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What I did to save money today

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I went through my kitchen and reorganized it. I realised I have been wasting a lot of money just because of the lack of a system. So, I went through all the cabinets and the fridge ( and tossed way too much spoiled stuff :( ).


I bought some new glass jars and storage containers so we will cut back on zip locks and I also am going to get some labels tomorow. Hopefully that will end the tossing of spoiled food.


But the biggest thing to help I think will be just the reorganziing of things I already have. I can see what's in the pantry now instead of buying more only to find out I have 4 cans of XYZ or whatever LOL.


Now to work on the rest of the house :D

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I went through my kitchen and reorganized it. I realised I have been wasting a lot of money just because of the lack of a system. So, I went through all the cabinets and the fridge ( and tossed way too much spoiled stuff :( ).


I bought some new glass jars and storage containers so we will cut back on zip locks and I also am going to get some labels tomorow. Hopefully that will end the tossing of spoiled food.


But the biggest thing to help I think will be just the reorganziing of things I already have. I can see what's in the pantry now instead of buying more only to find out I have 4 cans of XYZ or whatever LOL.


Now to work on the rest of the house :D


Good job! That's a lot of work.

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Good for you, Jean! Don't you feel so empowered now?


I've got a menu plan going to try to use up all the canned items dh keeps buying and buying. It's not pretty, but that stuff has got to go, one way or another. If I can't use it up, I'm going to find someplace to donate it. I barely have room for new cans and jars!

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May I put in a plug for canning jars?


They are see through, inexpensive, can be frozen, can be heated in the microwave or in a pot of boiling water. They stack. You can label them or not. They come in many handy sizes. The half gallon ones make great canisters. They have airtight screw tops.


They have completely replace tupperware and other storage systems in my home. Great stuff!

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May I put in a plug for canning jars?


They are see through, inexpensive, can be frozen, can be heated in the microwave or in a pot of boiling water. They stack. You can label them or not. They come in many handy sizes. The half gallon ones make great canisters. They have airtight screw tops.


They have completely replace tupperware and other storage systems in my home. Great stuff!


We're headed this way as well. The canning jars are great. Jean, can you come here and reorganize my cupboards? I really need to spend some time doing this as well. Thanks for the reminder.

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May I put in a plug for canning jars?


They are see through, inexpensive, can be frozen, can be heated in the microwave or in a pot of boiling water. They stack. You can label them or not. They come in many handy sizes. The half gallon ones make great canisters. They have airtight screw tops.


They have completely replace tupperware and other storage systems in my home. Great stuff!


Yes! And I found some plastic screw on lids ( for storage and freezing only) so I can reuse them and not worry about rust.

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Great thread. I've been cleaning and organizing too, but only because we were given a different desk so I was rearranging files/homeschool stuff. But I have been trying to be on top of things as far as meal planning goes. We've just been spending too much on food lately and I need to use what we have!


I have found that mayonnaise lids work well for canning jars. Use to be peanut butter lids did too, but I've found that a few companies changed their sizes.



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