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My Dog is really sick :(

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Yesterday our sweet great Pyrenees male got horribly ill. He could hardly walk, and was awfully weak. We ended up taking him to the vet last night at 9 pm.


His symptoms were vomiting, excessive drooling, couldn't eat, lethargy and weakness.


The dog was negative for parvo, negative for intestinal worms, They initially thought from the x-ray that his stomach had twisted around, but after draining the stomach cavity and releasing all the gas from it, they x-rayed again and that wasn't it. So they did exploratory surgery to make sure he hadn't ingested a foreign body, but after going through his intestines 3 times that wasn't it.


The doc has no idea what is causing the symptoms, so they are treating those symptoms. The bowel is moving very little and there is concern that the lack of movement will cause sections of it to die. So he is on medication to stimulate the bowel, IV to treat his severe dehydration and antibiotics to hopefully kill off whatever infection has caused all this. The doctor called me at 1 am, right after the surgery was over, but I haven't talked to him since. I did call up there and spoke to one of the other vets who said Linus is still stable, but his condition is still critical.


I don't even know what all this is going to cost, since my dh took him up there. I'm a little afraid to ask.


My biggest worry is that we will spend all this money on Linus and he will die anyway.


Anybody have any ideas?

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the strange thing is this....I've never been a "dog person". But I've totally fallen in love with this guy. We have 2 from the same litter, a male and a female and I just love our male so incredibly much, which I think is the only reason my dh was willing to lay out this much money for an animal I was bawling in the garage sitting with him last night;


My sweet hubby told me he took him to the vet, not for the dog's sake, but for me and my dd.

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Call the vet's office and tell them what you are willing/able to spend. They can treat up to that amount, then call for okay to treat further if Linus improves. Our kitty became extremely ill and our financial situation at the time made it such that we could not afford a huge bill, so my husband gave them a limit of $300. I'm sorry; hope Linus improves.

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Yesterday our sweet great Pyrenees male got horribly ill. He could hardly walk, and was awfully weak. We ended up taking him to the vet last night at 9 pm.


His symptoms were vomiting, excessive drooling, couldn't eat, lethargy and weakness.


The dog was negative for parvo, negative for intestinal worms, They initially thought from the x-ray that his stomach had twisted around, but after draining the stomach cavity and releasing all the gas from it, they x-rayed again and that wasn't it. So they did exploratory surgery to make sure he hadn't ingested a foreign body, but after going through his intestines 3 times that wasn't it.


The doc has no idea what is causing the symptoms, so they are treating those symptoms. The bowel is moving very little and there is concern that the lack of movement will cause sections of it to die. So he is on medication to stimulate the bowel, IV to treat his severe dehydration and antibiotics to hopefully kill off whatever infection has caused all this. The doctor called me at 1 am, right after the surgery was over, but I haven't talked to him since. I did call up there and spoke to one of the other vets who said Linus is still stable, but his condition is still critical.


I don't even know what all this is going to cost, since my dh took him up there. I'm a little afraid to ask.


My biggest worry is that we will spend all this money on Linus and he will die anyway.


Anybody have any ideas?


Have they tested the dog for Lyme disease? My dog showed those types of symptoms. They can test quickly and animals respond very well to antibiotics.




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My Leonberger died of a hemangiosarcoma last year. It's especially common in large breeds. Her symptoms were just like your dog's, except she didn't vomit. She was extremely weak, drooled, couldn't eat.


Hemangiosarcomas in dogs occur most commonly in the heart or spleen. They're diagnosed by ultrasound, although they can be hard to see.


I hope that's not what's wrong with him, but I'd think it would need to be looked into. It's the first thing my vet thought of when we showed up with a profoundly weak dog.

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Have they tested the dog for Lyme disease? My dog showed those types of symptoms. They can test quickly and animals respond very well to antibiotics.






Well, he doesn't have any of the joint swelling or lameness. But I don't think they tested him; might be worth it to ask.

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That happened to our dog a few weeks after we adopted him. He was almost 4 months old when he started vomiting, couldn't walk, was so weak and severly dehydrated. We thought he had parvo, since he was unable to be vaccinated for it and we rushed him to the vet the next day.


The vet tested him for many things, and he didn't have parvo. He gave him some antibiotics, and some fluid shots to get him hydrated. It turned out that he ate some wild mushrooms when we were walking him, I discovered that by watching him go for the mushrooms.


Within a few days he was himself again, and all was good!


I hope your dog feels better soon!:grouphug:

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