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I thought it was just WTM Lore, but the Meat Truck came to my house today!

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I was standing in the kitchen, someone rang the doorbell, the dog started growling, barking and doing her Go Away Dance. Dh answered the door, but I couldn't hear the visitor's words, just dh's. He said, "Uh, no thanks. We're vegetarians."


And then I knew.


It was the Meat Truck. I stood completely shocked in my kitchen, suspended somewhere between laughing hysterically and just not believing they actually came to my house. Or that dh just told someone "we" were vegetarian (because he's so totally not!).


My gosh, it's real.


Dh came into the kitchen and said, "This toothless lady with tattoos all over her face just tried to sell me meat from the back of her van. What the h**l is going on in this world?"


Then I totally lost it and laughed until I almost wet my pants.

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Before we were married, dh sold meat from a truck for about a month. He had been unemployed for about 6 months and was looking for anything.


His boss was professional and very friendly and the company trucks were refridgerated and well taken care of. The salesmen/women were expected to dress nicely and be personable. The meat was high quality and tasted great. But I was so glad when he found something else in his field. He's a computer guy.


I've only had one meat person come to my house since then and it was just a few months ago. I didn't buy anything because he was pushy and the meat was in the back of his personal van.

YUCK :tongue_smilie:

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Grass fed? Hormones? Organic? Antibiotic-laden? If you are going to pay a ton, make sure it's not what you could get at the market for a far better price. Nasty meat is nasty meat, whether you have to fetch it, or it comes to you. ;) I know a guy who tried to sell his not- special meat at the farmer's market for grass fed prices. I was shocked. Be careful not to get ripped off.

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My "d"h actually bought from the meat truck not once, but twice! Both times when I wasn't there. :glare: He only bought filets and steaks and loved that the steaks could go on the grill still frozen and would still cook up tender and juicy. I always told them we hunted our own meat and the freezer was full so they would go away.

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They have come here too. I always tell them, "We hunt our own meat." (Which is true.) They haven't tried to come back.


Snort!! Tell them that them look 'em up and down reeeall good and ask them if they'd like to step around to the shed in the back. Can't you just see them running??

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Alright, let's clarify....are you saying that a person actually sells meat out of their truck...and its not the Schwan man? Because that's what I always thought you meant and never understood why it was a joke. Schwans is pretty respected around here.


Not Schwans. It's the Nasty Meat in the Back of the Truck Co.

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Alright, let's clarify....are you saying that a person actually sells meat out of their truck...and its not the Schwan man? Because that's what I always thought you meant and never understood why it was a joke. Schwans is pretty respected around here.


Yes Ma'am! If they represent a respectable company, it's not the first thing that falls from their lips (nor the last, because this lady didn't say anything about a name). I'm guessing they do rep for a company, but I've not heard which company it is. And I ran to the window just to catch a glimpse of this thing, and all I saw was a white van with no lettering on the side to indicate the name of the company.

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Alright, let's clarify....are you saying that a person actually sells meat out of their truck...and its not the Schwan man? Because that's what I always thought you meant and never understood why it was a joke. Schwans is pretty respected around here.


When people talk about the "meat truck" I don't think they mean the Schwan's guy. There are other companies that sell different packages of meat. They usually have market vehicles and/or a company brochure etc. I do wonder if some people are talking about individuals who are just trying to sell random meat out of their personal vehicle....um....I can't imagine!


The "meat truck" came to my house last year. My response? Now you have to picture Captain Jack Sparrow when he is accused of stealing and responds sarcastically, "......Pirate!" So I said, "........Cattle ranch!" Duh!

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Alright, let's clarify....are you saying that a person actually sells meat out of their truck...and its not the Schwan man? Because that's what I always thought you meant and never understood why it was a joke. Schwans is pretty respected around here.



The ones that come by my house are just an old beat up pickup about the size of an S10 with a chest freezer in the bed. It's connected to the cigarette lighter to keep it frozen. No logos or signs anywhere... but they do have a nice trifold brochure that could've been printed on any computer anywhere!

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I don't mind the ones with the refrigerated trucks. I don't buy from them, but I don't run screaming either. And I've heard good things about Schwans. But the meat truck that comes here is a beat up old pickup with a large plastic cooler tied down in the back. That is meat to run screaming from.

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Not Schwans. It's the Nasty Meat in the Back of the Truck Co.



This totally cracked me up! They come to our house too!


I don't find the meat truck people as scary as the teenagers selling porn magazines for "school fundraisers". I had never encountered that before and came on here and posted about it and apparently it happens everywhere too. Crazy.

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My mom and dad had a meat guy but he owned a local farm and had a small freezer truck. He had fantastic meat at great prices and I was insanely jealous of them. Dad claimed the old guy was actually just the village gossip line and the meat was just a cover.


Anyhow, he was a meat guy of a totally different breed then the ones being discussed here I guess!

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I had no idea people were talking about Just Anybody coming down your street in an unmarked car selling meat with no proof of how it was slaughtered or cared for later. You're really depending on the kindness of strangers in this case....;) I can imagine people finding dead deer on the side of the road and then trying to sell it. "How long was this dead before you processed it?" "I'm not sure, but the maggot population was low. It's great. I fed it to my own kids". lol

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I was standing in the kitchen, someone rang the doorbell, the dog started growling, barking and doing her Go Away Dance. Dh answered the door, but I couldn't hear the visitor's words, just dh's. He said, "Uh, no thanks. We're vegetarians."


And then I knew.


It was the Meat Truck. I stood completely shocked in my kitchen, suspended somewhere between laughing hysterically and just not believing they actually came to my house. Or that dh just told someone "we" were vegetarian (because he's so totally not!).


My gosh, it's real.


Dh came into the kitchen and said, "This toothless lady with tattoos all over her face just tried to sell me meat from the back of her van. What the h**l is going on in this world?"


Then I totally lost it and laughed until I almost wet my pants.



:lol::lol: We were lucky enough to have them visit last month. :lol:

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I had no idea people were talking about Just Anybody coming down your street in an unmarked car selling meat with no proof of how it was slaughtered or cared for later. You're really depending on the kindness of strangers in this case....;) I can imagine people finding dead deer on the side of the road and then trying to sell it. "How long was this dead before you processed it?" "I'm not sure, but the maggot population was low. It's great. I fed it to my own kids". lol


That's exactly the kind that come to my house. No brochure. No identification. No lettering on the vehicle. No flippin way am I buying anything from them! :lol:

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