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Progesterone in early pg after miscarriages??

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Who has experience with this? Is there harm in using progesterone if you suspect a correlation with early miscarriages?


I am not sure but I always thought progesterone is the hormone that supports pregnancy. "Pro-Gestation" and it needs to be in balance with estrogen, however during pregnancy, the progesterone goes a little higher.


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Yes, if you've had a mc you may want to ask your midwife or doctor to check your progesterone levels early in your next pregnancy. If it is low, you can be prescribed progesterone suppositories. I took it for the first 13 weeks and my healthy 17-month-old is sleeping next to me right now.


Using progesterone can cause spotting. It's good to know that in advance because wow is that scary. My midwife explained that it makes the surface of the cervix more delicate, and that the spotting isn't dangerous.


Good luck!

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I know a bit about using progesterone to support pg. I don't believe it is harmful. Dr. Hilgers has developed a protocol to address pg loss and low levels of progesterone. I have known several women who, with progesterone support, were able to carry a baby even after many miscarriages.


PM me if you want more info, and I'd be happy to share my experience. :001_smile:

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What I do is call my ob/midwife's office the day I get a positive test and simply request a progesterone test. Then they contact me with the results.


*I've never had a progesterone issue, but my first OB recommended the test for all newly pregnant women because it is one of the few first trimester issues that you can actually do something towards fixing. I thought that was wise.

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I had four miscarriages, the last one being twins. I took progesterone with each subsequent pregnancy after the first miscarriage and still miscarried. On my last pregnancy, which resulted in a full-term happy and healthy baby boy, I did nothing at all.


So, if progesterone isn't the cause of you miscarriages, it won't stop you from losing a pregnancy. Most miscarriages are caused by a chromosonal problem with the fetus that makes it incompatible with life. The remainder of miscarriages may be caused by hormonal, structural or health issues with the mother, but that is probably less than 5% of all miscarriages. Unfortunately, your doctor can't really tell what caused any one particular miscarriage unless you want to spend big bucks getting the fetal material tested. Even then....they can't always tell if the chromosomes were normal or not...or if the miscarriage was caused by malformed organs, etc.


So, taking progesterone won't hurt you.....but be aware that is also may not help you either.


Best of luck!


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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I had multiple (4) early miscarriages. My boys are a progesterone supplemented pregnancy via an reproductive endocronologist. It certainly can be a cause of early miscarriage and should be suspected in repeat miscarriages and can help keep a pregnancy if that is the cause.

Edited by sbgrace
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I took it early in my pregnancy, though not really intentionally, lol. I have PCOS, and hadn't had a period in several months. They decided to finally give me progestin to induce one (it's a synthetic thing that acts just like progesterone) and oddly, I still didn't have have a period. They did a pregnancy test, and it turns out I was six weeks pregnant. So while I can't tell you if it did anything to support my pregnancy (though it may have- I've read that low progesterone levels are a cause for miscarriage in women with PCOS) it definitely didn't hurt anything.

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I took it with number 2. He is now 9, and is healthy and happy. I had only had one miscarriage, and it was a tubal. But, because of needing infertility drugs to get pregnant, I was very closely monitored, and needed the progesterone. I think I had my blood drawn quite frequently to monitor all sorts of things. But after three years of fertility issues, I would have put up with almost anything, including being hospitalized overnight a couple of times.

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I had two m/cs before my successful pregnancies, and my ob/gyn prescribed Progesterone suppositories for all three of my successful ones. She didn't bother with a blood test because she said the progesterone couldn't hurt anything, and could possibly help.

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I used injectible progesterone to help me keep the pregnancy with my ds (subchorionic bleed and low progesterone), but my Reproductive Endocrinologist, though she went on to prescribe me progesterone suppositories to help support a pregnancy, said that there is really very little evidence that it actually works. She did it so I'd feel better rather than for a real medical reason.

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