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What are the best/worst things about homeshooling?

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Share your opinion about the best and worst things about homeschooling....


The best thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.


The worst thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.






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Share your opinion about the best and worst things about homeschooling....


The best thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.


The worst thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.




:iagree: you nailed that one! :)


Best things:


Getting to know my kids' strengths and weaknesses and developing a very tight bond.


Guiding their education and knowing what they're being fed and that it's wholesome.


Learning alongside them.


Guilt-free book buying.


Worst things:


Constant nagging doubt that they're learning enough or the right things, or being exposed to enough new experiences and people.


I feel like my own life is on hold. I never dreamed of growing up to be a homeschooling mom. I still don't have that dream for myself - this is a season of sacrifice, for me.

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The best thing is of course my kids. I know them better than anyone else.


The worst thing is that it is really hard to stay connected with my friends. The other worst thing is the financial struggle I committed to when we decided to homeschool. I didn't know that for us deciding to homeschool was equivilent to taking a lifetime vow of poverty. :blink:

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Share your opinion about the best and worst things about homeschooling....


The best thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.


The worst thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.





:lol: at the lifetime vow of poverty!!!


The best thing is the flexibilty for family life.


The worst thing is *I'M* the one who has to flex for all this flexibility!


The best thing is individualized instruction for the dc.


The worst thing is that *I'M* the one individualizing that instruction...x3!


Truly, not being a 2 income family makes us vulnerable to financial woes...like my dh being unemployed at the present.:glare: I am contemplating ways to make $ and not uproot my dc's education at the same time, and that's a heavy burden!


Truly, I know exactly what my dc are learning in school. I am well researched in how to help them overcome their academic struggles, and have the Hive to help where I'm not.

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Share your opinion about the best and worst things about homeschooling....


The best thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.


The worst thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.





I also wanted to add that the BEST thing about homeschooling is being able to teach each of my children differently according to their needs.


The WORST? Right now... it's the Public/Private school parents that I encounter, especially at church who just DON't GET IT.

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Best: I had the honor and pleasure to teach all of my kids how to read!! That just makes me warm and fuzzy inside!


Worst: All the guilt (that I mostly put on myself) about not doing it well enough or being able to do it the way I'd like to (financially unable or whatever reason!).

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Best: I had the honor and pleasure to teach all of my kids how to read!! That just makes me warm and fuzzy inside!


Worst: All the guilt (that I mostly put on myself) about not doing it well enough or being able to do it the way I'd like to (financially unable or whatever reason!).

:iagree:with everything said by all. My best: the schedule thing. A school schedule would have made so many things impossible for me -- extended family emergencies and hardships, pregnancy, new baby.

The worst about homeschooling, I just get tired of people telling me that my kids are "missing out". My kids don't want the school socialization, which I consider socialism. Okay, sorry, but that's me!

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I think the bast thing is that I've helped to play a big role in how my children were raised and that I was able to do it the way I thought best. We have a much closer relationship to each other through homeschooling than most kids have with their parents and that's a huge plus in my mind


The worst part is hearing everyone trash homeschooling which sticks in the back of your head and rears up sometimes to make you doubt that what you are doing is the right thing. I'm still not sure I've done the right thing but I know I must of done something right because both of my kids are in college and doing great both grade wise and socially wise. I can actually look back and see how unfounded my doubts were and how much the society played a role in causing them.

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Share your opinion about the best and worst things about homeschooling....


The best thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.


The worst thing about homeschooling is my children are always with me.




I agree that the best and worst are two sides of the same coin.


I'm responsible for my kids' education on a micro level. Both pro and con


The best is that I get to see them so much more and can work with them right where they are rather than where the class average is.


The worst is that I can't have a bad day without it having a huge negative impact on them.


The other worst that I rarely see mentioned is the adverse impact on mom's health because it is more complicated to do doctors' appointments or get to the gym. I don't have a wide swath of time in the middle of the day when I can schedule check ups for me or go to work out. It is only now that my oldest is able to stay home with the youngest that I'm getting back into regular workouts.


I went round in circles with our gym trying to work something out to either use the child watch room or to let them sit in the hallway where I could see them from the fitness rooms. I do understand where they are coming from with child safety/disturbing other patrons. But it is frustrating (since we're in a military overseas base community) that I can't seem to get the powers that be to recognize the catch 22 (can't have them in the gym because they are too young; can't leave them at home because they are too young; can't use the Child Development Center because they are too old).


Outside family exercise is a great option, but I think that many of us live somewhere where the climate rules this out for months at a time.

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Best things: knowing my kids, keeping them safe, teaching them to see God in all things, living a simpler life.


Worst things: Doubt ("can I really do this?"), icky judgemental religious fanatics who give all hs'er a bad rep, answering "why do you homeschool?" a million times when asked by people who really don't want to know why we do it!

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