells me he is going rock climbing, I worry about these type of accidents, but never something this serious. It is amazing that Bradley survived the fall.


I'm not sure when I'll have an update, but I will post when I get one.


Thanks all you wonderful ladies. I know heaven will be hearing our prayers!

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Update on Bradley:

We have more info now. He was climbing with another

homeschool graduate we know. He thought Bradley was belaying himself and

Bradley thought the other young man was belaying him.


Bradley has a fracture in his neck and I think a crushed vertebra. He has no apparent

spinal cord injuries. He is in a lot of pain and is having to receive morphine

injections every few hours. He is also badly bruised and swollen.


He is facing a long recovery, but he is not even in ICU!!!


It is amazing that he is doing so well. It is amazing he is even alive!! He was climbing on Lookout Mtn and landed on a pile of dirt!!! The odds of not landing on a rock are astronomical!


Keep praying for him. When the EMT's arrived, he was conscious. His first words to them were, "Do you know where you are going when you die?" He and the other young man have a lot more than just physical trauma.


BTW....his dad is here, but his mom is still not.


Thanks for the welcome, also. I am not sure you will be seeing much of me, though. I have been using my board break to write a combined grammar/writing curriculum aimed at 3rd/4th graders. We'll see how it turns out. ;)


I will update more on Bradley when I receive any more news.


I just googled and found this article about his fall. http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_126206.asp

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