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Mean mom?

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11yo DD, who constantly struggles with keeping her things put away, left her trapper keeper with her school work out on the couch. DS (22mo) found it and is scribbling on one of her Latin worksheets. I'm not stopping him. Does that make me a mean mom? I'm just tired of feeling like a broken record reminding her to put her things away.

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No, you are not mean.....natural consequences!




In the real life of things, if she left her work lying about and this happened to it, she'd still be responsible for it. Hopefully, lesson learned the first time around.


I'm there with my own kids. :glare: (but no little one running around to help me out with this life lesson)

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See, I'd also stop him.


Logical consequence, yes. But I wouldn't want him learning that it's okay to scribble on other people's papers.


:iagree: I guess this is my take. This is also a lesson about teaching a little to respect other people's things and to know where it's ok to scribble. I totally get being exhausted by teaching these kind of lessons though!

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My dd K is 11 also. Then we have the 2 1/2 yr old L . I kinda do both. When L is coloring K's math I tell L " No No that K's school work", and put it up. Then when I see K again I tell her I had to put her things up because L was getting it. In the morning when K gives me her math to check I ever so nicely tell her I can't read it and she need to re do it. She has learned to keep all of her school stuff on the high shelf now.

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Thanks, everyone, for giving your opinions. Next time I might consider the lesson taught to both DS and DD, but this time I'm okay with looking the other way. I think if he had been very destructive, like ripping the paper, i would have stepped in. Tomorrow, when DD sees her paper, hopefully she will learn from this. BTW, the scribbles were very light; DS doesn't push down very hard when he colors or draws, so it'll be easy enough to erase.

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If you allow a toddler to be disrespectful to an older sibling you may be setting up your older child to have some hard feeling towards the younger sibling and you. She will know you are not respecting her, even if she should have put her things up. It's really not that hard to take a paper from a toddler and put it up on a shelf and then ask the older child to put it where it belongs.

If the toddler was getting into something of yours - such as your checkbook or makeup - and your husband or older children did not take it from him simply because you should have already put it away think about whether you would feel they were disrespecting you.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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