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What do your toddlers eat for breakfast?

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What do your toddlers eat for breakfast? I do not cook a hot breakfast most days. Occasionally I make some things like waffles/pancakes and freeze them to make a quick breakfast, but honestly, she really doesn't care for them.


She usually eats dry cereal in a bowl, cereal with milk, oatmeal or a Kashi bar. She really needs some new things to eat...any ideas.

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Yogurt with fruit and/or granola.


Boil eggs and save them for the mornings?


My kids liked a little bit of everything at that age. The normal breakfast would have looked like a lot like this...


Half a boiled egg, handful of cheerios, half of a cut-up banana

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For my non-cooking mornings, I serve:


yogurt w/ homemade granola + fruit

kefir+fruit smoothies

granola + raw milk



For my cooking mornings:


scrambled eggs

hardboiled eggs

overnight pancakes

overnight waffles

baked oatmeal


muffins (bake a double batch & freeze)

french toast

bacon or homemade breakfast sausage patties


I always to serve a fruit or veggie w/ breakfast. I stopped buying dry cereal about a year ago. Saves me $$.

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My kids ate a lot of muffins when they were toddlers and still do. I make them one day and feed them leftovers the next day. I make all different kinds, but they are super healthy.


The rest of the time my kids have french toast, waffles, pancakes and one will eat cereal. Neither one likes eggs.

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I have a 20 month old. She generally eats just whatever my big kids are eating, lol. Our main options are:


-whole wheat waffle w/honey and earth butter

-scrambled eggs ( i am lazy, i pour it right out of the egg beater carton and add some cheddar cheese and garlic salt, that is it)


-cream of wheat



-I buy kashi heart to heart cereal and she loves that! It is the one with o's and hearts and honey flavor

-whole wheat toast w/earth butter and cinnamon/sugar mix

-Buddy fruit is also a favorite with all my kids


unfortunately, we have a starbucks around the corner and many mornings I get her a strawberry vivanno and a slice of pumpkin loaf! she is addicted to pumpkin loaf, lol and loves smoothies just like my big kids! We do make a lot of smoothies in the house too!


Lunch is where we struggle! I think she eats mostly turkey, cheese stick sliced fruit, annie's Arthur O's or yogurt way too much. I really do not have good lunch choices...very boring and often the same thing over and over....



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When DD9 was little, my older three would rotate the "breakfast" chore because I worked at home in the morning. I would make up a big batch of scrambled eggs one day and put them in the fridge. Whoever was tasked with feeding the toddler would just warm her up some in the microwave, cook her some toast, and she was good to go. She also liked choosing her own little packet of instant oatmeal. If eggs and oatmeal were out, she generally got fed leftovers. More than once I came out to check and found her eating cold spaghetti with her sister.

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For my non-cooking mornings, I serve:


yogurt w/ homemade granola + fruit

kefir+fruit smoothies

granola + raw milk



For my cooking mornings:


scrambled eggs

hardboiled eggs

overnight pancakes

overnight waffles

baked oatmeal


muffins (bake a double batch & freeze)

french toast

bacon or homemade breakfast sausage patties


I always to serve a fruit or veggie w/ breakfast. I stopped buying dry cereal about a year ago. Saves me $$.


What are overnight pancakes and waffles?



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What do your toddlers eat for breakfast? I do not cook a hot breakfast most days. Occasionally I make some things like waffles/pancakes and freeze them to make a quick breakfast, but honestly, she really doesn't care for them.


She usually eats dry cereal in a bowl, cereal with milk, oatmeal or a Kashi bar. She really needs some new things to eat...any ideas.


On days I don't cook, I serve DS cheerios with no milk, a banana (he must have one first thing in the morning), and string cheese and a cup/bottle of milk. Most days I whip up an egg, either scrambled or over medium and serve it with cheese (if scrambled) or toast (if over medium), plus the banana that he HAS to have and milk.


Honestly, I take the same amount of time preparing breakfast whether it's hot or cold.

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My four year old eats stuff like:


frozen pancakes or waffles, heated in toaster or microwave (or sometimes french toast sticks)


scrambled eggs (sometimes with cheese on a sandwich)


instant cream of wheat just cooked in the microwave w/milk (he likes the flavored kinds, like maple brown sugar or brown sugar cinnamon)


a bagel with cream cheese, and maybe some fruit


cold cereal with milk, sometimes with a banana in it


yogurt with fruit and some dry cereal like honey nut cheerios


toast with butter and jelly


And every now and then we decide that breakfast doesn't really HAVE to be "breakfast" and we'll eat sandwiches or leftovers or something more lunch/dinner-like :)

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We do pretty much what everyone has already listed:


Scrambled eggs, often with turkey and cheese

Boiled eggs

Whole wheat toast

Whole wheat pancakes/waffles, often with blueberries

Grits (yep, we're southerners!)

Oatmeal with cinnamon

Yogurt and fruit


Bagels and cream cheese


I usually include fresh fruit at breakfast. Strawberries, blueberries and frozen grapes are favorites here.

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What are overnight pancakes and waffles?






We soak our grains overnight, so most of the work for pancakes, waffles, muffins, scones, etc. are done the night before. Makes it VERY easy in the morning.


I adapted a buttermilk waffle recipe to a soaked version... I can type that up if I can find the recipe!

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Oatmeal pancakes, I make a huge batch each month and freeze.

Whole wheat toast with almond butter.

Homemade granola.

Dry cereal.



I keep forgetting about baked oatmeal. They both like it and we call it "breakfast cake".

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Half a boiled egg, handful of cheerios, half of a cut-up banana


That's what our breakfasts look like: a protein, a grain, and a fruit


Oatmeal & blueberries + fried egg

muffin (I make LOTS & freeze them, then just pop them in the microwave 20-30 seconds) + scrambled egg + fruit

pancakes + eggs + fruit

sometimes yogurt (though healthy yogurt is expensive, so we don't eat it much)


oh, and always a glass of milk


we try not to do cereal - it doesn't keep them satisfied until lunch...

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My 3.5 year old chooses lots of unusual things for breakfast. He goes into my pantry and gets crackers (to have with hummas or with cheese and pepperoni, he will eat a granola bar, some toast, or Chex Mix. He is eclectic in his choices but I will say chocolate is one of them -- if he has just two m&ms then later he will make better choices as the day goes on. He will drink lemonade or milk or oj -- knowing that he only gets one glass of juice and only a little chocolate each day so if he eats it at breakfast he won't get any until late afternoon if even then. I figure his eating habits are great over the course of a day so I don't get hung up on breakfast. He does love love love instant oatmeal...

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Schmooey really likes baked oatmeal. Since he and I are the only ones who eat it, it lasts for most of the week. For a while, that's all he wanted.


He does eat scrambled eggs, but we just recently tried him on eggs again and found that he's not allergic, so we're not in the habit of making eggs yet. When the girls were little, I used to cook the scrambled eggs like an omelet so I could cut it into pieces. It works better than having them try to spoon little bits of egg.


He likes "chocolate toast," which is toast with Nutella. He likes "cheese puffs" which is a piece of bread with a piece of cheese heated in the microwave for 10 seconds.


He loves yogurt, so he will often have that.

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We soak our grains overnight, so most of the work for pancakes, waffles, muffins, scones, etc. are done the night before. Makes it VERY easy in the morning.


I adapted a buttermilk waffle recipe to a soaked version... I can type that up if I can find the recipe!


Thank you! What a wonderful site!



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