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WYET? (Would you eat this?)

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No...but I also had a $6800 hospital bill from food poisoning recently...so I risk NOTHING. I've never hurt so bad in my life. Passed out in pain at home; husband called 911. I "came to" right before ambulance arrived. Pooped in the ambulance. Pooped while being unloaded, pooped pooped puked and puked. It was horrible. And this was from chicken ordered at 11:30 am from a restaurant (not like I ordered if at off-peak time). An ounce of prevention....

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No...but I also had a $6800 hospital bill from food poisoning recently...so I risk NOTHING. I've never hurt so bad in my life. Passed out in pain at home; husband called 911. I "came to" right before ambulance arrived. Pooped in the ambulance. Pooped while being unloaded, pooped pooped puked and puked. It was horrible. And this was from chicken ordered at 11:30 am from a restaurant (not like I ordered if at off-peak time). An ounce of prevention....


Oh my goodness--how horrible! I've never had food poisoning, and I had no idea it could be so bad. :ohmy: Do you know if this is typical?

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Made homemade chicken stock on Tuesday night. Put it away in the fridge. Forgot about it until today. Can I bring it to a boil and make it into soup today?

Would you eat it?


I'm sure I have eaten chicken stock that was 4 days old. I think that's a safe period of time: usually 4 days for poultry, right? I would eat the soup today or maybe tomorrow.

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DH says if it was kept below 40 degrees within the time period you indicated it will be okay if you bring it to a boil. However, if the temp was compromised during the time it was in the fridge, meaning brought out briefly then put back in, "there are no guarantees". (He works in food service which is why I asked him.)



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Yes, I would eat it, if it was made from fresh chicken. IF it was already 3+day old chicken that was boiled, I would be a bit more leery.


I wouldn't keep it around for 3 more days after the soup was cooked. If I freeze something like this I mark a note to use it in something that will be eaten in one meal, like gravy.

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