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name that job!

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This challenge is not for the faint of heart! See if you can think of a job that fits, or at least mostly fits, these requirements:


not an office job, but doesn't require out-of-state travel

no excessive hours

makes around $14/hour or more to start

steady income

no futher degree/certificate required (able to start right away)

applicant has a B.A. in Bible (but not interested in pastoral work, etc.)

applicant has experience in sales, and that's about it

applicant has ADHD, and likes to be on-the-move (although we're very seriously looking into treatment options at this point)


Anything? Anything at all?? Even a little bit close?? And is it something you can find on monster.com, or what??

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Private School? What do you need to do for a Chaplain Job at a Prison? Insurance? Working for an Insurance Company? Being a "server" or bartender if he's got the personality and it doesn't go against your beliefs... If he's got the desire to not be a head pastor, but would be willing to be in Youth Ministry... Youth Minister... Shoe Sales like at Macy's, Nordstrom's, etc.... (Or a really nice shoe shop)

Post Office, UPS... these type of places can keep you hopping!!



Good Luck!!

Edited by NayfiesMama
thought of another one!!
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What about an insurance adjustor/adjuster (sp)? BIL is an adjustor for a major insurance company. He does have a BS degree and previously worked for a rental car company, but I don't believe he had any prior experience. He works from home, and doesn't travel out-of-state or work overtime hours unless there is a catastrophe. For instance, he is currently in OKC doing storm duty from last week's tornadoes....


He meets customers, looks at damage and cuts checks for homeowners. Pay is steady, workload depends on amount of claims (so sometimes slow, other times busy), and I think the pay is really good. Maybe around $20 an hour to start.


Good luck!

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I was going to suggest UPS or FedEx.


There are decent bennies, too.


If he wants pastoral stuff, there are "ministry classifieds" he can scan for a job. Contact the Episcopal Church office in NYC (it's 815 something or other--for an address--just google) and ask them for the positions open bulletin. It isn't just the Episcopal church, and there are academic jobs, too, but they usually require a doctorate.


Oops--never mind on the above paragraph--I misread your post and thought pastoral was ok.

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Thank you for giving me hope, everyone. There just aren't words (well, unsappy words). I'm going to mention all of these to him tonight, and we are going to start looking right away. I don't think he would mind physical stuff (he has actually said he enjoys working on interior home stuff, but he's not very good with details :tongue_smilie:), so UPS will probably be the first place we look.


Let me know if you come up with anything else! I really should have known better than to doubt the abilities of the Hive Mind! You all are like me: if you're told it can't be done, you figure it out just to prove them wrong! :D

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Publisher's sales rep, depending upon where you live, there could be a territory without overnights. They look for a degree (any will do) and previous sales experience is a plus! Good pay too! Just go to the job sites at the major publishers to see what's available and register with an agency that hires for publishing companies like Bert Davis. Good Luck!




P.S. I still like the UPS suggestion best though!

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Thank you for giving me hope, everyone. There just aren't words (well, unsappy words). I'm going to mention all of these to him tonight, and we are going to start looking right away. I don't think he would mind physical stuff (he has actually said he enjoys working on interior home stuff, but he's not very good with details :tongue_smilie:), so UPS will probably be the first place we look.


Let me know if you come up with anything else! I really should have known better than to doubt the abilities of the Hive Mind! You all are like me: if you're told it can't be done, you figure it out just to prove them wrong! :D

Don't forget to try your local employment office :D

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Not to be a downer, but friends of ours work for UPS. They are laying off people off and extending shifts of the guys they keep (10-13 hr. shifts). I just don't want you to get your hopes pinned on something that is unlikely - sorry:crying:

Really? Ours is hiring, although you're most likely to get part-time starting off.

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Really? Ours is hiring, although you're most likely to get part-time starting off.


And those PT jobs don't pay anywhere near $14 an hour - more like $8-9 an hour. Landscaping/lawn care will pay $14 as long as you work for yourself (not as an employee of someone else.)


Having the degree helps TREMENDOUSLY, no matter what it is in.


ETA: Is construction paying that much where you are? I guess the housing construction industry is still going strong?

Edited by Renee in FL
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Here are the non-office jobs that come to mind...


US Postal Service? National parks staff? Museum staff? Police officer? CNA? Fire department? Gardener? Daycare provider? Housekeeper? Dog walker?


Also... I'd love to hire a female plumber or electrician or carpenter or home inspector or auto mechanic ... all of those are well-paying jobs that wouldn't take years to qualify for - and you'd surely be in high demand!

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Was going to second this suggestion. Also car insurances are looking to train people. Sometimes you can take over a branch of a major insurance co. For instance, there are several "Farmers Insurance" offices in our town, individually run by different people.

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