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Dd9 has the beginnings of a UTI, advice please :)

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You might want to try dried cranberries for a change of pace, or chewable cranberry tablets (available in most health food stores and fine for children). Yogurt, with its abundance of good bacteria, or acidophilus bacillus in powder form on food (health food stores), will help to boost her overall immune system.


Lastly, I'd suggest no swimming (even "normal" levels of chlorine can be extremely irritating to some girls and women down there) and avoiding leotards or tight-fitting clothing.


Hope she feels better soon!

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http://www.azoproducts.com/products/azo_standard My Dr. recommended this (as well as a prescription) when I had a raging UTI. You can get it at a drugstore. THere is also a cranberry pill she can take, which is better than the juice (full-on cranberry juice is sooo sour, and the juice that's diluted and sweetenend doesn't do the trick).

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honestly, having recently recovered from a UTI, I'd call the Dr. and get her some antibiotics. The PAIN was so severe. There is no way I could have tried tried and hoped something would work. I needed something that DEFINITELY would work. I took my first abx, and within 6 hrs, the pain was almost gone. Plus, you don't want to mess around too long, because as the infection goes up the urinary tract, it heads to the kidneys, and kidney infections, if not treated, can cause permanent damage. Or so said my Dr.

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Uristat will take away the pain. In the grocery story/drug store near the menstrual stuff.


It also dyes your pee dark yellow and will stain your clothing.


If you want to be sure it's a UTI, there are OTC test for that. Take the test BEFORE taking the Uristat, or the yellow Uristat will mess up the test.

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I second the advice you've already been given. It's what we were directed to do for my DD (age 6) when we saw her doctor two weeks ago. I hope it works for you! It did for us, but I know sometimes it's just too late and you can't prevent it.


honestly, having recently recovered from a UTI, I'd call the Dr. and get her some antibiotics. The PAIN was so severe. There is no way I could have tried tried and hoped something would work. I needed something that DEFINITELY would work. I took my first abx, and within 6 hrs, the pain was almost gone. Plus, you don't want to mess around too long, because as the infection goes up the urinary tract, it heads to the kidneys, and kidney infections, if not treated, can cause permanent damage. Or so said my Dr.


I think the idea is that her daughter is just starting to develop a UTI. We recently had my daughter in for the same thing, and her doctor's advice was to NOT treat immediately, but rather flush with water, water, water, water, and more water, then drink cranberry juice. It did the trick. That's also what I do every time I start to get a UTI. There's a difference between knowing one is on its way in and actually having a full blown infection.


You can often tell you're about to get something like that just by a tiny bit of burning when you urinate or abdominal pain, sometimes a day or more before it gets to that severe pain state. I had lots of UTI's in my younger years, but not a single one in the last 8 years, due to a regimen of flushing, acidophilus capsules, and cranberry juice whenever I feel one coming on.

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I think the idea is that her daughter is just starting to develop a UTI. We recently had my daughter in for the same thing, and her doctor's advice was to NOT treat immediately, but rather flush with water, water, water, water, and more water, then drink cranberry juice. It did the trick. That's also what I do every time I start to get a UTI. There's a difference between knowing one is on its way in and actually having a full blown infection.


I would still get a prescription for the antibiotics, just in case. UTIs can come on amazingly fast. The last time I had one, I went from a little burning to peeing blood and sobbing from the pain in a couple of hours. It was Friday when it set in, of course, so I spent the weekend chugging water and cranberry juice, which didn't help in the least. It's good to treat naturally when possible, but when the potential misery-factor is so high, I'd be prepared for the worst, too.

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I would still get a prescription for the antibiotics, just in case. UTIs can come on amazingly fast. The last time I had one, I went from a little burning to peeing blood and sobbing from the pain in a couple of hours. It was Friday when it set in, of course, so I spent the weekend chugging water and cranberry juice, which didn't help in the least. It's good to treat naturally when possible, but when the potential misery-factor is so high, I'd be prepared for the worst, too.


I think it's a good idea to be in touch with a doctor, so you can get them if you need them. I'm just not a big supporter of having drugs on hand "just in case". It seems wasteful, and it's honestly not really great for the planet, even though it's a small thing. It's easy to run and pick one up within a few minutes, once a doctor is called. It's 9:00 on Friday night, so unless she wants to go to urgent care or the ER, that's the only way to get a prescription right now anyway - by calling in, I mean. Different strokes for different folks.

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I think it's a good idea to be in touch with a doctor, so you can get them if you need them. I'm just not a big supporter of having drugs on hand "just in case". It seems wasteful, and it's honestly not really great for the planet, even though it's a small thing. It's easy to run and pick one up within a few minutes, once a doctor is called. It's 9:00 on Friday night, so unless she wants to go to urgent care or the ER, that's the only way to get a prescription right now anyway - by calling in, I mean. Different strokes for different folks.


I wasn't referring to having the actual drugs on hand- just the prescription. Then if you end up needing them, it's just a trip to the pharmacy instead of waiting for a doctor's appointment.

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Sometimes too much acidity from tons of cranberry can cause MORE burning and pain. But a little cranberry or blueberry is good. The only thing that really helps me is a tea my midwife makes for UTIs, it has nettles and marshmallow root and urva ursi and cornsilk. It's amazing!!!!!

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honestly, having recently recovered from a UTI, I'd call the Dr. and get her some antibiotics. The PAIN was so severe. There is no way I could have tried tried and hoped something would work. I needed something that DEFINITELY would work. I took my first abx, and within 6 hrs, the pain was almost gone. Plus, you don't want to mess around too long, because as the infection goes up the urinary tract, it heads to the kidneys, and kidney infections, if not treated, can cause permanent damage. Or so said my Dr.


:iagree: I have never been successful ridding myself of a UTI (and I've had dozens and doznes) with only natural remedies. They are great for prevention though.

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:iagree: I have never been successful ridding myself of a UTI (and I've had dozens and doznes) with only natural remedies. They are great for prevention though.


I have successfully cured fullblown UTIs with a combination of oil of oregano and d-mannose. Just be careful with the d-mannose. I took three doses in one hour because I was in so much pain, and that much will cause intestinal distress.

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She's holding her own right now. I got her from AZO and cranberry pills last night. I try to catch these things really quick so I am hopeful, but if she still has a bit of discomfort I will take her in Mon. am. Otherwise I just hope it doesn't get worse over the weekend ;)

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