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Would you do this?

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Would you, if you were feeling well and up to it, mow the lawn when you're 35.5 weeks pregnant? It would be a self-propelled push mower - not a riding mower.


Dh has been out of town for the last 4 days and today the weather is just beautiful. The lawn needs to be mowed. He gets home tonight (late), but works all day tomorrow. To have him mow tomorrow night would be unfair to the kids because they have been missing him terribly. Friday he works all day again, but Friday night, dd is having 5 girls over for a birthday slumber party. The next day to do it would be Sunday, but honestly, he's been gone, we've all missed him and it's going to be hectic the next few days and nights.


So would you do it? I risk him being upset with me when he got home, but I can deal with that. :)

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Would you, if you were feeling well and up to it, mow the lawn when you're 35.5 weeks pregnant? It would be a self-propelled push mower - not a riding mower.


Dh has been out of town for the last 4 days and today the weather is just beautiful. The lawn needs to be mowed. He gets home tonight (late), but works all day tomorrow. To have him mow tomorrow night would be unfair to the kids because they have been missing him terribly. Friday he works all day again, but Friday night, dd is having 5 girls over for a birthday slumber party. The next day to do it would be Sunday, but honestly, he's been gone, we've all missed him and it's going to be hectic the next few days and nights.


So would you do it? I risk him being upset with me when he got home, but I can deal with that. :)


If it's not hot and you drink plenty of fluid you should be okay and take it easy don't rush sure.

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Would *I* do this?

at 35 weeks?


oh. yeah.


I'd almost hope for early labor since my last 3 pregnancies went 10-14 days over. But then, my 1st was 7 weeks early and fine, so I'm probably one to push my luck. But 35 weeks is far enough along in my book.


With #2, I was shoveling a truck load of mulch after my due date early in May in San Antonio. Hot. Some poor guy bothered to ask when I was due --my face about gnarled up when i said YESTERDAY. lol......


But mowing the yard? w/ a self propelled mower? sure! unless --as someone mentioned-- even walking is decided to be bad for you right now.


good luck!

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Would you, if you were feeling well and up to it, mow the lawn when you're 35.5 weeks pregnant? It would be a self-propelled push mower - not a riding mower.


I've done it.

I mowed a one acre field with a push mower when I was a couple of weeks away from delivering. I wasn't racing around like Mario Andretti, but I got it done. Stop if you feel drained.

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I am now inside after mowing the yard. At first I was only going to mow the front. But then...well, you know how it goes. Anyway, the entire yard is mowed and looks beautiful.


With the exception to the fact that I feel like my back is breaking, I feel fine.


And Kristine, good memory! Yes, it was me a couple of weeks ago with preterm labor stuff. At that time I was told to stop exercising, no se* and to rest as often as possible. At my last appointment last week, I asked if it was OK to resume exercising (notice how I didn't ask about, because I don't care about, having se*, LOL). My Dr. said that it was fine now because I am far enough along that if I started contractions up again, they'd let them go. Why is it then, with the exercising, my contractions have stopped in frequency!?


Anyway, thanks guys for the advice. Dh will be mad, but that's what he gets for leaving me for 4 days to go on a golf trip in TN. :D

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