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WTM Boards/Hive

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In the 10 or so years since I've been coming to the WTM boards, I have learned from experts, been comforted by friends, been agreed with, disagreed with. I have talked with witches and Christians; Catholics and Muslims. I have prayed for people who turned out to be fakes; I have cried with women who have lost their husbands. I have learned of the "best" curriculum to try with my struggling math student, and I have recommended books that work for us. I have gone from a newbie homeschooler who was afraid to take risks to a veteran, relaxed and ready to advise newcomers. I have had posts deleted that were made in anger. I've had to take breaks because I found myself too emotionally charged over something a stranger said. I have met a neighbor that I didn't know I had. I have been blessed by the generosity of others, and I have had the opportunity to give away books and curricula that would bless others.


I have received advice on washing machines, dishwashers, laminate floors, and computers. I've collected recipes and have submitted some myself. I have suffered the diagnosis of lupus, the birth of a perfect daughter after the birth of a son with no left hand, an extremely (emotionally) painful miscarriage, a move across the country, and the birth of a third child -- all with the people on this board. I have prayed and been prayed for.


My vocabulary has changed. BooKs and booKshelves, bean dip, etc. all have new meanings. And I'll *NEVER* forget the story of the woman who was seen naked by the UPS or FedEx guy (can't remember which, but she had JUST gotten out of the shower).


Regardless of what the PTB decided to call this place, I'd be here. The name does not define me. The opinions are not taken as gospel. I ask, receive input, think it through, and DECIDE FOR MYSELF. Whether it's math, science, a recipe, or vacuum cleaners, I DECIDE FOR MYSELF.


Call it what you will, this place has been wonderful. I doubt my 11 years of homeschooling would have been as terrific as they have without my experiences here. I'm not a sheep; I'm not blind; I'm not ignorant.


I'm just grateful. And I'm not alone.

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I still consider myself a newbie, w/ just under 3yrs experience under my belt & only 1.5 yrs here, but I agree. And it's amazing how easily new people can really be part of the group. And how wise the group is.


If I need dinner help at dinner time, I don't have to call my grandmother & hear: "You're JUST now starting dinner?" or the hour-long conversation that follows. (Not that I don't love my grmother, just that I have to plan the time, kwim?)


Oh, yeah, & hs'ing. The sanity here. It's great.

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To me, the hive is somewhere we go to exchange ideas, advice, sympathy. I've never thought of it äs "group think" at all.




I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Thank you, board members, and thank you, PHP and SWB, for being here for all of us.

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