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I've finally hit Old Homeschooler status..


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I just dont have the energy to think about "new" curriculum any more!:glare: Its no fun but the truth! I like what I've chosen, its working, kids are learning.. And the ONLY thing I need to change is that our revised plan is leaving out ETC and I LOOOOVE ETC. Gotta fit it back in. But no interest in learning a new math program, or exploring new spelling program or pursuing another history curriculum.. :D

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I envy you that! Actually, this year has been way better than recent years. I've decided on things and stuck with it for the most part. One or two things were so frustrating for me to teach that I would rather stick pencils in my eyes!:lol: So we switched those things. But the longer I homeschool, the less I want to search for curriculum and the more I just want to actually teach and use what we have. :D




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I'm right there with you. I only picked out one new curriculum this year--Windows to the World. And that didn't involve much thought. I was able to look at it and say I know it will work for us. I have our spelling, english, math, ect that I have been using for a long time with all my kids. I don't think I even have the energy anymore to look at new stuff! :001_smile:

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I just dont have the energy to think about "new" curriculum any more!:glare: Its no fun but the truth! I like what I've chosen, its working, kids are learning.. And the ONLY thing I need to change is that our revised plan is leaving out ETC and I LOOOOVE ETC. Gotta fit it back in. But no interest in learning a new math program, or exploring new spelling program or pursuing another history curriculum.. :D


This is a relief to hear you say... maybe I'll say it, too, someday! :lol:

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I just dont have the energy to think about "new" curriculum any more!:glare: Its no fun but the truth! I like what I've chosen, its working, kids are learning.. And the ONLY thing I need to change is that our revised plan is leaving out ETC and I LOOOOVE ETC. Gotta fit it back in. But no interest in learning a new math program, or exploring new spelling program or pursuing another history curriculum.. :D


feeling this way about most subjects, too. But what are you using for spelling? Just curious.

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I'm the same way. I've even got our long-term (all the way thru graduation) plan mapped out for both kids. I've done this long enough that I know what works for my kids and what educational philosophy I like. I sometimes have people try to give us materials touting "it's free, you should use it!', but no thanks. I'm a stubborn old mule :) I even went to a huge homeschool consignment sale and only bought one book because I couldn't find exactly what I know we'll use.


I just dont have the energy to think about "new" curriculum any more!:glare: Its no fun but the truth! I like what I've chosen, its working, kids are learning.. And the ONLY thing I need to change is that our revised plan is leaving out ETC and I LOOOOVE ETC. Gotta fit it back in. But no interest in learning a new math program, or exploring new spelling program or pursuing another history curriculum.. :D
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I'm with you, pretty much. 4th grade was the first full year I homeschooled my daughter, and I used Oak Meadow. Now we're using Oak Meadow for 5th grade for her, and we're using Oak Meadow K with my son. We love OM. It's working, we're having fun with it for the most part, I have no interest in anything else.


I already own OMK-8 and so I'm definitely committed to using it for those grades (and quite possibly even for high school).


We use SOTW more "for fun" on an as-we-have-time-for-it basis, I did buy her a Cursive Workbook each year, and I did buy Times Tales in the hopes that it would help strengthen her times tables memorization.


I use TT for math because the older used version of OM I have only used its own math curriculum through 4th grade, and in 5th it wanted us to switch to Saxon. I did not want to use Saxon, so I decided on TT instead.


And that's it- that's my plan for the next few years at least, I don't bother reading any threads about other or new curriculum except for when I wanted to find out what might help with times tables.


It's really nice, actually, having something I'm happy with and committed to and not always buying or changing curricula!

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This year has been the same for me. I did no research on curriculum for this year, I just bought the next levels of what's already been working. I don't have the energy or desire to research a ton of different things right now either- eventually, we may need a change, but I'll stick with what we're using now for as long as I can.

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Oh, trust me... you'll hit those high school years and suddenly you'll be scrambling around like you're starting all over again. AND -- not only is each student's high school journey completely different, the same student's high school journey can make some VERY sudden and abrupt changes from year to year!


So enjoy the smooth water... while it lasts! :tongue_smilie: Warmest regards, Lori D.

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LOL, I am so old that I am trying new things again!


I think it goes in cycles. . . You're happy with knowing what you're doing for a while. . . then you get bored or start wondering about the latestgreates thing. . .


There were a few years when I didn't even come to these boards regularly b/c I was in such a groove and happy with using the same stuff for several years running. . . Then I came back a year or two ago. . . and now in those couple years I've found MCT, W&M Utopia, new IEW, LAW, Elemental Science. . . and several more things . . . all due to the trouble makers here. LOL

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Oh, trust me... you'll hit those high school years and suddenly you'll be scrambling around like you're starting all over again. AND -- not only is each student's high school journey completely different, the same student's high school journey can make some VERY sudden and abrupt changes from year to year!


So enjoy the smooth water... while it lasts! :tongue_smilie: Warmest regards, Lori D.


My eldest is in high school, and I didn't do any research this year. But, I probably did so much when he first started, that I knew just what we wanted to use this year already. (He's in 11th).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Add me to the group, I am loving what we are doing and have the next couple years planned out too. And better yet, the kids are loving what they are doing and absolutely thriving.... part of me is totally happy and part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop; I know there will probably be bumps in the road but at least now I'm more confident that we can handle whatever comes!

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Oh, trust me... you'll hit those high school years and suddenly you'll be scrambling around like you're starting all over again. AND -- not only is each student's high school journey completely different, the same student's high school journey can make some VERY sudden and abrupt changes from year to year!


So enjoy the smooth water... while it lasts! :tongue_smilie: Warmest regards, Lori D.



thanks for knocking me back into reality!! LOL> Im seriously dreading highschool because then I'll have to start all over again!:lol:

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I'm there and 40!!! :D soon to be 41!! YIKES....We tried a different math curriculum back in the spring, but went back to our original this fall, so we're good for the next 3 years or so. My daughter is learning and the best part is, she's LOVING "school", so I'm not changing a thing!!!! :party:

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