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Decluttering... a daily report!

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OK, so after another thread I was hoping to find a couple of people who would be willing to post some ongoing quick updates (or funny stories?) on some daily decluttering goals. This is something I'm ALWAYS working on, but with another school year just weeks away, I really need to make some more noticeable progress! So how 'bout it? Maybe post what you just did today or yesterday, or what you want to do today?

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My report: Yesterday before bed everyone worked for 10-15 minutes and we got the island/counters/table clear, and made sure the LR and kids' room were picked up. The flat surfaces are what really get me -- feel great when they're clear, feeling a weighty grumpiness when they're not. Oh, and I finally packed up 6-8 clothing items that have been hanging on my closet door for the past 2 months :blushing: waiting for me to prepare them for the consignment shop. OK, how ridiculous is that?! So I put them in a box and they're going to Goodwill.


Today: maintain the flat surfaces in the kitchen, clean up the computer desk area, and attack the several boxes near the stairs waiting for someone to do something with them. My mom will be visiting, so even this much will be a major accomplishment.


Woo hoo -- off to work! :D

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I'll jump in...it will keep me going if I am accountable to somebody. ;) We started with our little office upstairs. I wanted to paint, so my daughters and I moved all the books off 2 bookshelves, purging them as we went. The purged books are now in boxes waiting their trip to Goodwill. I painted, then moved the bookshelves back in and reorganized those books. Then onto the shelves over the built-in desk along one wall, which holds a ton of curriculum. We purged those and made them tidy and more presentable. That purged curriculum is in stacks of boxes in my room awaiting my selling of them (my next project). I refinished the ugly desk cabinets (after several staining/sanding/staining/sanding/staining disasters) and finally have them looking better instead of worse! The funny discovery from all of this was finding an empty jar of Nutella and a spoon in the back of one of the drawers. :D

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I have been delcuttering like a wild woman for about 2 1/2 weeks now. 2 weeks ago we had the back of the pick up truck full, last week it was full again only loaded up so high that it reached to the top of the cab, and this week I've already filled one very large trash can, 2 smaller ones, plus a big stack of stuff sitting there beside them. I've also donated to several friends and Good Will and I'm not finished yet! I've NEVER removed so much stuff from my house before. I'm having a blast freeing myself from stuff :D

Edited by Tracy in Ky
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I'll join the posting! :) Yesterday I did my and my husband's closet. There was a little to declutter, but also just refolding the shirt/shorts on the shelves. It looks like a Gap store now. :)


Today I'll get my sons' closet purged and tomorrow is the furnace room, which has tons of winter wear sitting on the floor b/c I had them stacked on metal hangers which I needed for making smores at camping. lol

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I have been slowly working on decluttering. You guys are making me feel like I am doing "NOTHING" (said in a sing song voice) ;)


I am going to try harder today to get rid of some junk. My house has to much stuff in it.


Tracy, wanna come help me? :D I seriously keep saying I am going to do what you are doing but just haven't done it. I bet it is freeing :001_smile: Way to go :hurray:

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This past weekend, an old friend from high school came from out of state to visit me. I used that as motivation to get the house cleaned up and do some decluttering. Now it actually feels nice to be in my house, so I want to maintain the momentum!


Here's a weird confession. Our microwave oven broke down several weeks ago. We bought a new one, and put the old one on the hearth in the living room. I'm not sure why, but there it sat, ignored but not forgotten for *weeks*! Finally, because of my friend's visit, I got motivated to make some phone calls and find a place in town that recycles small appliances. And now it is finally GONE! :D


I also gave a *huge* bag of my old clothes to Goodwill, and another *huge* bag of my daughter's old clothes to a friend who has three younger girls. We also gave them a bicycle my dd had outgrown (which turned out really well since one of her daughters just had hers stolen) and a stack of homeschooling books.


My school room is clean and organized and ready for 5th grade (though I'm not!). The house in general is in pretty good shape, with my daughter's room being one glaring exception. I really dread dealing with that. Do I have to? She's 10, she should do it, right? Problem is, she doesn't seem to be able to let go of anything!


We just had the shower in our master bathroom completely gutted and rebuilt, and it looks fantastic! So now I need to move all my makeup and toiletries and such back into my own bathroom, and purge in the process. I guess that will be my project for today.

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Tracy, wanna come help me? :D I seriously keep saying I am going to do what you are doing but just haven't done it. I bet it is freeing :001_smile: Way to go :hurray:


You have no idea. :lol: The more I get rid of, the more I am motivated to get rid of other stuff. Rita Emmett has written a neat book on decluttering, and you can read the first two chapters free if you submit an e-mail address (my one beef is that on one page she encourages lying to people--other than that it is a fun and helpful book to read.)



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I can jump in on this.


We have been renting out a storage unit because we live in a little townhouse with no garage, basement or attic. Which was supposed to be a temporary thing but with the housing burst, moving is not an option right now.


On top of that, there has been a financial crisis in my family and now we are helping to support my parents. So I'm stripping our budget of all the little non-necessary costs - including the storage unit.


So I am taking babysteps - each weekend I take out 4 boxes from storage (most of the stuff is my collections -books, precious moments, figurines, christmas - from before I got married.) and I am only keeping what I have room for. : ( I've brought home 8 boxes of books/paperwork so far and only keep the equivalent of two.


During the week I am decluttering the house to make room for this stuff. The bedroom came out fantastic last week. I'm focusing on the living room and closet under the stairs this week.


So I don't know if I'll have daily progress (I work), but I'll have weekly progress reports!

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I have hit a lull in decluttering energy, primarily due to the kids' activities (ie, chauffeuring them), but also because I had to stop and think about the relocation of some items. We are in the third year in this house and I am still not adjusted to multi-level living. But I think I know now where some stuff needs to go permanently and so I know what area I can tackle for today's decluttering. Off to tackle it.... Watch for a sig line update!

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Recently I re-organized the school supplies and small bookshelves that keep our "use daily" books on them. I also did a yearly BIG task... I have a 3 inch 3ring binder for each child and I keep page protector/3 hold punch pockets in them and I file their year's worth of report cards, awards they have earned, work samples and art that I really like in them. Throughout the year, I get lazy and toss these in their own piles... (you'd think I'd learn)... then I sort them and file them in the binders. I love having these... they are for pleasure, not necessarily record keeping... So, I got this finished this past weekend...


As far as yesterday and today go... I finished painting the walls in my vanity area of the bath/bedroom... today I am working on the ceiling along one wall...


Sorry... that's not a declutter testimonial... BUT when I finish the painting, I will be going through every drawer and cupboard in there and tossing and organizing!!

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I've been on a declutter program since my mom passed away last year. We also moved last year and there are still boxes packed... I really went to town while my older 2 kiddos were at camp. I've decided I'm not even going to try purging their rooms while they are here - this was so painless! So, 7 garbage bags later I feel like I'm on roll :D


I have an upstairs den that I'm going to turn into a "library" (a bit of a stretch but it sounds so wonderful!). So today you all helped me remember that before Thursday I have to get the stuff in there cleaned OUT and start putting books IN. I'd completely forgotten about it until I read this thread since I don't see it everyday.


I really struggle with all the stuff we do "need" to have (you know, 8 bike helmets an extra car seat, Christmas tree, enough plates for parties), it just all takes up so much physical and mental space! So then I get carried away and get rid of what appears to be extraneous but often end up regretting it when I look for that one specific thing I could really use right now! It's a constant battle to me.

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Over the weekend we got rid of some empty computer part boxes. They take up huge amounts of space and since we are past the return or warranty period they could go.


We also went through and sorted some old financial paperwork. We don't need copies of the water bill from an apartment we rented in 1999. We don't need copies of checks from that old either. The financial paperwork is going to the big industrial shredder at my husband's work for the next couple of weeks because our little shredder can't handle that kind of volume.


We are making progress!

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You all are positively inspiring!


I've always had trouble getting rid of books, but I finally took a stand with myself. I've spent years collecting books with the reasoning that we might use them for schoolwork. But now that we're starting Grade 9 (and have just the one kid), I've been able to assess a few things and admit that we will never, ever, no matter what happens, use them.

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Yesterday I spent 7 hours cleaning/decluttering my kids' rooms and closets. We found 3 trash bags of garbage and under one kid's bed I found FOUR loads of laundry (including a whole load of towels). I couldn't figure out why she kept running out of clothes!


Those two rooms and closets look better than they have in months.

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I love these posts -- very encouraging! I even laughed out loud at a couple of the stories and comments. :D


I got those boxes cleared out that have sitting there for such a ridiculously long time. And WOW! does it look better!! They were even neatly contained, but having them completely removed is just so refreshing. I still need to be ultra-vigilant with keeping those flat surfaces cleared, and now there are a few things that have migrated to the top of the stairs... hoping someone will put them away in the basement.


Would LOVE to hear how some of you make the tough decision to actually GET RID of things permanently. In the past I've tended to just shove stuff in the basement. I am plagued with the "Someday Syndrome" -- meaning that "someday" I might need this. I've come to realize that I can justify just about anything. :glare:


My favorite "decluttering" book is Peter Walsh's It's All Too Much, but I still have trouble letting go....

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Would LOVE to hear how some of you make the tough decision to actually GET RID of things permanently. In the past I've tended to just shove stuff in the basement. I am plagued with the "Someday Syndrome" -- meaning that "someday" I might need this. I've come to realize that I can justify just about anything. :glare:




I'm partial to the Red Velvet Rope Test.



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Would LOVE to hear how some of you make the tough decision to actually GET RID of things permanently. In the past I've tended to just shove stuff in the basement. I am plagued with the "Someday Syndrome" -- meaning that "someday" I might need this. I've come to realize that I can justify just about anything. :glare:


My favorite "decluttering" book is Peter Walsh's It's All Too Much, but I still have trouble letting go....


I love Peter Walsh's book too. It actually inspired me to get rid of a lot of stuff.


Here's a good post too:

How to Simplify When You Love Your Stuff

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Love the article -- thanks, Stacia! It was very encouraging and had a couple of specifics along with thought-provoking questions that I need to ponder. I ended up reading the post just after it as well: Clean-Slate Guide to Simplicity. I think that idea may work well for one of the DDs. Not sure if I could pull it off with the household stuff, but certainly with my email!


I've read the zenhabits blog a number of times, but I never quite know what I'll find because I can't quite grasp the organization. So I appreciate that you directed me to something specific. But I LOVE the blog, and the concept of simplicity. Trying to get there, but it's the tiniest baby steps... and sometimes 2 steps forward, 5 steps back. lol

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Here's a weird confession. Our microwave oven broke down several weeks ago. We bought a new one, and put the old one on the hearth in the living room. I'm not sure why, but there it sat, ignored but not forgotten for *weeks*!


You're not the only one who puts things in weird places. I suspect it's how most of us got to where we need to declutter.


Right now there is a step-stool and a tent in my living room, an assortment of tools (saws etc.) in the family room etc.


It's got to stay that way until some of these projects are finished though.

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we decluttered 3 plastic drawers of dress up rings, necklaces and bracelets today.

I also went through my animal medication cabinet and threw out all outdated/not used meds and straightened that area up again.

Plus, I had hubby move the stove so that i could clean behind, under and around it very well today but that is for another posting.

more planned but we will see.

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