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Rant: Dogs on the beach

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We just spent a nice long weekend in Galveston. We had a great time for the most part, except for the dogs!!! Why oh why do people think it's okay to let their dogs run wild on the beach when there are lots of people there??? Why do they not keep tabs on them and call them to heel if they start bothering the beach neighbors???


On Friday, we had a loose dog PEE on one of our chairs. He decided to mark his territory because there was another loose dog a little way down the beach!




His dog mommy did take the chair to "wash off" in the ocean, but really, she didn't seem anywhere near mortified enough to suit my fit of pique. And the dog daddy actually laughed at his baby's antics! Dork! And if that weren't enough, the same disgusting creature took a dump about 20 ft. away from us. And no, they didn't get out their pooper scooper!


Then, this morning some genius decided to let her HUGE dog run around off leash. This dog was easily 100+ pounds and could have knocked me over (I'm 5'10" and not slim). He came bounding up to me in the water and scared me silly and then decided to chase ds2 who freaked out and ran away screaming. I know that's a bad reaction, but ds and I were truly afraid to this dog and I couldn't spot the owner. A bit later, the dog mommy comes jogging up with her leash and tries to avoid eye contact with me. I followed her and told her how scared we were to be chased by a very large, unleashed and unaccompanied dog. She just brushed me off with, "He's not a biter." That's nice, but that's what they all say right up until their sweet baby sends some kid to the ER. AGGHHH!!!


Okay, I'm glad I got that off my chest. I'm not sure I'm actually willing to call the beach patrol or animal control about a loose dog on the beach, but I sure wish people had more sense. If you can't walk your dog on the sidewalk or in a park without a leash, why would you let them roam on a crowded beach with lots of other dogs and little kids around? And why wouldn't you clean up after them in a place where people walk around barefoot?

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I am sorry that you had problems with dog owners, they give all dog owners a bad name. We have always been very careful when we have had our dog with us and we wouldn't let him off leash. People like that is the reason that so many places don't allow dogs.

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There are laws. You should definitely call to complain.


Had a scary situation in Florida last spring. A large, unleashed dog went after a tiny, leashed dog. The poor little dog was screaming in the most awful way. When the two owners got the little dog away from the big dog the owner of the big dog still did not put his dog on a leash. Having just watched his dog bully the tiny dog unprovoked, I was alarmed and moved my kids and I to a totally different beach. Later, telling my friend who lives there about it, she urged me to call the police about such things in future.

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I cannot stand dogs running around unleashed like that. I have said to someone before, after their giant dog came bounding across the beach at my terrified toddler, "I do not care that you say your dog is not a biter. There is a leash law. You need to leash your pet now." It's not too late to call the local authorities and complain.

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We just spent a nice long weekend in Galveston. We had a great time for the most part, except for the dogs!!! Why oh why do people think it's okay to let their dogs run wild on the beach when there are lots of people there??? Why do they not keep tabs on them and call them to heel if they start bothering the beach neighbors???


On Friday, we had a loose dog PEE on one of our chairs. He decided to mark his territory because there was another loose dog a little way down the beach!




His dog mommy did take the chair to "wash off" in the ocean, but really, she didn't seem anywhere near mortified enough to suit my fit of pique. And the dog daddy actually laughed at his baby's antics! Dork! And if that weren't enough, the same disgusting creature took a dump about 20 ft. away from us. And no, they didn't get out their pooper scooper!


Then, this morning some genius decided to let her HUGE dog run around off leash. This dog was easily 100+ pounds and could have knocked me over (I'm 5'10" and not slim). He came bounding up to me in the water and scared me silly and then decided to chase ds2 who freaked out and ran away screaming. I know that's a bad reaction, but ds and I were truly afraid to this dog and I couldn't spot the owner. A bit later, the dog mommy comes jogging up with her leash and tries to avoid eye contact with me. I followed her and told her how scared we were to be chased by a very large, unleashed and unaccompanied dog. She just brushed me off with, "He's not a biter." That's nice, but that's what they all say right up until their sweet baby sends some kid to the ER. AGGHHH!!!


Okay, I'm glad I got that off my chest. I'm not sure I'm actually willing to call the beach patrol or animal control about a loose dog on the beach, but I sure wish people had more sense. If you can't walk your dog on the sidewalk or in a park without a leash, why would you let them roam on a crowded beach with lots of other dogs and little kids around? And why wouldn't you clean up after them in a place where people walk around barefoot?


If no one ever calls to complain to someone that can do something about it, nothing will ever change. These owners certainly aren't about to change their behavior without incentive. They believe they are the center of the world and can do whatever they like. I'd especially have called someone with regards to the dog that marked my chair and left a dump nearby. Those owners would owe me money for a new chair and they'd have my old one as their own fire hydrant.


Personally, I absolutely detest loose dogs anywhere but their own property or dog parks. The owner might like their furry buddy, but I sure don't. I have my own dog and that's plenty.

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Beaches here are either marked clearly Dog Beaches or No Dog Beaches.


I never felt safe taking small kids to dog beaches even though we had a dog.


We even had an awful experience before I had my two kids, where we let our then bull terrier cross drag my step dd, aged about 5, behind her in the water for a ride. Then bull terrier sees another dog in the water and goes for it and starts fighting it in the water, with stepdd behind them. It was most embarrassing and potentially very dangerous- we got rid of that dog before my kids were born.

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I hate that "not a biter" thing. How am I supposed to know? Should my kid and I trust the angels of your better nature and assume that only a friendly dog would be off leash? What about all the unfriendly dogs of stupid, irresponsible people? Aargh.


On the flip side, a couple once sent their toddler RIGHT UP to my husky mix. She was touching the dog before I saw her coming. When I glanced at her a second time, I saw scarring on her face. They told me she'd been attacked by a dog, and they didn't want her to have a lasting fear of them. :001_huh: Dude, people, you don't know my dog! How did you know she wouldn't bite your kid, too?

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I hate that "not a biter" thing. How am I supposed to know? Should my kid and I trust the angels of your better nature and assume that only a friendly dog would be off leash? What about all the unfriendly dogs of stupid, irresponsible people? Aargh.
And what if someone is scared of dogs? As a toddler, my youngest was terrified of dogs for about a year. I remember going to a farmers market having to ask the owner of a large off leash dog (not heeled) to please get the dog away from my child. I then calmly explained that she was scared of dogs. Her response? "That's not my problem." :glare: This was outside our usual experience, and generally I found dog owners to be apologetic in similar circumstances, but that doesn't change the fact that there are people out there with legitimate reasons for not wanting a dog, especially a strange dog, approaching them uninvited.


I love dogs. Some dog owners? Not so much.

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