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Please share you favorite CM resources

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I am looking for books, curriculum that follow the CM method, etc. I really seem to be drawn to her learning style. I am looking ahead for my preschoolers. Aside from reading with them what should I be doing? I know I definitely fall short in the amount of their outside time but we live in cookie cutter suburbia and it is currently averaging 92 degrees and the humidity is stiffling. Any suggestions for me?

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Some of the more comprehensive sites:










And Catherine Levison's site is:




I have read both of her books (Charlotte Mason Education and More Charlotte Mason Education) and IMHO they are worth reading but I'd suggest borrowing them not necessarily buying them (I think one read is probably good.)


For your little ones, I agree that reading living books and unstructured play with as much nature as possible is your best start.


I understand the Heart of Dakota is CM-inspired, by I'm not personally familiar with it other than reading their site.

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Well, I'm by no means an expert. I'm looking also, but I can share what I've found.

www.simplycharlottemason.com - she has some ideas for different ways to narrate what you're reading that might be fun for you. Drawing, dramatizing, etc.

www.charlottemasonhelp.com - it's a schedule for the Higher Up and Further In curriculum that's based on Ambleside onlline


Heart of Dakota is pretty CM (except for grammar - they start earlier than CM recommended.)


I'm sure others will chime in with other ideas. Those are the places I frequent the most.

I'm also really drawn to unit studies and will probably do them through the summers. I really like what I see of Christian Cottage Unit Studies! They look like so much fun! (I know, just what you needed - more choices:lol:!)


Blessings in you search!!!

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I've enjoyed several of the resources from www.simplycharlottemason.com The Early Years and Laying Down the Rails are espcailly pertinent to the preschool years. I recommend reading her original writings, too, if you haven't already - some of what she actually wrote is quite different from some curriculm I've seen that claim to be follow her ideas. You don't have to rigidly follow all her ideas if you don't agree with them, but it's good to know what she actually said. :) I recommend these editions http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dus-stripbooks-tree&field-keywords=%22Charlotte+Mason%22+Wilder as they are much easier to read than the set I originally purchased. :) HTH!

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I love Living Books Curriculum - http://www.livingbookscurriculum.com, though I've used only the Grade 3.


I would read the original homeschooling series by Charlotte Mason herself, or at least start with Vol 1. A Charlotte Mason Education and More Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison are good for nitty-gritty how to's. For the Children's Sake is another excellent book, imo.


I also think My Father's World is quite good - I've used preschool and K and they're both quite Charlotte Mason-esque. (That's a word, right?)




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I only have one thing new from a Catholic perspective there is




Which is kind of like Ambleside Online for Catholics, however I think the rec's are good just sub out your own faith for the religious ed part- I think the curriculum rec's are more thorough in ways than ambleside, but booklists not as complete.

Edited by soror
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Has anyone watched either of the CM videos at SimplyCharlottemason.com?









I have both of these and HIGHLY recommend them both! I have read a lot of CM things, including her 6 volumes, and these 2 things have been the most helpful when it comes to implementing CM.


ETA: Along with this http://simplycharlottemason.com/books/planning-your-charlotte-mason-education/ from SCM. You have the perfect makings of a CM education :).

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I am not sure if A Charlotte Mason Companion has been mentioned. I like it better than the Levison books. Levison is great for a quick read and a good how-to book. ACMC is more of a fireside read.


Primary Language Lessons and Intermediate Language Lessons are great LA books for grades 2-6.

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I just bought the CM Companion on the FS boards (gotta love 'em). I love the SCM resources and the other curriculum suggestions. Thank you!


Best of all was the link provided by Pentecostal Mom to the SWB article. Through it, I found a link to a day in the life of homeschooling with SWB. Let me tell you that was so uplifting. A great read for all moms, especially frazzled ones like me!!





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