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I know I'll get little sympathy from some of you but I have to vent. Yesterday, I wore GLOVES on my walk (it was below 50 in the morning). Today it's grey, raining and in the 50's! First we had Junuary, now we have Augtober. Here in NW Washington it seems we had very little summer. I've been driven to wearing make-up :glare:.


Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I think I'll go get me a latte now.

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I'm with ya!


The RAIN is insane this morning. When I took the dogs out this a.m. I wore my long yellow rain coat but my shoes are soaked through, & pants were wet up to my knees when I got home from our morning ramble. I'm sitting here in polar fleece sweats now, reheating myself with coffee too - soy cappuccino in my case :D

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We can switch, if you want.

I live in AL and most of our summer we were under a heat alert, temps over 100 degrees with humidity around 100%. That means you can't even go outside the door without sweating and staying wet for the rest of the day because with humidity that high it never evaporates. Of course that also means that the pool, the one spot for relief most summers, was 95 degrees and no relief at all.

Right now the temperature is about 80, but there is no sun and it is raining, so still no fun.

Oh well, we always want what someone else has. Right?:D

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I didn't put away my "winter" clothes until mid July. Did I mention I started up our woodstove this past Sunday?


I know some folks are miserable in the summer - I have lived in the FL, PA, and NC so I do know how obnoxious summer can be.


So, great places to live are? Hawaii (just can't leave any ol time). Colorado (at least I think so- low humidity). Anywhere else?

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Guest janainaz

As hot and yucky as it is in Arizona, I would take the blistering heat with the sun out any day over grey, cold weather. But I love to visit it!

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I know I'll get little sympathy from some of you but I have to vent. Yesterday, I wore GLOVES on my walk (it was below 50 in the morning). Today it's grey, raining and in the 50's! First we had Junuary, now we have Augtober. Here in NW Washington it seems we had very little summer. I've been driven to wearing make-up :glare:.


Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I think I'll go get me a latte now.


Aww, think positive. It's our first fire of the season. Nice and cozy.

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Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I think I'll go get me a latte now.


It'll get sunny again. I usually only rains about 4 days in September. And remember, if it isn't rain, we'd be as packed as southern CA. Every time it rains, a family of 6 doesn't move here. Plus, as a bonus, western Washingtonians are complete water-wimps, and two cloud skudding by makes nearly everyone else run inside, leaving the parks to you and yours. I also discovered on all but the most rainy days, there is a lull about 2 pm for a walk. My dog lived for those 2 pm, deserted park romps.

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Wow! Last year was like that for us. We had the AC on TWICE last summer. I was SO not ready for winter. And, all winter, I was SO depressed! This summer has been HOT! We've had the AC on almost continuously for 2 months now. Today it was 94. I keep telling myself to enjoy it now because winter is so close!


Anyway, I'm sorry!!! Can you plan for a mid-winter vacation to a warm destination? We always travel in January to lift our spirits.

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Anyway, I'm sorry!!! Can you plan for a mid-winter vacation to a warm destination? We always travel in January to lift our spirits.


Last April we did go to Disney World (mostly nice but rained a day and a half). Actually, when I really want to leave WA in in June because most of the country is warm and I feel extremely jealous that I must still wear long sleeves and jeans.


But, as a pp pointed out, Septembers are usually pretty nice here. It's suppose to get nice again starting tomorrow so I'll be full of joy again :D.

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