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Apologia General Science vs BJU for 7th grade


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I do not prefer Apologia for elementary Science. I have used BJU Science with my oldest DD since 1st grade (she is now 6th). I have always planned to switch to Apologia beginning in 7th grade, but now I am second guessing myself. Any thoughts on this? I would love to hear any opinions for the upper level Apologia.


Thanks for the input. :)

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I hear what you are saying!!! I used BJU with my oldest until 7th grade. She really liked the style and format of BJU. I bought and planned to use Life Science without even considering other options. We did not like it. It was a huge jump in difficulty. I also found it "heavy" for lack of a better word. We found it to be quite intense. There are 2 student texts and 2 teacher manuals, so the amount of material is much greater (I think) than in previous years. I switched to Apologia General. That was a great success and we stayed with Apologia until Biology (another story).


By the way, my youngest adores Apologia elementary. She prefers that learning style to BJU.


I hope others jump in as well because many really do like BJU's Life Science. It is a good course with solid material. But, it is not as easy to teach IMHO.

Edited by HollyDay
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We are using BJU 7th Life Science with DVDs. There is no way I would attempt to use this without the DVDs. There may be some who would. I just don't feel like I could have taught the lessons to the depth and degree that Mrs. Vick does.


It is challenging. This is our first "real" textbook class, and we do some of the work open book. I don't know how others would feel about that, but this class would be beyond us if we did not do it this way.


My dd is learning a HUGE amount of great science. Life Science has fantastic information, and Mrs. Vick does many experiments. Life Science will certainly prepare us for high school biology.


I have very little experience with Apologia elementary science. We used only part of the Flying Creatures book when we studied birds since I made up our curriculum that year. We used the Mammals of the Sixth Day last year. We have not used any upper level Apologia.


I am trying to decide about 8th grade science, and I'm considering Apologia Physical Science. My dd isn't interested in using BJU again since it is a bit intense (border-line overwhelming).


So..... I'm also interested in learning more about upper level Apologia.

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Keep going with BJU. She should obviously be plenty prepared if she has used BJU up to this point. It is the superior program, buy many don't use it because of the difficulty level. Your dd is lucky enough to have been well prepared for it.


We have never used the DVDs. We read the text and do some of the experiments and questions. Not until this year (Biology) did I have them start doing all of the experiments and questions. It isn't necessary before high school.

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Dd is using BJU Life science online right now. If you consider it with DVD's, look at the online option because it is $100 cheaper. I don't get an actual hard copy teacher's book, but I can view it online.


She is 8th grade but hadn't had any life science in a while. She is doing great with it. She has shown more interest in science than she ever has. She seems to like Ms. Vick. I like that she is getting to listen to a teacher for an extended period of time, take quizzes, notes, etc.


I decided on BJU after doing a lot of research on this board. I don't think that dd will end up in a scientific field, but you never know. I want her to be prepared for whatever. It seemed that most people said one year of BJU was equal to 2 courses in Apologia, and that BJU was more of an AP level course.


My only experience with Apologia is the high school level Biology and Chemistry. I taught them about 8 years ago in a co-op setting. I felt that they were written in an easy to understand format. The experiments were easy to do. I did feel that it was a little "light" for a high school level course.


If I were going to use Apologia, I would be sure to allow enough time in high school to do some of their advanced courses. I think which courses would depend on my child's abilities and career options.


I plan on switching ds to BJU online at some point, at least by 4th or 5th grade, but possibly next year for 3rd.

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You have been such a help! I had never looked into nor compared the two curricula. I, for some reason, had always assumed the opposite to be true - BJU to be lighter than Apologia. I guess since Apologia is the "go to" Science curriculum for everyone I know. I am the odd one out using BJU. I am now thinking that my assumptions have been incorrect.

What about the other Apologia levels - Chemistry, etc. Any opinions on these vs. BJU?


Thanks for all the help!:tongue_smilie:

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No doubt you'll get differing opinions, so if you can, I'd recommend really doing your own comparison.


For us, BJU has been our choice. Dd and I looked at Apologia Gen, Physical, & Bio. My dd is a strong visual learner, so off the bat she liked the layout, photos, & illustrations better in BJU. For her, the Apologia text was dry and boring plus she preferred a shorter line of text. Apologia goes all the way across the page whereas BJU uses shorter lines of text broken up with many more pictures or 2 column text. IMHO, columnar format is always much easier on the eyes to read. Plus, I just felt they covered more ground in a shorter amount of time--more efficient learning.


Currently, dd is using Life Science with the DVDs. It has challenged her more than any class she has ever had. She is learning to listen and pay attention to a lecture while taking notes; plus I'm teaching her how to outline her chapters and pick out the most important info. It's taking her about 1 1/2 hrs daily to read, outline, and listen to lecture, & study so this is a tough course. However, she really likes it and is enjoying the depth of learning.




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We've used both BJU and Apologia. Our oldest really enjoys challenging science material and she's been a great fit for BJU. Yes, the 7th grade Life Science course is very heavy. I can understand why many would opt for a DVD or online version. My dh is a science teacher and he was quite impressed with the course, saying it was almost comparable to an introductory high school class. Thankfully he was at hand to help dd through any rough spots.


This student continues to use BJU texts, but we pair them with DIVE into Science DVD's. This has been a great combo, IMO. It makes the lab component easier to manage at home and provides her the chance for some outside instruction. DIVE courses can be used with a variety of texts, both BJU, Apologia, and at least one secular option, BUT to use Apologia requires both the reg and advanced courses. This gives you an idea of the difference in scope between these two currics. We like that DIVE has quarterly exams that test you on some material from the lectures and some from the text- very good college prep.


Another key difference is the reading style. Apologia is much more conversational in tone and really assumes that the student is self-teaching. All of the information and instruction is contained in the student text. BJU has a more formal tone and assumes more teacher interaction (and expertise). While the labs are doable at home. they are geared more towards a school setting.


Our second student has more of an interest in the arts and humanities. She appreciates the tone of Apologia and finds it less intimidating. She enjoyed the General Science course. It did give her a nice background. She is heavily interested in Apologetics and feels called to Christian ministry. While both of these programs are certainly Christian, she feels the Apologia books spend a bit more time on some of these issues. We feel the level of the courses are adequate, especially for a non-science geared student, but BJU is definitely more rigorous.


DIVE Syllabi are available on their website for free. Looking at some may give you a better comparison. I wish they'd develop some middle school courses but maybe looking at some Bio or Chem syllabi might be helpful for you.

Edited by hsbeth
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Would you use two courses from Apologia each year to match the content of BJU - would that be too much? Just rambling thoughts.


I don't think that would make it comparable. BJU isn't faster, it's deeper and more challenging. If you use BJU on sequence, you actually end up spending three years (Life Science, Earth & Space Science, Physical Science) on what Apologia spends two years on (General Science, Physical Science.) But then BJU's Biology pretty much contains what Apologia Biology and Adv Biology contain, so it is a very different sequence.

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You ladies have been such a help. I talked to DH last night and ya'll have convinced us ... we are sticking with BJU. I looked at the pages per book too...BJU has 896 pages in their 7th grade book and Apologia has 426. Even without having them side-by-side you can see that BJU must be meatier. Besides, DD loves BJU Science and my rule thus far has been...if you we are happy, we don't switch. :thumbup:


Thanks so much!

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We are using BJU 7th Life Science with DVDs. There is no way I would attempt to use this without the DVDs. There may be some who would. I just don't feel like I could have taught the lessons to the depth and degree that Mrs. Vick does.


It is challenging. This is our first "real" textbook class, and we do some of the work open book. I don't know how others would feel about that, but this class would be beyond us if we did not do it this way.


My dd is learning a HUGE amount of great science. Life Science has fantastic information, and Mrs. Vick does many experiments. Life Science will certainly prepare us for high school biology.


I have very little experience with Apologia elementary science. We used only part of the Flying Creatures book when we studied birds since I made up our curriculum that year. We used the Mammals of the Sixth Day last year. We have not used any upper level Apologia.


I am trying to decide about 8th grade science, and I'm considering Apologia Physical Science. My dd isn't interested in using BJU again since it is a bit intense (border-line overwhelming).


So..... I'm also interested in learning more about upper level Apologia.


If you like the BJU book but would prefer a less overwhelming way to do it, you could use DIVE. It's much cheaper than the BJU DVDs and still quite rigorous. The DIVE lessons run the class and the BJU book is supporting material. Actually you can use a variety of texts with the DIVE cds. We are doing very well with it.



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If you like the BJU book but would prefer a less overwhelming way to do it, you could use DIVE. It's much cheaper than the BJU DVDs and still quite rigorous. The DIVE lessons run the class and the BJU book is supporting material. Actually you can use a variety of texts with the DIVE cds. We are doing very well with it.




Thank you, Heather!


I would do BJU Physical, but I think since it's a 9th grade class, the math is more than we're ready to tackle. An 8th grade physical science that focuses on chemistry and physics is what I'm looking for. So many physical science texts (including Apologia) include earth science. Since we've done that and didn't just love it, I'm trying to avoid it in physical science.


Many people use and recommend DIVE. It must be a good way to supplement.

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I would absolutely recommend the BJU DVD course with Mrs. Vick. She is wonderful, and teaches the subject beautifully. You can tell that she simply loves science! DS is using it now, and is really enjoying it (as well as learning a lot.)


Personally, I wouldn't teach it without the DVDs, because there are so many "extras" that Mrs Vick includes, that I would never think of on my own. Also, she's a more interesting science teacher than I'll ever be!



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I would absolutely recommend the BJU DVD course with Mrs. Vick. She is wonderful, and teaches the subject beautifully. You can tell that she simply loves science! DS is using it now, and is really enjoying it (as well as learning a lot.)


Personally, I wouldn't teach it without the DVDs, because there are so many "extras" that Mrs Vick includes, that I would never think of on my own. Also, she's a more interesting science teacher than I'll ever be!





So, what is the difference between the DVD for Science and the online Science Course from BJU? Are they the same, just one is online? I notice that the DVD course is $100 more than the online course.


Do you use any other BJU DVD's or just Science?


Thanks :001_smile:

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So, what is the difference between the DVD for Science and the online Science Course from BJU? Are they the same, just one is online? I notice that the DVD course is $100 more than the online course.


Do you use any other BJU DVD's or just Science?


Thanks :001_smile:


The online course and the DVD course are the same -- the delivery method is the only thing that's different. I prefer the DVD courses because they include the teacher's manuals. When you buy the online courses, you gain access to abridged versions of the manuals online, but I prefer "real" books, and I think that at the 7th grade levels, it's important to have the teacher's manuals. I never used them in the early grades, but at this level, it's so much easier to have all the answers to the review questions right in front of me.


We're using the complete 7th grade DVD program for my ds, and it is working out very well so far. We both like all of the teachers, and my ds seems to be learning a lot. Science is his favorite class, and Mrs. Vick is his favorite teacher (as she has been for years.)



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I do not prefer Apologia for elementary Science. I have used BJU Science with my oldest DD since 1st grade (she is now 6th). I have always planned to switch to Apologia beginning in 7th grade, but now I am second guessing myself. Any thoughts on this? I would love to hear any opinions for the upper level Apologia.


Thanks for the input. :)


We didn't like the elementary series but in 6th and 7th started with General (I have 2). It was a hit. Lots of experiments too.

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