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Memorizing periodic table

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Anyone have a fun and effective way for memorizing the periodic table? We're doing RS4K Chemistry, and my dd would like to do this.


The game looks fun and right up our alley (we love games), and that periodic table is a hoot! I'd love to get that thing blown up and hung on the wall.


Thanks for the suggestions!

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that periodic table is a hoot! I'd love to get that thing blown up and hung on the wall.


That's what I did with it a few years ago. :D

I have a larger file, and I'd be happy to email it to you if you want to take it to a printer.

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Perhaps not quite what you had in mind; however, do check out the song The Elements by Tom Lehrer.


We have it on a CD; however, there appear to be many sites online with it. See here:






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Perhaps not quite what you had in mind; however, do check out the song The Elements by Tom Lehrer.


We have it on a CD; however, there appear to be many sites online with it. See here:







We got a good laugh out of listening to that the other day. :lol:

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I am planning to use this book for the upcoming year. It looks fun, and although it is not the complete periodic table, it seems geared to promoting real familiarity.


The Periodic Table


Both kids love that book. I'm alternating weeks with that book and RS4K Chemistry. No complaints from either weeks, so I guess Chemistry is a hit!

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I wish that I had had this book when we did RS4K chemistry level 1. It is a great complement.


It talks about scientific properties and the development of the periodic table. It talks about valence. Then it covers some of the main columns of the table--the noble gases, the chlorine column, the sodium column. Then it covers the chemistry of oxygen in detail, and water, and carbon. I would say that someone who has memorized the top few lines of the table and those 3 key columns would know plenty. My inclination would be to study each column chapter, learn about the general properties of those chemicals, and then memorize that column. To me that would be more useful than memorizing the whole thing, because you would know what tends to react with what, and even in what proportions.


Tiner's book does not cover the chemical terms nearly as well as RS4K, but it does elaborate on the chemical properties and the periodic table a lot more; so they complement each other extremely well.


BTW, my educational background is in chemical engineering, with something similar to a minor in inorganic chemistry. So I kind of know whereof I speak in this case.

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Ooo, yes, I'm pming you with my email address.


But, Crissy printed this up for me (x 2...we gave one to a friend as a gift) into a poster size Periodic Table that hangs on our wall. It's wonderful, and I think of Crissy almost every time I look at it! WTMers are the best! :D

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I wish that I had had this book when we did RS4K chemistry level 1. It is a great complement.


It talks about scientific properties and the development of the periodic table. It talks about valence. Then it covers some of the main columns of the table--the noble gases, the chlorine column, the sodium column. Then it covers the chemistry of oxygen in detail, and water, and carbon. I would say that someone who has memorized the top few lines of the table and those 3 key columns would know plenty. My inclination would be to study each column chapter, learn about the general properties of those chemicals, and then memorize that column. To me that would be more useful than memorizing the whole thing, because you would know what tends to react with what, and even in what proportions.


Tiner's book does not cover the chemical terms nearly as well as RS4K, but it does elaborate on the chemical properties and the periodic table a lot more; so they complement each other extremely well.


BTW, my educational background is in chemical engineering, with something similar to a minor in inorganic chemistry. So I kind of know whereof I speak in this case.


:iagree: I'm a chemical engineer as well, and this is exactly how I'd do it.

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But, Crissy printed this up for me (x 2...we gave one to a friend as a gift) into a poster size Periodic Table that hangs on our wall. It's wonderful, and I think of Crissy almost every time I look at it! WTMers are the best! :D


We LOVE ours too and it makes me think of Crissy!!

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When I was in high school I remember making up silly sentences of the columns to help remember them. But, honestly, I'm not quite sure I see the value in memorizing it, but I do think an understanding of why things are arranged the way they are is important.

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Guest Lorna

We are doing Ellen McHenry's 'The Elements' at the moment which is perfect for this.

She introduces all the concepts of the elements and uses several games (memory games, and a board game), songs (clapping songs and jump rope songs -very funny and memorable), stories (which describe the groups and their attributes- Earth Metals etc), skits (about the discovery of the elements) and crafts (making a periodic table pillow case; trading cards), paired up with excellent writing, to not just memorise the order the periodic table but to remember the symbols for each element, it's group on the table, and facts about each.

It sounds fun, it is fun but it is also in-depth and teaches complex concepts in a clear and rather wonderful way. It is important not simply tolearn the periodic table but also to have a thorough understanding of the nature of atoms and the logic and magic of its lay out.

Tom Lehrer's song is fun but, of course, the elements are in the incorrect order and so all you would really learn from it is the pronounciation.

You can see some of what we have been doing using this curriculum on our blog.

It also has lots of chemistry links there that might help.

Blog entry on The Elements


Glass-making links


Here is a link to Ellen McHenry's 'The Elements'.

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But, Crissy printed this up for me (x 2...we gave one to a friend as a gift) into a poster size Periodic Table that hangs on our wall. It's wonderful, and I think of Crissy almost every time I look at it! WTMers are the best! :D


I got the file from Crissy, and I'm really looking forward to getting it printed and hung up. And you're right--WTMers ARE the best!! :)

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:iagree: I'm a chemical engineer as well, and this is exactly how I'd do it.


Dh is a ChemE, and immediately said, "Why would you memorize that? You can always just go look at one. There's always one around."




He then launched into a list of conversion factors he'd memorize.


So, sorry, no help here.

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We are doing Ellen McHenry's 'The Elements' at the moment which is perfect for this.

She introduces all the concepts of the elements and uses several games (memory games, and a board game), songs (clapping songs and jump rope songs -very funny and memorable), stories (which describe the groups and their attributes- Earth Metals etc), skits (about the discovery of the elements) and crafts (making a periodic table pillow case; trading cards), paired up with excellent writing, to not just memorise the order the periodic table but to remember the symbols for each element, it's group on the table, and facts about each.

It sounds fun, it is fun but it is also in-depth and teaches complex concepts in a clear and rather wonderful way. It is important not simply tolearn the periodic table but also to have a thorough understanding of the nature of atoms and the logic and magic of its lay out.

Tom Lehrer's song is fun but, of course, the elements are in the incorrect order and so all you would really learn from it is the pronounciation.

You can see some of what we have been doing using this curriculum on our blog.

It also has lots of chemistry links there that might help.

Blog entry on The Elements


Glass-making links


Here is a link to Ellen McHenry's 'The Elements'.


My kids would love it, and learning while having fun is always our goal (if we can manage it). Thank you!

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That's what I did with it a few years ago. :D

I have a larger file, and I'd be happy to email it to you if you want to take it to a printer.


Crissy, would you mind if I PM my email address to you too? We're only in 1st grade so this would look awesome on our wall for the next ... ohhh..... 10 years? OK, reality check. Longer than that ;)



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Dh is a ChemE, and immediately said, "Why would you memorize that? You can always just go look at one. There's always one around."




He then launched into a list of conversion factors he'd memorize.


So, sorry, no help here.


This was my dd's idea....she likes to memorize things. Who am I to say no? :D

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But, Crissy printed this up for me (x 2...we gave one to a friend as a gift) into a poster size Periodic Table that hangs on our wall. It's wonderful, and I think of Crissy almost every time I look at it! WTMers are the best! :D


I have the file. Thank you! But I went to Office Max or depot and they wanted $50 +. Is this a normal price? I thought it was high. Where did the rest of you get yours printed?


Jenny B

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I think it's a great idea because memorization is like exercise. The more you do it, the stronger you get, and this isn't exactly a bad thing to memorize! Just another thing :)


My memory is not very good (I'm post-it note queen), and I want my kids to train their brain in as many varied ways as possible. Actually, my ds was adopted at 6, and he has fairly severe short-term memory problems. I started a memory box with him 3 years ago, and his developmental pediatrician is astounded at what he has memorized. So I guess, although the periodic table was my dd's idea, I like it for no other reason than to exercise their noggins!

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Jenny, I used the file in this post and it's good enough for a 20 x 30 print from Shutterfly.com which would be $22.99


I'm still going to look around and see what I can find for a better price.


I'll let you know if I find anything cheaper.



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  • 2 months later...

I have to second a recommendation for The Elements of Chemistry by Ellen McHenry. I led my three kids and three friends through it this spring and we all loved it (kids in grades 5-8). They did not completely memorize the table (not my goal), but they were very familiar with it and knew many of the elements and their symbols by the end. It was fun and I think the presentation was wonderful. It also covered valences, the reason behind the structure of the table, discovery of some of the elements, experiments, etc.

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