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Pouring a bucket of dirty water in the ........

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toilet. (I know this is gross but decided to see what you would do). Would you flush if "other" liquid was in there and then pour in the dirty water. Or pour it in and then flush. :lol: My dh just "yelled" because I flushed the "other" liquid first. I would be grossed out if there would be a splash of any kind. I think he's being ridiculous. He says I'm wasting water. I don't do this every day...:tongue_smilie:

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Ideally there would be nothing in there to begin with, so no need to flush first :tongue_smilie:. However, it would depend on what would be in there; some things would need to be flushed first. Then I would weigh the splash factor and go from there. So, my answer is that I guess it all depends.

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I would definitely flush first. I agree, the possibility/probability of a splash is very likely and not worth the risk. Normally, the person responsible for the "other" liquid would have flushed anyway, so you are not wasting any water that would not have typically been wasted. You are simply disposing of dirty water in the toilet after the fact.


I get his point, that you could have saved water by using the dirty water to flush with. In this case, you simply missed an opportunity to save water, but have not actually wasted any. Considering the water (and cleaning products, paper towels, etc.) you would have wasted cleaning up any "splash", I'd call it even.

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hm. Well, it's just my daughter and I, and we both flush, so I don't see this being an issue I'd likely come across.


BUUUUUUT.... I would DEFINITELY flush first. Ew on the splashes.


Then again, I am super crazy about putting the toilet sit down before flushing, and only flush in public places once DD is out of the stall and I'm halfway out of the stall, so I can flush and run.


I have problems. lol.

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It took me a while to get what you were on about. The toilets here in Australia are different. they don't have much water in them, just covers the bottom. I remember when I went to Canada the first time. I thought there was a plumbing problem and the toilet must be blocked because of all the water in it.


with the long drought and the cities in Australia not having enough water, there has been a big campaign for not flushing #1 only flushing #2 and saving water from the washing machine for that flush.

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I would definitely flush first. I agree, the possibility/probability of a splash is very likely and not worth the risk. Normally, the person responsible for the "other" liquid would have flushed anyway, so you are not wasting any water that would not have typically been wasted. You are simply disposing of dirty water in the toilet after the fact.





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With the long drought and the cities in Australia not having enough water, there has been a big campaign for not flushing #1 only flushing #2.


Uh huh. What she said. If you don't want splash back, keep your face out of the way while you're pouring!




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Pouring a bucket of water into a toilet 'flushes' the toilet- if the bucket is pretty full and you pour pretty quickly. :)



Yup. :iagree:


I would lift the seat, and pour the water steadily into the bowl. This would cause the toilet to flush, but it wouldn't cause the tank to empty. If the toilet then needed to be rinsed of the dirty water (if the dirty water was really gross), I might flush afterward.


Usually, though, I dump the water outside. This eliminates the issue. :001_smile:

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I probably wouldn't have flushed first. I might have flushed after because some of the dirty water would have been left after it flushed the toilet automatically. And the way my 2 yr old like to play in the toilet when I'm not looking, I try not to take any chances!:tongue_smilie:

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People. Why are you flushing dirty water down your toilets? Is this after mopping? I just toss the water out the back door, even if I've used vinegar on the floors.


Is there a WTM toilet rule, too, that I didn't know about? Sheesh. We need another sticky.

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water system it is not okay if you use a septic tank. Many septic tanks leak because the user put too much into the tank at once or over a short period of time and the tank doesn't have time to digest the debris. We have a septic system and I hope it lasts a long time. It is very expensive to replace one especially if it is leaking so for us dirty water like you describe gets taken out into the yard. We also don't put food particles down the drain in the kitchen sink. We use our strainer and throw them out in the trash.

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water system it is not okay if you use a septic tank. Many septic tanks leak because the user put too much into the tank at once or over a short period of time and the tank doesn't have time to digest the debris. We have a septic system and I hope it lasts a long time. It is very expensive to replace one especially if it is leaking so for us dirty water like you describe gets taken out into the yard. We also don't put food particles down the drain in the kitchen sink. We use our strainer and throw them out in the trash.

A bucket of water is way less for the septic tank than a bath emptying or a washing machine emptying.

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