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How well do you know your history?

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According to this report, Harvard seniors scored the best of all college students on this history test with a mean score of 69.56%. The average American college senior scored a 54.2% Even with my dismal ps history background, I am happy to say that I scored much better than that. :D


Here is the link if you want to try it:



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I originally saw the link for the test in an article in USA Weekend about why Americans don't know much about history. The author takes the approach that history, as taught in textbooks and by rote memorization, is boring, but should be taught as stories instead. Sound familiar?


Here is the link to the original article if you are interested.




I think I made some good guesses too.:)

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Well, I did much better than I thought, partly because I'm an excellent guesser! LOL


The economics questions blew me out of the water. A few others I flubbed because the answer seemed too obvious and I just picked something else! This is probably my worst subject but I somehow managed a 73.3%

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It's the legacy of a misspent youth... we did competitive practice SAT tournaments for family fun... and played cooperative 'let's see how many errors we can find in this letter/newspaper article/etc' games... and the Shakespeare game was always a favorite.


Quizzes are fun b/c they make me see all the things I don't know as well as I thought I did - now I have a list of things to review (or learn for the first time - I have never learned more than the tiniest smidgen of economics), and that is exciting. They're like crossword or sudoku puzzles... except they give me an excuse to study something more.


Yes, I am *really* not normal, I know... but I have a lot of fun! :)


That's ok, dh would say I'm worse...I enjoy those things, too, but only when I'm sick enough to stay in bed. He complains that they hurt his head, especially when he's sick. LOL

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90% - I hope so, considering I just finished Paul Johnson's A History of the American People AND the Daniel Boorstin Americans trilogy. I have Sowell's Basic Economics on the list for this summer. Which is good, because just about everything I missed was economics.

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