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vaccination ingredients

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I don't want to start a debate...I repeat...I do not want to start a debate regarding the using or not using vax. :D


Ok. What are the ingredients in vax. that concern you? Do all manufactor's use those ingredients you list?


I am on a quest to educate myself on the ingredients of the vax. llinks would be ever so helpful. :D

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Here's a look from the other side. This blog is very passionate and not shy about sharing his opinions, but he backs up his assertions with links to studies or links to other posts he (or another) have written with links to studies.


Cries the antivaccinationist: Why are we injecting TOXINS into our babies?

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Here's a look from the other side. This blog is very passionate and not shy about sharing his opinions, but he backs up his assertions with links to studies or links to other posts he (or another) have written with links to studies.


Cries the antivaccinationist: Why are we injecting TOXINS into our babies?


Passionate? That's an understatement,:lol: Well, I looked and looked and for the life of me couldn't find any info on vax ingredients. Does he go over them or am I just blind as a bat?

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Not only do the ingredients bother me, the fact that some of them are cultured on aborted human babies is troublesome.


I'm running into that very ingredient a lot and here's my ultimate question pertaining to that and the washing sheep RBCs: How the heck do these people find out? I mean, that just doesn't seem an ingredient you would put on the package, KWIM?

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You should check out the book "The Vaccination Book" by Dr. Sears. Good info.


:iagree: And Dr. Sears' website has updates.


Vax ingredients are on the inserts in the package. Don't know of mfr. websites will supply them. Start by asking your ped which vax they use?

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:iagree: And Dr. Sears' website has updates.


Vax ingredients are on the inserts in the package. Don't know of mfr. websites will supply them. Start by asking your ped which vax they use?


ALL ingredients? I mean, how do you list chick embryo or human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue?

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Good grief. They aren't "cultured on aborted human babies." A little accuracy, please?


Some vaccines are manufactured using cells that were grown from tissue taken from a fourteen-week old fetus in 1966. That doesn't mean that there are labs out there with vaccines growing on dead babies. It means that someone took some cells from a deceased fetus, and use those cells to grow more cells, and on and on. There is one other cell line used for vaccinations, and the circumstances are nearly identical. The names of the cell lines are WI-38 and MRC-5, if anyone wants to do some research.


ETA: I also want to throw out there that it isn't as if these babies were killed for the purpose of creating vaccinations. I don't know the circumstances of the deaths, but they weren't grown and killed just to create cell lines.

Edited by Mergath
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Passionate? That's an understatement,:lol: Well, I looked and looked and for the life of me couldn't find any info on vax ingredients. Does he go over them or am I just blind as a bat?
He talks about anti-vaxer claims and misconceptions about some vaccine ingredients. In the cases of formaldehyde and polyethylene glycol pisooctylphenyl "ether" (oh no! ETHER), he talks about their roles in manufacturing vaccines.


For example:




Another favorite ingredient to attack is formaldehyde. Yes, that's the same chemical that's used to fix tissue for pathology (usually as a 10% solution buffered to a neutral pH known as formalin) and the same chemical used in the embalming fluid for the cadavers we dissected as medical students. (Indeed, I still remember that smell, which was impossible to get rid of entirely during the months I took gross anatomy.) During the vaccine manufacturing process, it's used to inactivate live virus, and traces remain after manufacturing. At this point, it's hard not to point out that exposure to far more formaldehyde than any vaccine contains is nearly ubiquitous in modern life. It's in auto exhaust, and various substances emit it:


Latex paint, fingernail hardener, and fingernail polish release a large amount of formaldehyde to the air. Plywood and particle board, as well as furniture and cabinets made from them, fiberglass products, new carpets, decorative laminates, and some permanent press fabrics give off a moderate amount of formaldehyde. Some paper products, such as grocery bags and paper towels, give off small amounts of formaldehyde. Because these products contain formaldehyde, you may also be exposed on the skin by touching or coming in direct contact with them. You may also be exposed to small amounts of formaldehyde in the food you eat. You are not likely to be exposed to formaldehyde in the water you drink because it does not last a long time in water.



And, of course, every generation of medical students is exposed to large amounts of it. I'm not saying this is a good thing; personally I wish I could have avoided it, and it would be a good thing if we could decrease the average exposure to it while going about our activities of life. However, it's a matter of perspective. Antivaccinationists are ranting about formaldehyde in vaccines and ignoring the far larger source: the environment. Also, formaldehyde doesn't last long in aqueous solution, such as vaccines. It breaks down to formic acid and carbon monoxide.
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Good grief. ... A little accuracy, please?


Yes! :iagree:


And for another example the level of mercury in a vax is supposedly comparable to a can of tuna. I'm not saying that mercury in either (or in dental fillings!) is a good thing, but I'm guessing that many people who are concerned about vaccines DO have canned tuna in their pantry. And they've probably already consumed a lot more mercury from that without a second thought.


Am I happy the ingredients used sometimes in them? No. But vaccines do save countless lives so I try to weigh the cost/risk of each one with the potential benefit in a logical informed choice. And I do have an occasional tuna sandwich too :001_smile:

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Good grief. They aren't "cultured on aborted human babies." A little accuracy, please?


Some vaccines are manufactured using cells that were grown from tissue taken from a fourteen-week old fetus in 1966. That doesn't mean that there are labs out there with vaccines growing on dead babies. It means that someone took some cells from a deceased fetus, and use those cells to grow more cells, and on and on. There is one other cell line used for vaccinations, and the circumstances are nearly identical. The names of the cell lines are WI-38 and MRC-5, if anyone wants to do some research.


ETA: I also want to throw out there that it isn't as if these babies were killed for the purpose of creating vaccinations. I don't know the circumstances of the deaths, but they weren't grown and killed just to create cell lines.


That's an interesting piece of information (btw, just quoting a term found on a website ;)), could you direct me to the information on the *why's* of using this particular ingredient. I'm curious to find out how this information was obtained. I mean, if someone, group, company, what ever is going to list these ingredients they *must* have proof, right? I'm just not finding it....yet.

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He talks about anti-vaxer claims and misconceptions about some vaccine ingredients. In the cases of formaldehyde and polyethylene glycol pisooctylphenyl "ether" (oh no! ETHER), he talks about their roles in manufacturing vaccines.


For example:



Another favorite ingredient to attack is formaldehyde. Yes, that's the same chemical that's used to fix tissue for pathology (usually as a 10% solution buffered to a neutral pH known as formalin) and the same chemical used in the embalming fluid for the cadavers we dissected as medical students. (Indeed, I still remember that smell, which was impossible to get rid of entirely during the months I took gross anatomy.) During the vaccine manufacturing process, it's used to inactivate live virus, and traces remain after manufacturing. At this point, it's hard not to point out that exposure to far more formaldehyde than any vaccine contains is nearly ubiquitous in modern life. It's in auto exhaust, and various substances emit it:


Latex paint, fingernail hardener, and fingernail polish release a large amount of formaldehyde to the air. Plywood and particle board, as well as furniture and cabinets made from them, fiberglass products, new carpets, decorative laminates, and some permanent press fabrics give off a moderate amount of formaldehyde. Some paper products, such as grocery bags and paper towels, give off small amounts of formaldehyde. Because these products contain formaldehyde, you may also be exposed on the skin by touching or coming in direct contact with them. You may also be exposed to small amounts of formaldehyde in the food you eat. You are not likely to be exposed to formaldehyde in the water you drink because it does not last a long time in water.


And, of course, every generation of medical students is exposed to large amounts of it. I'm not saying this is a good thing; personally I wish I could have avoided it, and it would be a good thing if we could decrease the average exposure to it while going about our activities of life. However, it's a matter of perspective. Antivaccinationists are ranting about formaldehyde in vaccines and ignoring the far larger source: the environment. Also, formaldehyde doesn't last long in aqueous solution, such as vaccines. It breaks down to formic acid and carbon monoxide.


Where was this :confused:? This is interesting. Again, thank you for presenting the *other side*.

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I too wanted to say to check out Dr. Sears book. I bought it just in time to make a decision on whether to get my son his updated vacs or not and the book helped me out in my decision IMMENSELY!


It also helped my dh see in writing from a DOCTOR that extended bf'ing is def. beneficial to those that are doing no vax or delaying. So that was an additional plus in our hearts as parents.

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For me, the concern is not just whether or not something dangerous like mercury (thimerasol) is in the vax, it's also that the conditions under which they are made are so dirty that we have no idea what other JUNK is in there that might contaminate our children's bodies (or our own). If the vaccines would just be made in single doses, as opposed to larger multi-doses, and under appropriate sterile conditions - which I do NOT think is too much to ask - then I think a lot of the side affects would go away. But the manufacturers of most vax don't want to be bothered with something as troublesome as sterile conditions. That would cost too much and hurt their bottom line. They might only make a couple billion dollars in profit next year, instead of 2.5 billion....

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For me, the concern is not just whether or not something dangerous like mercury (thimerasol) is in the vax, it's also that the conditions under which they are made are so dirty that we have no idea what other JUNK is in there that might contaminate our children's bodies (or our own). If the vaccines would just be made in single doses, as opposed to larger multi-doses, and under appropriate sterile conditions - which I do NOT think is too much to ask - then I think a lot of the side affects would go away. But the manufacturers of most vax don't want to be bothered with something as troublesome as sterile conditions. That would cost too much and hurt their bottom line. They might only make a couple billion dollars in profit next year, instead of 2.5 billion....



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For me, the concern is not just whether or not something dangerous like mercury (thimerasol) is in the vax, it's also that the conditions under which they are made are so dirty that we have no idea what other JUNK is in there that might contaminate our children's bodies (or our own). If the vaccines would just be made in single doses, as opposed to larger multi-doses, and under appropriate sterile conditions - which I do NOT think is too much to ask - then I think a lot of the side affects would go away. But the manufacturers of most vax don't want to be bothered with something as troublesome as sterile conditions. That would cost too much and hurt their bottom line. They might only make a couple billion dollars in profit next year, instead of 2.5 billion....


I guess I'm wondering how you know this.


I worked at a biopharmaceutical company for ten years, and seven of those were in quality control. Our product was injectable, and we took cleanliness *very* seriously. Frankly, it was *not* just about making a buck, but at least in QC, our primary concern was patient safety. If there was *any* chance that a lot of product would possibly harm a patient, it was tossed. And I'm talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars of material.


Maybe some pharmaceutical companies are evil, but not all are. In fact, I'd wager that on the whole, pharmaceutical companies have made life a whole lot better than it was 100 years ago.

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What are the ingredients in vax. that concern you? Do all manufactor's use those ingredients you list?


Here is a list of all ingredients by vaccine, and here is a list of vaccines by ingredient, from CDC. All of these ingredients are on the package inserts for each individual vaccine.


None concern me.


I'm loving this website, thank you! But, what the heck are "washed sheep RBCs"???
I don't know where that information comes from, but I don't think it's accurate. As far as I know, there aren't any vaccines that use sheep red blood cells. Vaccine ingredients do change over time, so maybe this was true in the past. Anyway, I don't know all the ingredients of every single vaccine culture medium, so I could be mistaken. There are several culture media that contain materials obtained from cows.



Basically, when vaccines are made, you are taking some sort of infectious agent ("antigen"), changing it somehow so that it doesn't cause disease, and then vaccinating a person (or animal) with it. There are a number of ways to produce vaccines, and the method depends on the type of infection. Influenza vaccine is produced differently than hepatitis vaccine or MMR, for example.


To make the vaccine, you need large quantities of antigen (the infectious part). This is often done by growing it in eggs or in cell culture.


Viruses can't grow on their own, and have to be grown in living tissue. For instance, influenza virus is often grown in chicken eggs. After sufficient virus is grown, it is washed and purified and then inactivated to make it safe for use in the vaccine, but it's possible that tiny residual amounts of egg proteins remain. This is why people with severe egg allergies have been advised not to get influenza vaccine grown in eggs. It's not that the egg proteins are put into the vaccine as an ingredient, it's just that it's (currently) impossible to be sure that there is no remaining egg protein left over.



I'm running into that very ingredient a lot and here's my ultimate question pertaining to that and the washing sheep RBCs: How the heck do these people find out? I mean, that just doesn't seem an ingredient you would put on the package, KWIM?
ALL ingredients? I mean, how do you list chick embryo or human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue?

Yes, it is on the package in some form. At the end of the second link I posted above (here see page 6), there is a list of culture media (the stuff the antigen is grown in). Some of those are the names of cell lines. You would have to research each one to know exactly what's in it. I don't have a good link for you, but this summarizes several of the more common cell lines.



Here is the patient information provided by Merck for Varivax:


What are the ingredients of VARIVAX?

Active Ingredient: a weakened form of chickenpox virus.

Inactive Ingredients: sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium

phosphate dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic, potassium chloride, residual components of MRC-5

cells including DNA and protein, sodium phosphate monobasic, EDTA, neomycin, fetal bovine serum.

So yes, the information is there.


That's an interesting piece of information (btw, just quoting a term found on a website ), could you direct me to the information on the *why's* of using this particular ingredient. I'm curious to find out how this information was obtained. I mean, if someone, group, company, what ever is going to list these ingredients they *must* have proof, right? I'm just not finding it....yet.
Here is some information about the fetal tissue cell lines.


Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines


Updated: June 3, 2008

Some people have asked if some vaccines have components derived from human fetuses.

In fact, some vaccines are grown in cell cultures that were originally obtained from two human fetuses. In addition, the rubella virus used to make rubella vaccine was isolated from a third human fetus. This article describes the origins of these vaccines.

Manufacturing Viral Vaccines


It is far more complex to manufacture biological medications (for example, vaccines, antibodies) than it is to produce chemical medications (for example, penicillin or aspirin). In addition, certain vaccines are more complex to make than others. The bacteria that go into bacterial vaccines can be grown in simple laboratory cultures. In contrast, the growth of viruses requires living cells.

Viruses cannot reproduce on their own. They require a living host in which to grow, such as chicken embryos, and cells from animals that are grown in culture. Vaccine manufacturers currently have few options for viral culture, because of valid pharmaceutical reasons and because of human safety concerns. For example, varicella (chickenpox) virus does not grow well in most cells derived from species other than humans. Also, human cells are preferred because cells derived from animal organs sometimes may carry animal viruses that could harm people.



Human Fetal Diploid Cells


Human diploid cells are batches of human cells that are grown in a laboratory. Unlike cancer cells, they have the same number of chromosomes as normal human cells.


Certain diploid cell strains are valuable in vaccine manufacture because these cells can be used for a very long period of time in the laboratory and are a reliable means by which many viruses that infect humans can be successfully and easily grown. Vaccines prepared in human diploid cells have proven to be very safe over the past several decades.


Two different strains of human diploid cell cultures made from fetuses have been used extensively for vaccine production for decades. One was developed in the United States in 1961 (called WI-38) and the other in the United Kingdom in 1966 (called MRC-5).


WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months gestation and MRC-5 was developed from lung cells from a 14-week-old male fetus. Both fetuses were intentionally aborted, but neither was aborted for the purpose of obtaining diploid cells.[fn]Hayflick L, Moorhead PS (1961). The serial cultivation of human diploid cell strains. Experimental Cell Research 25:585-621.[/fn][fn]Hayflick L (1965). The limited in vitro lifetime of human diploid cell strains. Experimental Cell Research 37:614-36.[/fn][fn]Jacobs JP, Jones CM, Baille JP (1970). Characteristics of a human diploid cell designated MRC-5. Nature 227:168-70.[/fn]. The fetal tissues that eventually became WI-38 and the MRC-5 cell cultures were removed from fetuses that were dead. The cellular biologists who made the cell cultures did not induce the abortions.


These two cell strains have been growing under laboratory conditions for more than 35 years. The cells are merely the biological system in which the viruses are grown. These cell strains do not and cannot form a complete organism and do not constitute a potential human being. The cells reproduce themselves, so there is no need to abort additional fetuses to sustain the culture supply. Viruses are collected from the diploid cell cultures and then processed further to produce the vaccine itself.

I don't know if you were here last year during the swine flu threads, so I apologize if you already know this, but my background is in infectious disease epidemiology (my research was mostly related to influenza) and I have some experience with vaccines. People have frequently asked whether I practice what I preach, and the answer is yes- my kids and dh and I are fully vaccinated and up to date. Edited by Perry
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Here is a list of all ingredients by vaccine, and here is a list of vaccines by ingredient, from CDC. All of these ingredients are on the package inserts for each individual vaccine.


None concern me.


I don't know where that information comes from, but I don't think it's accurate. As far as I know, there aren't any vaccines that use sheep red blood cells. Vaccine ingredients do change over time, so maybe this was true in the past. Anyway, I don't know all the ingredients of every single vaccine culture medium, so I could be mistaken. There are several culture media that contain materials obtained from cows.



Basically, when vaccines are made, you are taking some sort of infectious agent ("antigen"), changing it somehow so that it doesn't cause disease, and then vaccinating a person (or animal) with it. There are a number of ways to produce vaccines, and the method depends on the type of infection. Influenza vaccine is produced differently than hepatitis vaccine or MMR, for example.


To make the vaccine, you need large quantities of antigen (the infectious part). This is often done by growing it in eggs or in cell culture.


Viruses can't grow on their own, and have to be grown in living tissue. For instance, influenza virus is often grown in chicken eggs. After sufficient virus is grown, it is washed and purified and then inactivated to make it safe for use in the vaccine, but it's possible that tiny residual amounts of egg proteins remain. This is why people with severe egg allergies have been advised not to get influenza vaccine grown in eggs. It's not that the egg proteins are put into the vaccine as an ingredient, it's just that it's (currently) impossible to be sure that there is no remaining egg protein left over.





Yes, it is on the package in some form. At the end of the second link I posted above (here see page 6), there is a list of culture media (the stuff the antigen is grown in). Some of those are the names of cell lines. You would have to research each one to know exactly what's in it. I don't have a good link for you, but this summarizes several of the more common cell lines.



Here is the patient information provided by Merck for Varivax:


So yes, the information is there.


Here is some information about the fetal tissue cell lines.


I don't know if you were here last year during the swine flu threads, so I apologize if you already know this, but my background is in infectious disease epidemiology (my research was mostly related to influenza) and I have some experience with vaccines. People have frequently asked whether I practice what I preach, and the answer is yes- my kids and dh and I are fully vaccinated and up to date.


Wow, thank you for your information and hard work in finding links!! The first website that was suggested I went and saw the list and posted to say "hey great site and thanks". When I came back to the list and really navigated my way around the site I was seeing or rather NOT seeing anything to prove any credibility. No website copywrite date or name or anything. It made me wonder about the truth in the information. But, it did make me seek out credible websites some of which you suggested.


I want to thank everyone that put in their 2 cents worth on this subject and information. It has trully helped me.

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Well, I guess that might be a matter of perspective. We do have more pharmacology options today. In fact, where I live, there are two or three pharmacies on most major intersection corners. I guess I question the society that has created a need for most folks over the age of 40 to take a handful of meds every day, creating a need for so many pharmacies. That's not the pharmaceutical company's "fault", per se, unless we'd like to trail off into conspiracy theory....


And I won't get into the problems I see with meds being rushed to market and the general populace being used as guinea pigs for those meds. My 100 year old grandmother was just thrown into pancytopenia a year or so ago by an antibiotic that has absolutely tons of anecdotal info all over the internet about the many, many side-effects it can cause, especially in those over 60 (including pancytopenia). To my knowledge, the company who created it has still not acknowledged that there's any problem with the drug. But we're talking about vaccines....


No, I won't classify any industry as a whole as "evil". I do, however, see an inordinate amount of callousness within the drug industry for a product that impacts nearly every living person very directly for the majority of their lives (even if they take no drugs prior to age 40, I think the handful most take after that time for more than 50% of their total lifespan more than makes up for that).


Here's just one site that provides quotes from a large variety of articles, talks, etc. that detail problems with contamination in vaccines: http://www.whale.to/m/quotes13.html


A simple search of the web for contamination in vaccines turns up almost 2 million hits, so there's a wealth of info out there, as well as numerous books that have been written within the past ten years which touch on the subject.


I believe I said that my response was "my concern" and what "I thought". I believe that I'm allowed to have an opinion based on the large amount of reading I do on science related topics. I'm not attempting to dissuade people from being vaccinated. I am fully vaccinated. My children are fully vaccinated. I do think that, for most, the good outweighs the bad. I do also think there are large problems in the industry that need to be properly addressed; have needed to be properly addressed for some time; and have not yet been appropriately addressed.


I believe the OP asked, "What are your concerns with vaccines?" And I responded with what my concerns are....

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No, I won't classify any industry as a whole as "evil". I do, however, see an inordinate amount of callousness within the drug industry for a product that impacts nearly every living person very directly for the majority of their lives (even if they take no drugs prior to age 40, I think the handful most take after that time for more than 50% of their total lifespan more than makes up for that).


That's not the pharmaceutical industry. That's capitalism. Our government and many of our citizens are always going on about the wonders of capitalism and free markets and all that, so I suppose we shouldn't be shocked when an industry puts the bottom line before people. That's the system we've created.


Overall, though, I think the industry does far more good than bad.

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Well, I guess that might be a matter of perspective. We do have more pharmacology options today. In fact, where I live, there are two or three pharmacies on most major intersection corners. I guess I question the society that has created a need for most folks over the age of 40 to take a handful of meds every day, creating a need for so many pharmacies. That's not the pharmaceutical company's "fault", per se, unless we'd like to trail off into conspiracy theory....


And I won't get into the problems I see with meds being rushed to market and the general populace being used as guinea pigs for those meds. My 100 year old grandmother was just thrown into pancytopenia a year or so ago by an antibiotic that has absolutely tons of anecdotal info all over the internet about the many, many side-effects it can cause, especially in those over 60 (including pancytopenia). To my knowledge, the company who created it has still not acknowledged that there's any problem with the drug. But we're talking about vaccines....


No, I won't classify any industry as a whole as "evil". I do, however, see an inordinate amount of callousness within the drug industry for a product that impacts nearly every living person very directly for the majority of their lives (even if they take no drugs prior to age 40, I think the handful most take after that time for more than 50% of their total lifespan more than makes up for that).


Here's just one site that provides quotes from a large variety of articles, talks, etc. that detail problems with contamination in vaccines: http://www.whale.to/m/quotes13.html


A simple search of the web for contamination in vaccines turns up almost 2 million hits, so there's a wealth of info out there, as well as numerous books that have been written within the past ten years which touch on the subject.


I believe I said that my response was "my concern" and what "I thought". I believe that I'm allowed to have an opinion based on the large amount of reading I do on science related topics. I'm not attempting to dissuade people from being vaccinated. I am fully vaccinated. My children are fully vaccinated. I do think that, for most, the good outweighs the bad. I do also think there are large problems in the industry that need to be properly addressed; have needed to be properly addressed for some time; and have not yet been appropriately addressed.


I believe the OP asked, "What are your concerns with vaccines?" And I responded with what my concerns are....


Well said. I appreciate your response.

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