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s/o Facebook - how many use it?

My Facebook utilization is....  

  1. 1. My Facebook utilization is....

    • I actively use it (let's say almost daily or daily) and love it
    • I use it periodically (let's say weekly)
    • I use it very rarely, but I have it (let's say monthly)
    • I have disabled my account and might go back to it someday
    • I have deleted my account
    • Never had it, never will
    • Other

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I also ignore all games and such requests and invitations. I use it to keep in touch with my friends and family, not to play games.


I hide all games and such. That way my wall isn't cluttered. I NEVER do anything but post my status, pictures and links and read or comment on what my friends post.

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Do you update with thing like sleeping, working, going out?


Not exactly. Most status updates are about what is going on, in either real life or your mind.


This is my current status -

(my real name) is hoping that the van will be back from the shop today. Three weeks without a vehicle is really too much.


And here are some others from various friends and family -


Wating for the Jonas Brothers. The things Dads do


WHY FRINGE? And everyone could have been soo happy. :(


is honesty that hard?


Wynken, Blynken and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe


I'm going to have to think a lot more than usual this week. This calls for sugar.


life is beautiful


darn, back to the same old grind today...cooking, laundry, schoolwork

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I checked other. I use it every day, but I don't love it.


Ditto! Actually, it's been quite annoying lately, all kinds of glitches, half the time it won't let me check what I want to check.


I do like it. I check it maybe 3-4 times a day, but only for less than minute each time. I spend no actual time on FB. I like it as a way to stay in touch with people I want to know about but am not going to email or phone a lot. It lets you get to know more about people's everyday lives. My mom knows more about our daily life by seeing my updates.


OTOH, I have noticed that FB offers many ways that people can get their feelings hurt, and creates many dilemmas - "Do I friend this person?" etc.

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I went to nine schools from K to graduation... I went to a college 1500 miles away with students from every state and 30-some countries. We lived in suites, so by the time I graduated I'd had over 30 roommates. Now I live 900 miles from my HUGE family, and have family scattered all over the country--and around the world.


So yes, I LOVE Facebook. I can post a picture of preschool graduation ONCE and everyone sees it! I can post "Hey, Miss Princess fell of the slide and broke her elbow!" and I don't have to call everyone to tell them.


It just makes my life easier. My family is so involved in my kids lives even from 900 miles away and Facebook (and Windows Live webcam!) have a lot to do with it.

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We've never used it. But, according to others who do, our niece, whom we foster parented, goes online regularly and tells her "friends" that we never loved her and that we enslaved her like Cinderella.


I don't have any desire to have a facebook account.



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I have one and use it multiple times a day to keep in touch with family and friends in Michigan and in other parts of the country. I also play some of the games like farmville and my zoo. I also post a lot of Cali's pictures up because of convenience, trying to convince my mother in law to get one so she can see more pictures of Cali besides the ones I mail to her. My mom and both brothers have one along with a lot of my cousins.

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I went to nine schools from K to graduation... I went to a college 1500 miles away with students from every state and 30-some countries. We lived in suites, so by the time I graduated I'd had over 30 roommates. Now I live 900 miles from my HUGE family, and have family scattered all over the country--and around the world.


So yes, I LOVE Facebook. I can post a picture of preschool graduation ONCE and everyone sees it! I can post "Hey, Miss Princess fell of the slide and broke her elbow!" and I don't have to call everyone to tell them.


It just makes my life easier. My family is so involved in my kids lives even from 900 miles away and Facebook (and Windows Live webcam!) have a lot to do with it.


Yup! Facebook and Skype ROCK! Facebook is for quick and easy communication and when time differences present problems with live communication. Skype is for interactive more lengthy communication.

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I voted other--I use it. I enjoy it. But I don't LOVE it.


The reasons I use Facebook: I get a snapshot of the daily lives of people I like but don't see regularly, and I am able to keep in touch easily with the exchange students we've hosted from China and Japan. Yesterday, as a matter of fact, one of our Chinese students was able to get onto Facebook again and give us a little update on her life. I am "friends" with some local organizations, like the Natural History Museum. I can see pictures of my friends and their children.


But rest...the quizzes and the games and the people who I do love but who must update on every single tiny mundane detail of their lives (I'm waiting in the carpool line at school-Now I'm heading to Walmart-Now we're going home-My dd told me a little girl was mean to her at school today)...not so much.


So Facebook is kind of a mixed bag for me.



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I only signed up for FB because some of my homeschooling internet friends seemed to having an awful lot of fun there and after months of curiosity I signed up.


I don't do quizzes or games or any other applications. But overall FB has turned out to be a nice way to catch up with some friends (and my own brother) because we have different schedules which make phone calls seem impossible.


Honestly I can ignore it for days.

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