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Requesting prayer

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I don't want to go into too much detail but, my father is an alcoholic. Where he works, after work the guys usually hang out and drink. On his good days, he resists, but usually he doesn't.


They usually work from 7-5. The latest he's ever been home was 6:30, even when drinking.


He still isn't home. My mother is a nervous wreck and she is a strong believer in prayer. If you could, please, pray.


He isn't answering his phone. Our car is broken so he doesn't have it and neither do we to go look for him. If he did get a ride, the guy had most likely been drinking as well. If not, he is walking home by himself, drunk and it is a good hour walk. My mother is worried he is lying drunk somewhere or him and his friend were in an accident or what not.


Please, just pray.

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My dad was like that, too. Usually he was just caught up in the moment. Have you called the bar (and asked the tender not to tell him you are looking for him)?


We live in a main city. Where they went, we could only guess.


My mom said at 9 she'll start calling somewhere. Hospitals, police stations, I'm sure she'll look up bars as well.



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