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I am really ticked off at paypal

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Last month my 16 yo daughter wanted to buy two items online so I used paypal to pay, solely because I wanted buyers protection. On item cost $4.99 and the other cost $39.99. The shipping was $16.xx so the total was $61.60.


We hadn't received the items so I called last week and cancelled the order. I was told that I would receive a refund within 5 days. Yesterday we received the $4.99 item and nothing else. UPS emailed me a receipt saying the item was divered.


I called the company yesterday and told them again that I wanted to cancel the order and wanted a refund. That I was returning the $4.99 item. I was told that I'd receive a refund and that I'd have a cancellation notice and pending refund notice in a few minutes with the money returned within 5 days.


They closed at 5 and I didn't receive anything. So today I waited until they closed again without receiving anything and filed a paypal complaint.


Paypal closed the claim within an hour. I called them and was told it was because I had received the UPS receipt showing it was shipped and delivered. I told the man that I have the unopened 3X5 package and a receipt showing the item weighs a pound and the other item is large and weighs 15 pounds. I offered to mail them a copy of my purchase order and a picture of the unopened package and it doesn't matter to them. Case closed and my Dd is out the money.


He said if I had bought through eBay that PayPal would have access to the receipts and order and it would be covered. I don't get why the receipt the company mailed me isn't good enough? I also asked if once I return the $4.99 item can I refile a complaint and he said no because the company fulfiiled their part as far as paypal is concerned.


I am done with PayPal.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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No kidding. All you need is a delivery confirmation!? So much for buyers protection.


I'd kick it up the "chain of command" so to speak. Call and talk to a supervisor at paypal. Leave negative feedback, whatever you can do. I'd also call the company you purchased from again as well as UPS. I wouldn't let it go! This is unacceptable! Unless UPS can prove they delivered both packages to you, they should refund your money.

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I'd also ask to escalate the issue with PayPal. You may need to file a new claim as well, this time claiming significantly not as described (one item missing), along with very late delivery.


If you used a credit card to pay, you can call your credit card company and file a chargeback. (When using PayPal, I always use a credit card source of funding for this very reason.) Credit card companies typically decide in favor of the card holder, especially when you can provide supporting documentation, photos, etc.

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There is also the Better Business Bureau. I would also consider contacting the Attorney General as it seems to me that Paypal is facilitating fraud.


I would consider writing a letter to Paypal. I had no luck with a confusion with Borders.com / Amazon.com that got nowhere with phone calls; when I wrote a physical letter, suddenly everything was fixed.

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Delivery confirmation isn't all it is cracked up to be. I have posted on here before about sending 3 items, in a single box, to a buyer on this board. She claimed that when she got the box, only one item (the cheapest, naturally) was in the box. Soooo, somewhere between Atlanta and Virginia, someone opened my box (which was possible only by ripping the mailing label), removed 2 of 3 items, resealed it and sent it on its way. Uh-huh. I sent all of her money back with a note saying "enjoy the bookS" and trust that it will come back to bite her one day.


I am sorry you're having problems. It stinks.



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I'd also ask to escalate the issue with PayPal. You may need to file a new claim as well, this time claiming significantly not as described (one item missing), along with very late delivery.


If you used a credit card to pay, you can call your credit card company and file a chargeback. (When using PayPal, I always use a credit card source of funding for this very reason.) Credit card companies typically decide in favor of the card holder, especially when you can provide supporting documentation, photos, etc.


The way paypal works you have to type in the transaction ID and when I tried to refile using the same ID the system said I couldn't refile. That's when I called and was told there is nothing they can do now.


I am going to call back today and write a letter.


The man at Paypal did telll me I could file in small claims court but I am in AR and the company is in TX. How does that work?

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I didn't realize there was a difference purchasing on ebay or other places. I'd still pursue the refund. Did you receipt show a date mailed. It sounds like the dealer sent the small package with delivery conf. as a way to cover his hiney.


I'm really sorry for you and your dd.

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I didn't realize there was a difference purchasing on ebay or other places. I'd still pursue the refund. Did you receipt show a date mailed. It sounds like the dealer sent the small package with delivery conf. as a way to cover his hiney.


I'm really sorry for you and your dd.


This is what I think happened too. I am calling paypal again today and will see what happens once I speak to a supervisor.

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I just checked and the money was refunded! :svengo: I never expected to actually see the money again. This company must think I am stupid because not 10 min after I hung up with paypal the company called me and asked if I still wanted the $39.99 item! I said no thank you, I want a refund.. Anyhow all is good.

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I just checked and the money was refunded! :svengo: I never expected to actually see the money again. This company must think I am stupid because not 10 min after I hung up with paypal the company called me and asked if I still wanted the $39.99 item! I said no thank you, I want a refund.. Anyhow all is good.


So glad that it finally worked out! Ridiculous that you had to do SO much work to get YOUR money back. This def. has me leery now:glare:

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I just checked and the money was refunded! :svengo: I never expected to actually see the money again. This company must think I am stupid because not 10 min after I hung up with paypal the company called me and asked if I still wanted the $39.99 item! I said no thank you, I want a refund.. Anyhow all is good.



I am confused. Wouldn't you need to call the company for the refund since you did get the item? I don't quite understand Paypals role in this? I thought they were there in case you didn't get it, or if you were unsatisfied with the transaction after you tried to work it out with the seller? If that is the case then I think Paypal went above and beyond by contacting the seller for you and arranging the refund. Am I missing something?

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I am confused. Wouldn't you need to call the company for the refund since you did get the item? I don't quite understand Paypals role in this? I thought they were there in case you didn't get it, or if you were unsatisfied with the transaction after you tried to work it out with the seller? If that is the case then I think Paypal went above and beyond by contacting the seller for you and arranging the refund. Am I missing something?


If you read her first post carefully, she ordered 2 items and only received one.

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I am confused. Wouldn't you need to call the company for the refund since you did get the item? I don't quite understand Paypals role in this? I thought they were there in case you didn't get it, or if you were unsatisfied with the transaction after you tried to work it out with the seller? If that is the case then I think Paypal went above and beyond by contacting the seller for you and arranging the refund. Am I missing something?


I ordered two items:

1 cost $ 4.99

1 cost $39.99


I received the $4.99 and not the $39.99. I paid through paypal hence using paypal to get my money back for the item I did not receive.

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