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How much money would you give.......

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for a graduation gift to a high school homeschool graduate known casually through church? We attended a co-op with the family a few years ago, but otherwise we don't socialize outside of church activities. We have been invited to the graduation party, but I don't think I'll have an opportunity to buy a gift. However, any gift ideas are welcome too!



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Honestly, I wouldn't give money at all...please don't throw virtual tomatoes at me!!


I would write the graduate a card/letter praising them for the accomplishment, with perhaps a personal anecdote to make them smile. If there is some way your family can assist the graduate as they head off to college or the workforce (maybe you're in a position to obtain interviews for them or have contacts at their college destination) I would indicate that in the letter. I would then cheerfully attend the party.

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Our typical gift budget for any random birthday party my kids are invited to is usually $15-20. I think a graduation is more significant than the annual birthday parties, so for an acquaintance, I would probably give $25, either in cash or a gift card. This is a respectable amount to express the sentiment you intend.

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Around $25. You could do it as a GC if you like that more. If he is going to college, there will be a need for books supplies, parking fees, perhaps. I wouldn't go to a grad party without a little something that would be helpful to the new grad. If they are going away to college, and you want to give a gift, I don't think you can go wrong with a set of bath towels. You might not even pay $25 if you find a white sale! :)

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I posted the same sort of question a few weeks ago. Three teens on my street were graduating and I was invited to their parties. I know all the families because my youngest plays with the youngest siblings of the teens. I have given one of them rides to work a few times. They are all very polite and sweet young men. Based on what I read on this board, I decided to put $20 in the cards I got for them.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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Honestly, I wouldn't give money at all...please don't throw virtual tomatoes at me!!


I would write the graduate a card/letter praising them for the accomplishment, with perhaps a personal anecdote to make them smile. If there is some way your family can assist the graduate as they head off to college or the workforce (maybe you're in a position to obtain interviews for them or have contacts at their college destination) I would indicate that in the letter. I would then cheerfully attend the party.


No tomatoes and everyone's different, but I think it's tacky to go to the party and not bring a gift. Great idea on helping make connections but I would feel guilty not bringing something tangible to the party -- even if it's a homemade gift because I couldn't afford cash (which is what I think most grads can probably most use!!). If I don't know them well enough to bring a gift, I wouldn't go to the party at all.


It's like a wedding, a housewarming, a bday party... we always bring a gift unless the invite says "no gifts" -- and then if I am close to the person I sneak them a gift at a different time!

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We had a grad ceremony for 3 teens from our co-op, none of whom I know well, and I gave each a card with $10. Now I kinda feel like a cheapskate! Well, I am a cheapskate, but not usually on gifts. :(


Well, I'm right there with you. $10 is what I would give to someone I didn't really know. We don't have the money at the moment to be that generous.


Come sit next to me, we'll be fine.

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We're in the group that needs to watch our pennies. We typically give $10.00 for a graduation gift. We give $20.00 to nieces and nephews or very close friends.


I've also been known to give a thesaurus to young people headed off to college. (I like The Synonym Finder by Rodale.) I do like the towel idea particularly if you are able to personalize it.




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No tomatoes and everyone's different, but I think it's tacky to go to the party and not bring a gift. Great idea on helping make connections but I would feel guilty not bringing something tangible to the party -- even if it's a homemade gift because I couldn't afford cash (which is what I think most grads can probably most use!!). If I don't know them well enough to bring a gift, I wouldn't go to the party at all.


It's like a wedding, a housewarming, a bday party... we always bring a gift unless the invite says "no gifts" -- and then if I am close to the person I sneak them a gift at a different time!


:iagree: If short on $, something simple, a towel set or stationary and stamps or something. Tacky to bring nothing. If you feel like you don't know them well enough to give a gift, don't go to the party.

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