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Brain Fog

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I just got up from a nap, woken up by thunder and my dh slamming a door. I was going to say something else and it has left. I can safely say I am in a fog. I'm not sure if there was an announcement or if it is the deafening silence in my head that called my attention to it. I shall make coffee, perhaps that will help. It's too early for a cocktail.


Long-term brain fog, for me, was tied closely to insomnia, side effects of allergies and their accompanying medications, and an inability to make a decision on curriculum for next year.

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I think there are many causes of brain fog. I sometimes feel it when I haven't exercised for awhile, so I think mine has to do with lack of oxygen to the brain. It feels like my head is wrapped in cotton, and I can't see, hear or think clearly. If I get moving and increase my fluid intake, it clears up.

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Medication is the only thing that gives me brain fog. Often, I don't even know I have it until someone says to me, "Don't you remember? We talked about this last week." And then they look at me like this :001_huh:. That's when I know I had brain fog.:lol:

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Pregnancy gives me brain fog. We're pregnant now, due at the end of November.


Best story so far this pregnancy:


"Loverboy, tomorrow when we go out, we NEED to remember to pick up dog food!"


It's so great that I remembered this......except that we don't have a dog!

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I get brain fog when my thyroid meds are off.


My brain fog story is that my boys were asleep at nana's house and the postman rang the door bell waking them up. In my frustration I told my DH I didn't understand why the postman rang the door bell, when our postman always just knocked. In fact he had never rang the door bell. My DH simply smiled and reminded me we didn't have a door bell. Opps. And I'm not even preggo. :tongue_smilie:

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If one suffers from brain fog, would one wonder if one is suffering from brain fog?


Yes. You can tell something is off but you can't think clearly enough to identify what. It's like a perpetual kind of, "Wait, what?" sensation, or else a constant realization, after every statement, that it was wrong.


If you have ever suffered from brain fog, what did it feel like? How did you diagnose it? What did you do to fix it?


Like above. I didn't diagnose it correctly. I thought it might be my thyroid or celiac disease. One day I laid down in bed 'cause I was dizzy and I didn't get up until my partner and best friend dragged me off to the hospital. I still have the list of things we thought it might be, a whole page of stuff in my friend's handwriting. The attending stopped us in our rattling off as soon as he heard "umedicated epilepsy." He shot me up with an emergency anticonvulsant, and by the next day I had gone back to being human.


My case is extreme, but please do get seen by a neurologist. One of the dangers of brain fog is that you can forget what it's like to feel right, causing you to not realize just how bad it is, and you don't see the obvious cause right in front of you.

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Does the fact that I don't know what a 'brain fog' is mean I have a brain fog? :tongue_smilie:


Seriously, I think my boss gets this and he is totally unaware of it. It is very frustrating sometimes that he gets mad at me for not talking to him about stuff I did talk to him about.

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I'm like Jean - it's part of my fibromyalgia. Hey Jean, I forget my numbers and address and birthdays and.... all.the.time.


Drives me crazy and makes me feel like an idiot sometimes. *sigh*


I have a Word file on my computer with all this info in it. If I'm making a call where I know they are going to ask any/all of the info, I make sure to have it open so I don't have to depend on my recall *blush*


I also keep a file in my car that list directions to/from each place that I normally visit. Nothing is worse than not remembering how to get to/from some place that you have been a gazillion times.

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Thanks everyone. I think maybe I've spent most of the last year with foggy brain. It was such a gradual thing that I didn't realize there was anything wrong. And it has taken me a long time to figure out that there is something wrong with me not the rest of the world.


I didn't even know the term "brain fog" until a friend told me that her's is clearing up.


I'm going to try some natural things first and see if I can get my life back. Thanks.

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Someone above mentioned celiac. I'm gluten intolerant, and one of my symptoms of eating gluten is brain fog.


For me, it's that feeling that not everything is sticking in there as well as it might. I know I'm smarter than that. I feel like I'm only half-present on this earth, and I'm not sure where to locate the other half of myself.

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I had it when I was suffering from sleep apnea that the doctor linked to thyroid - with thyroid meds, it went away.


I will also experience it if I go a day without Effexor - don't even ask what happens if I go two days without it.:glare:


My daughter dealt with it for a very long time as a part of chronic lyme's disease - but Denise says that she experienced it with candida, which my dd is still being treated for as part of the lyme's, so I think there is a definite connection there.


For me, I feel like my head is in a washing machine when I am experiencing it.

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I had it when I was suffering from sleep apnea that the doctor linked to thyroid - with thyroid meds, it went away.


I will also experience it if I go a day without Effexor - don't even ask what happens if I go two days without it.:glare:


My daughter dealt with it for a very long time as a part of chronic lyme's disease - but Denise says that she experienced it with candida, which my dd is still being treated for as part of the lyme's, so I think there is a definite connection there.


For me, I feel like my head is in a washing machine when I am experiencing it.

A couple of questions now. :D How did you get rid of the apnea? Do you have hyper or hypo thryoid?

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A couple of questions now. :D How did you get rid of the apnea? Do you have hyper or hypo thryoid?


I have Hashimoto's - which means that my body attacks my thyroid (sure, why not, right? :glare:) I take Armour Thyroid for it - once I began taking the Armour Thyroid, it took about one week for the apnea to go away and for the fog to lift. I'm happy to say that I have had no problems with it since then - I have been on the Armour thyroid for four years now. I get thyroid testing done every six months, and everything has stayed the same so my meds have stayed the same. HTH:)

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I get it all the time!


Call someone to tell them something, and by the time they've picked up the phone I've forgotten what I had to say.


Gotten lost going somewhere I go very often.


Forgotten where I was headed entirely.


Don't ask me to tell you what I did yesterday, the day before, or even this morning!


Mine is tied with my insomnia I'm sure. There are often days when I get 3 hours or less of sleep.

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If one suffers from brain fog, would one wonder if one is suffering from brain fog?


If you have ever suffered from brain fog, what did it feel like? How did you diagnose it? What did you do to fix it?


I had no idea I was suffering from brain fog, even after being diagnosed with Lupus. Somehow it's taken me years to wrap my head around what exactly that (brain fog) means.


So I guess I suffered from it and didn't wonder. :001_huh:


I've quit driving in the last 10 days. My driving issues are making me seriously reevaluate what's happening in my head (or should I say, what's not happening).

At any moment I can forget where I am, where I'm going... peoples names, what I'm saying... it's kind of freaking me out lately.


I don't know what fixes it, some things like sleep and oil seem to help. I use Barlean's vegan oils. Right now I'm trying to stay home as much as possible and I'm not getting behind the wheel. I've got an eye exam next week, my meds can damage my eyes so I want to make sure the driving thing isn't being exasperated by eye issues. I'm also going in for blood tests.

The brain fog is starting to affect my life beyond what I can hide from people. It sucks.

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