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my new rule, "If it has not been used in 1 year, throw it away"

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I am so tired of my house being cluttered. So I told my family "If it has not been used in one year, out it goes". I told dh that includes all his Beta vcr tapes, he actually let me finally throw away the Beta from the attic last year, so now the tapes have to go. lol. My dd, age 15, is doing very well, she has throw out bags of stuff. My son, age 12, I will just have to throw stuff away myself, he still has baby toys, no more babies are coming so all of it has to go. I have been guilty too, I found tons of used workbooks from when the kids were younger, why was I keeping it?


Also I am putting nothing else into the attic or our large upstairs crawl space. Putting stuff in there is the same as throwing it out, it is never seen again (except for Christmas stuff). For example, I still have my bread machine from 15 years ago. I have not made bread since the first 6 months I got it and I don't plan on making bread in it any time soon so it it going out of my house.

What finally inspired me was thinking "Maybe we need a bigger house for all our stuff" which then reminded me of George Carlin's routine about people getting bigger houses and then needing to fill those houses up and so on, and even getting storage units for their "extra" stuff. I realized how silly owing too much stuff is.

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The "Stuff" reminded me of a Diamond Rio song.....


Artist: Diamond Rio

Song: Stuff

Album: One More Day


(Kelly Garrett/Tim Owens)


Catalogs fillin' up the mailbox

Home shopping on the cable box

And www dot

Oh there's no escape

Delivery truck coming up 'round the bend

Beep, beep, beep, just backing in

Sign here and here and here again

'Cause it's no money down no payments till

Your whole place is cram packed filed with


Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up

(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)

Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime

It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds

Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff

(Stuff) There ain't no end

Got to get a bigger place so I can move in

More stuff


It's getting late but it's alright

The get-it-all mart opened up all night

You can catch it all with a quick swipe

It's easier everyday

Suv's and mini vans

Parading 'round in caravans

Toting off more than their tires can stand

'Cause it's no money down no payments till

Every square inch of the whole world's filled with


Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up

(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)

Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime

It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds

Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff

(Stuff) There ain't no end

Got to get a bigger place so I can move in

More stuff


Drag it in, pack it in

The man with the most

He just wins more stuff


Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up

(Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)

Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime

It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds

Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff

(Stuff) There ain't no end

Got to get a bigger place so I can move in

More stuff

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What finally inspired me was thinking "Maybe we need a bigger house for all our stuff" which then reminded me of George Carlin's routine about people getting bigger houses and then needing to fill those houses up and so on, and even getting storage units for their "extra" stuff. I realized how silly owing too much stuff is.

This is so true. This house had an extra room when we moved in. In the 9 months we've been here we've filled it.



Good for tossing your stuff. If there is something that you think you might want to hold on to, put it in a box. Seal the box, write the date on it and put it away. A year later if you havn't opened the box, chuck it all without opening it.

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I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I have one floor of my house finished and two to go. I have to do it when dh isn't around, because he is not so much a packrat, as "sentimental" about the oddest things. I found a broken (not cracked, broken in many pieces) bowl in the back of my kitchen cabinet when I was cleaning them out.


Me: "What is this doing here?"

dh: "I couldn't throw it out. It is the only piece from our first set of dishes."

Me: "Throw it out."


A couple of hours later I found him in the kitchen trying to glue it back together. I purge when he's not around. :001_smile:

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YES! I have been on this kick since yesterday. I've made four trips to the dumpster outside and put some things on Freecycle. And I feel like I've barely made a dent in the junk we have. A couple of the kids were sick yesterday so we didn't go to church. I had to do something to keep busy so I started organizing the book shelves. I never thought I could get rid of books but there were so many useless ones.

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Oh besides that song :) I didn't mention I have been tossing "stuff" too!


I have vowed not to buy anything I don't need for the house (well can't afford to anymore anyway:glare: but...). It has worked it clearing out clutter.


I throw away more than I bring in and we have cleared out some of the clutter...now if I could just get everyone to pick up after themselves.....

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There's a great story in Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley (the Flylady). It's about a young man who goes to his favorite aunt's funeral then is given the task of clearing all her belongings from the apartment she shared with a friend. He said everything she owned fit into one suitcase. He also said she was always everyone's favorite aunt because she was so happy.

Every time I need help with decluttering, I re-read Sink Reflections. The Flylady gives me permission to part with "stuff" that I don't need, don't want, and won't miss. I love her! So does my dh.

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There's a great story in Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley (the Flylady). It's about a young man who goes to his favorite aunt's funeral then is given the task of clearing all her belongings from the apartment she shared with a friend. He said everything she owned fit into one suitcase.


This is my goal. I work toward it daily.

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In my house, I purge things once a month when I'm on schedule. I use the rule, if it's not been used in 6 months, GOOD BYE! That's excludes seasonal clothing, and blankets. But it makes life so much easier. We live in a house that is less than 1,000 sq ft. I try really hard to use that rule of not bringing anything in unless it has a purpose and a home right away! Keeps things from piling up in the corner or sitting on the shelves. I try to clear a bag every month. Sometimes on a good month, I can just let go of 2 or 3 bags. It goes to the dump, or the Goodwill.

I love those days when I can declutter everything!! :)

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I go through my closet and bedroom EVERY fall. I missed for two years while I was caring for my parents, and I just got to my closet and bedroom drawers two weeks ago. I could have clothed a person entirely on what I got rid of. Two HUGE, black construction bags are full and in my car, waiting to be dropped off. I still have dh's closet to do.


I honestly felt guilty and so spoiled. I reflected on my excess for a few days.


I also have another rule - if I bring something new into the house, I have to take one item out.

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I have two weeks set aside to purge my clutter before my annual garage sale. The stuff piles up so fast, that an annual purge doesn't seem to be enough anymore. Maybe I need to give up the garage sale all together, and just make monthly trips to Goodwill.

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I had to get drastic at our house. We have lots of space, but filled up to the top is impossible to keep clean and decluttered. My rule is if you can't clean it in a reasonable amount of time--half the stuff needs to go. I know that sounds like a lot--but it really works. My kids can keep their rooms clean--not perfect but close enough for us. It's amazing what the lack of clutter will do for you.



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I declutter daily. I always have a sack that's "going out" and gets full every couple of weeks. The problem here is the ages of children I have! If so & so hasn't used it in a couple of months, well, the next one might want it (eventually). So I still have way more stuff than I really want! Same with curriculum! Ahh!

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No, I don't do this with all things because we move frequently. We move to all kinds of climates and conditions and some things work in one place and not another. But since we do move frequently, we also purge frequently. Just not necessarily things we haven't used for 6 months since it really depends if we would use it again if we lived in another place.

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That's always been my rule although I haven't been quite as viligent these last two years as I should have been. I also have to go through a process with my youngest one. When she gets too old for certains toys she is not capable of just letting them go so I pack them away in the attic for a year or two and then she doesn't mind if I get rid of them. I have two attics spaces - one that holds holiday decorations and luggage and the other that hold old toys and stuffies so it works out ok. She is ten now so I figure this will only last a few more years which when compared to how long I have had children already, it really doesn't seem like that long.

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Way to go on the decluttering!!! I did 40 bags for Lent (a bag of stuff leaving the house for the days of Lent) thinking that I would have space....alas, my packrat ways still have me with too much stuff for our space. I finally was able to let go of the used workbooks and actually sell some curriculum that hasn't been touched (maybe the next child).

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When we moved from NC to Michigan there were boxes in the garage that I just never got around to unpacking. When we moved to Malaysia (about 15 months later) I found those boxes still unpacked. I decided that if I have lived without whatever is in those boxes for the last 15 months then I probably don't need it. I sent the boxes off to the Goodwill without even opening them (if I had opened them I am SURE I would have decided I "needed" the items!).

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