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What's in your pantry...

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I don't know if I'd classify everything in my pantry & fridge that we snack on as extremely HEALTHY, but they aren't unhealthy (IMO). Here's what we have right now that the kids are allowed to pick out as snacks:


Pantry: pretzles, crackers, raisins, dried apricots, peanut butter


Fridge: string cheese, carrots (we go through a ton of carrots, the kids like the regular sized ones), celery sticks, apples, oranges, plums, pears, grape tomatoes, yogurt


We normally have a lot of fruits and veggies on hand to eat, they are cheap, easy, and healthy. Their favorites lately have been carrots or sliced apples and peanut butter.

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In the fridge:


homemade bread


carrot sticks


cream cheese

plain yogurt (my kids put a little jelly in it to sweeten it)






peanut butter

sunflower butter

And, believe it or not, spinach and feta with homemade dressing


In the pantry:

Sunflower seeds



pumpkin seeds



beans (I mash pinto beans with cheese as a dip), corn chips (for the dip)

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One of my children is on doctor's watch for his weight so I tend to make their snacks for them.


We have whole grain bread topped with peanut butter and banana. I slice the bread in 12 bite size pieces and top each piece with banana slice.


Fruit with yogurt or skim cheese.


Smoothies with frozen fuit.


Lighter banana muffins. I keep these in the freezer. I tweeked the recipe by reducing sugar to 1/2 cup and I add 1/2 cup milk, 1 tsp vanilla and 1/2 tsp cinnamon. I also use wheat germ/whole wheat/regular flour blend in lieu of regular flour. Makes 24 mini muffins and each mini is 1 1/2 WW points.



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We only regularly have a few things around that qualify as snack food. Each of us likes something different.

My teenager likes a handful of sugar snap peas and grape tomatoes. My younger son prefers Triscuits and brie. I eat a piece of string cheese and a few almonds.

We also have LÄRABARS and sunflower seeds on hand.

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Triscuits (we all like the cracked pepper and olive oil kind; YUM!)





canned manadarin oranges, pears, and peaches (always in juice, never syrup)

string cheese


cottage cheese

natural peanut butter on whole wheat toast



Wow. I really must say, the last two years on this board have done WONDERS for the health of my family! If you had asked two years ago, I would have said things like fruit snacks, fruit roll ups, white bread, commercial (not the natural kind) peanut butter, and capri suns. Not that those things are NEVER allowed; they're just not the norm anymore.


Dss hasn't quite grasped that I've changed our eating habits yet. He still asks every weekend if we have any boxed macaroni and cheese or spaghettios. Wonder how long it'll take for him to stop asking. :D (Again, it's not that I'd NEVER buy those again, but it's not something that I always have around, like we used to. In fact, I'm making a point of not having them in the house when dss is here, because that's all he wants if we have it available. He'd live on grilled cheese, spaghettios, and boxed mac and cheese if allowed. That's what he eats at his mom's house, so it's a bit of a struggle when he's here to find compromises that he and I can both live with.)

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Well, since I just watched Julie and Julia I was inspired to cook and wanted to cook fresh.


So, I have in the fridge:



bean sprouts


green onion

portabella mushrooms

snap peas


and I used them all in a wonderful stir fry that just about everyone devoured. Today the rest will be stir fried and then I'll have to head back to the produce dept.!


In the cupboard... sheesh... we don't buy much in the line of snacks... hmmm. We have oatmeal, malt-o-meal, tuna, some canned staples and cereal. Sorry, no help there!

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We have a lot of what everyone else here has, and include homemade hummus at all times in the fridge for veggie dipping. We also have smoothie pops in the freezer (leftover smoothies from breakfast frozen in popsicle trays) that the boys can have as an after school snack or dessert.

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ETA: Oh, I was thinking it was a different sort of thread. lol


I'll add .


Available to eat:


Ingredients with which to bake (yesterday my youngest baked Clara's Sunday Cookies)

Almond butter

Peanut butter

Whole wheat bread

Oatmeal (makes a great snack)

Cascadian Farm Natural O's

Pita Chips

Hard cheese

Cheese sticks

Eggs (hard boiled are popular for snacks)

Various veggies and fruit - my nephew (5) likes apple slices w/peanut butter

My kids are older, so they can whip up food to eat on their own (they are not perfect about cleaning the kitchn, although it's preety good). When my 16 yr old son came home from school yesterday aft, fi, he sliced some green peppers, onions and some sausage in a skillet and made a snack. Yeah, that's a snack. He's 16, so...yk. lol

We still have cherry tomatoes and green beans growing in the garden, so they are eaten as kids walk by to play basketball or get their bikes. I'll miss this in the winter!



I'll play! :) In my cabinets:


Boxes of tomatoes

various dried pasta

dried beans

dried lentils

dried rices, cous cous, quiona etc


cans of soups

cans of beans

Annie's Mac & Cheese




tomato paste tubes









hard squashes







chickens (our own)


sliced peppers

couple of home-made lasagna

chicken broth in portioned containers

some local grass fed beef & bones

some local bacon

chicken livers etc

chicken feet in small freezer baggies (makes awesome broth)

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Guest janainaz

I don't buy any junk. The only dessert I buy that you can literally grab is a box of Little Debbie cakes - and those are for after lunch only. I buy desserts that have to be prepared.


Our snacks are fruit, cottage cheese, cheerios (and other good cereals), pretzels, and carrots. I do buy yogurt - but it is loaded with sugar, so we put it ON the cottage cheese, instead of eating it plain. I also buy plain yogurt or tofu, and make all kinds of fruit smoothies. My ds10 loves black beans and olives also - he eats stuff lke that for a snack. He eats all day. He's 10 and growing and I let him eat, but it has to be somewhat healthy.


We have dessert after dinner, and we aren't THAT extreme. I just don't like having chips and junk handy for my kids to grab. I used to buy a lot of fruit juice and now I don't buy any. We have water or milk. I do buy orange juice, but it's for the morning.


I just figure if I don't buy it, we can't eat it.

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Wow. I really must say, the last two years on this board have done WONDERS for the health of my family! If you had asked two years ago, I would have said things like fruit snacks, fruit roll ups, white bread, commercial (not the natural kind) peanut butter, and capri suns.


Same here, Bethany. A few years ago I would have had to list Doritos. :001_huh:

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Oh, I was thinking it was a different sort of thread. lol


I'll add .


Available to eat:


Ingredients with which to bake (yesterday my youngest baked Clara's Sunday Cookies)

Almond butter

Peanut butter

Whole wheat bread

Oatmeal (makes a great snack)

Cascadian Farm Natural O's

Pita Chips

Hard cheese

Cheese sticks

Eggs (hard boiled are popular for snacks)

Various veggies and fruit - my nephew (5) likes apple slices w/peanut butter

My kids are older, so they can whip up food to eat on their own (they are not perfect about cleaning the kitchen, although they are pretty good about it). When my 16 yr old son came home from school yesterday aft, fi, he sliced some green peppers, onions and some sausage (local of course. lol) into a skillet and made a snack. Yeah, that's a snack. He's 16, so...yk. lol

We still have cherry tomatoes and green beans growing in the garden, so they are eaten as kids walk by to play basketball or get their bikes. I'll miss this in the winter!

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I keep lots of dried fruit, nuts and seeds in the cupboard at all times. Usually dates, figs, cranberries, apricots, raisins, cherries, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts, and walnuts. I also have various types of crackers, pretzels, popcorn, plus Cheerios and usually at least one other type of dry cereal. The kids like peanut butter on crackers or homemade bread. We eat a lot of cheese, and I keep several types of veg on hand for snacking. I always have a big bowl of seasonal fruit on the table (apples, pears, and pomegranates right now), and a bowl of grapes in the fridge. DS loves plums and has his own bowl of those in the fridge right now. We eat a lot of bananas as snacks, and all of us love to eat frozen berries, so I keep the freezer stocked with those. The dc like homemade yogurt with fruit or a drizzle of honey as a snack. I make a batch of cookies each weekend for snacking and packing in dh's lunches. The kids really don't rush through the cookies, they always make them last all week. I like to keep dark chocolate around for my own snacking.:D

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Apples (we went apple-picking last weekend, so when I say apples, I mean LOTS of apples!)

Whole wheat pita & hummus

Those pouches of flavored tuna & salmon



Oats, for oatmeal cookies, oatmeal cookie bars, no bake cookies, & apple crisp; none of which are wonderful for you, but they are a lot better than a candy bar, to my way of thinking.


Periodically, I will buy cereal bars at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods, because I think they're better than a lot of things, but the kids will want them to the exclusivity of other snacks, so I don't keep them around all the time. Same thing with whole-wheat crackers.

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crackers, dried fruits, granola for yogurt, canned fruit, popcorn



cheese, yogurt, cut up veggies..this is key..the cut up part. ;)

sliced meats for rollups, hummus for the veggies, fruit..we like our apples and oranges cold, boiled eggs, salad mixes


when your really hungry before bed..we go in and make a chef salad with lowfat dressing...it's awesome and very filling.

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