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GI issues (way TMI)

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I will never be able to homeschool my children if I have to spend all day in the bathroom!


Seriously, I probably have 8-10 bms a day. This has been going on for a couple of years to some degree. It seems a little more lately. I do not have pain and it isn't URGENT but it is highly inconvenient. For some reason it doesn't cause me a problem when out in public so it is manageable.


I have mentioned it to my dr. at my last 2 checkups and she doesn't seem too interested. She dismisses it as "normal for things to change as we get older".


This has gotten really old. I'm willing to look at changing my diet but I don't know where to start.


Can someone point me in a direction that I can start to try to do something about this on my own through diet/ supplements?

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Are you taking probiotics? Also, do you drink a lot of coffee in the morning?


The probiotics might help balance your system.


I do drink a decent size mug of coffee every morning (about 2 cups probably).


I have thought about probiotics in the past and realize they would probably help but my head starts spinning when I try to figure out what kind I should buy. Do you have a recommendation?

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it could be irritable bowel or ulcerative colitis.... i would ask for a colonoscopy. (when they diagnosed me for ulcerative colitis, they tried sooooo hard to convince me it was just "gas". it was time for a new doctor).


in the interim, you could try taking psyllium, which is a bulking agent that might help a lot.


good luck!


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I would consider going to a gastroenterologist. You may have irritable bowel. Unfortunately, it is usually diagnosed by testing and eliminating other more serious conditions. Not a huge thing, but there are several tests they will usually want to do just to be sure.


I have irritable bowel, but for me it's very mild. I have taken medication for it at times over the years when I was under alot of stress and having a hard time getting a handle on it. Normally, I can control it through my diet, reducing my stress levels, and exercise.


I would try to limit your diet to basic foods for awhile. Cut out refined foods, anything processed or that has alot of additives, nutrasweet or any other artificial sweeteners, dairy, etc. Certain vegetables can be a problem such as cabbage, broccoli, onions. Eggs may even cause problems. Try to see if certain foods are making it worse.


Keep a food diary to see if you notice any changes based on what you are eating.


How is your stress level? IF it's irritable bowel, stress can be a huge trigger. Find ways to cut back on stress. Exercise to help regulate your bodies natural rythms.


Even with all of that, you may need to get a diagnosis just for your own piece of mind. I would often make things worse by worrying just because I didn't know what exactly was wrong with me. Once I had a diagnosis, my stress level went way down, and I was better able to deal with my symptoms without medication.


I know how difficult it is when you suddenly have to go to the bathroom, you go ,and ten minutes later you're back in there going again. It makes it difficult to go anywhere.


I hope you find an answer.

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I know your misery. I did get a diagnosis of IBS, with no real help or solution. Psyllium husks help. Digestive enzymes help (I use Wobenzyme most of the time.) I cut out gluten, soy and cow's dairy, which all have helped with absorption and have alleviated the depression I've always struggled with. I can tolerate very little processed grain of any kind.


All these measures have come by trial and error, and there are many times that I'm still caught out. But it's better. I hope you can find some relief, too.:grouphug:

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I would go to a naturopathic doctor. I was having a similar problem until I was treated for parasites. The doctor ended up treating me based on my symptoms. The problem with testing is that parasite tests can give false positives very easily because 1. parasites have life cycles and if you test at a wrong time in their life cycle you won't find them and 2. even if it is the right time of the life cycle you don't shed bits of parasites or eggs at every BM (tmi, I know). The treatment wasn't fine. I was on 2 prescription meds and 1 herbal preparation for 2 months. But the difference in my health afterward has been amazing!


(Obviously this isn't the only thing that it could be or that a naturopath would even consider.)

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BTDT for the last 5 years. It is a good idea to get checked out by the gastro. I had 3 polyps removed, but that was not my problem. I spent many a day in the bathroom or in bed with terrible cramping. I started taking probiotics last January and it has changed my life. I know many here will smirk or scoff but I take Colon Health probiotics from Phillips. I get it in the grocery store. The bottle says to take one per day but that wasn't quite enough. I take two per day and spend most days with my kids in the real world now. It's nice feeling like a normal person again.

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Are you taking probiotics?


The probiotics might help balance your system.


This is exactly what helped my dh with this same problem. No waiting around for it to work either (for him). It started helping the very first day. He has been fine for a few weeks now. Finally!

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I do drink a decent size mug of coffee every morning (about 2 cups probably).


I have thought about probiotics in the past and realize they would probably help but my head starts spinning when I try to figure out what kind I should buy. Do you have a recommendation?


coffee does this to me (also at home and not in public. WHAT is up with that?) and it's not only because I'm now lactose intolerant at age 47.


You do sound like you have irritable bowel. Diet can help with the symptoms. My mother had ulcerative colitis and you'd get cramps and it would be VERY urgent. Thankfully I don't think you have that.

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I just wanted to come back and say that my Dr. didn't do the parasite thing until she had me do an elimination diet, took out gluten (and tested for gluten intolerance and celiac), took out dairy, tested for candida and put me on strong probiotics (I'm still on the strong probiotics). It's a process sometimes to find the problem. I hope you find it quickly and can feel better soon.

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