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Well, it finally happened...


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After several years on these boards, and with my oldest only 8 yrs old, I'm BURNED OUT on curriculum shopping/researching/buying! Maybe it's just temporary, but for the first time, I have no desire to research anything. I think I've finally realized-HELLO-there is no perfect curriculum. It's. Just. Not. Out. There.


I mean, it's bad...for the first time in years the Sonlight catalog came and I've barely looked at it. No interest in the WP catty either. And believe me, I'm a curriculum junkie with a capital J-my friends all come to me to get the lowdown on this stuff!


It could be just part of my simplifying my life, and slowing down, which I've been in the process of for awhile, but I'm finding more satisfaction in actually doing what I have than planning next year. I'm also finding that simpler is better, less is more, in all areas, even curricula! And just having confidence in my teaching has made a huge difference, plus knowing that if something needs to be adjusted, God will give me the wisdom to know where I need to be flexible and how to do it.


Not to say I'm happy with everything I'm using though. But it feels so good to have finally found a good groove and trust God for the details! I hope and pray for contentment and peace for you for your curriculum decisions as well.

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Guess I'm not there yet...just got 22 history books from Rainbow Resource and it was just as thrilling and wonderful as it has always been! Have read one book already and looked through many and am excited for next year. We may start as soon as we finish up this year next month!

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I am at this same place this year. :) I even have made some decisions on curricula that we will be sticking with and not searching for the next latest and greatest. I finally realized that there will always be someting newer and maybe better but that the angst involved in trying to find the best wasn't worth it. :) I've found our Bible curriculum this year, our grammar, our history, Latin, writing, art and continuing our same math, and spelling.


I think keeping the same things and not always searching will help our homeschool seem more like a part of our lives, and not spending so much time researching and questioning myself. :) At least, that's what I'm hoping for!

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After several years on these boards, and with my oldest only 8 yrs old, I'm BURNED OUT on curriculum shopping/researching/buying! Maybe it's just temporary, but for the first time, I have no desire to research anything. I think I've finally realized-HELLO-there is no perfect curriculum. It's. Just. Not. Out. There
I just finished a great book about Carthusian monks called, An Infinity of Little Hours. I learned a new word. :) You have reached quies.
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Oh, enjoy this time. I was there for awhile. I had no interest in the Curriculum board, no interest in the Rainbow Resource catalog (or any other catalog). My kids were thriving, and I was content to just go on to the next level of everything we were using.


I'm not there anymore. My dd is going into 7th grader. She's thinking like a real logic stage student. I'm looking forward and seeing high school right over the hill. All of a sudden, I'm deep in the research mode again, trying to figure out which horse I want to ride.


Anyway, I say again: just enjoy your time "in the groove".




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Well, I have been on these boards for awhile and I, too, have an 8 yr. old that we have homeschooled since the beginning but I am not at the same place you are. Maybe there is some kind of fairy dust or somthing similar that you could sprinkle my way so that I could join you. :001_smile:



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I panic when I think of the older grades and "deciding which horse to ride" (like Suzanne said) for those years! So I'll just enjoy this for now. (prairiegirl-fairy dust coming your way! Sprinkle, sprinkle!)


And part of the reason I'm even able to be on this mountain for awhile is all the help I get here on curriculum choices!


nmoira-I'm going to ck out that book-sounds great!

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Thankfully, I'm in basically the same place of contentment. I used to post regularly on the old boards but I just haven't been around much this school year because I am happy with what we're doing. I'm trying to enjoy this while it lasts...

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I was frankly expecting some flames for "getting off track." But ever since dd turned 8, she is just seeming so different and so much older, and it really brought it home to me that my time with these little ones is very limited, and I need to make sure my priorities are straight for how I'm equipping them!


I'm in the process of prayerfully checking out all the wonderful suggestions here. So far they all look great! I'm going to have to force myself to keep it simple and uncomplicated and following after the Lord's leading for what He has for us for this time.


Thank you again for all the super ideas! I'm looking forward to this time of refreshment.

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I understand completely where you are at, and I have been there for several months myself. I left the boards to stop getting stimulated and exposed to the next best thing, and settle and establish myself in my own natural groove. I really relaxed and am happy with where the kids are, and where I am at. I suddenly had the urge to stop buying curriculum for my challenging son, and go get him tested- lo and behold he has at least dyslexia- and I realised I had been pushing the poor kid literally beyond his capacity, and blaming both myself and him for his areas of weakness. And it just wasn't necessary.

Anyway, I had a taste of the memory of being a curriculum junkie again yesterday when I read the thread about progym versus modern writing programs, and I suddenly felt a hankering for using CW again, which I had dropped months ago due to burnout....and I have to calmly reassure myself that we are better off doing well what we can do well, and not trying to bite off more than we can chew easily, and digest well.

So enjoy the peace.

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But it feels so good to have finally found a good groove and trust God for the details! I hope and pray for contentment and peace for you for your curriculum decisions as well.


This is such a lovely place to be! Enjoy.


My dear friend and experienced hs'er was the first to tell me that trusting God for the details was a great path. The proof is in her pudding . . . her third daughter (who hs'ed until ninth grade) was just awarded the Governor General's Award for academics in high school.

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I think this is a wonderful place to be. I've really not enjoyed the first curriculum we chose (MFW) so I have spent months and months researching. I've discovered that there's always something new/different over the horizon - just as I settle on something, I discover something new.


I think where you're at is a beautiful place where both you and your children are going to benefit greatly. I aim on being there. I am going to dive into doing what we have, and if something doesn't work, I'm going to look for a replacement, give myself a deadline to choose it, and get back to DOING it!!!


Thank you so much for posting this - it's an inspiration :)

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