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What question would you like to see answered in the final episode of LOST?

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I am getting ready to run out the door for an appt. but I wanted to ask the question now so I can ponder some of the replies when I get home. I am also interested in things that the writers said were going to be important but seemed to have been dropped like Walter and Aaron.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I want to know if the "guardian" role was accidentally split between the brothers when Jacob sent his brother down to the light. (I think their "mother" was the black smoke, b/c how else did she do in that entire village?) I want to know if they'll recombine somehow, freeing Jack.


I'm grateful they cleared up why Kate was "crossed off".


I want to know how everyone ends up, of course. Including Rose and her husband.


I guess I'd say that I'm not completely satisfied with all the answers I've gotten.

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What's the issue with birth on the island? Why were Aaron and Miles fine (decades apart) but there was trouble in between?


Where/when did the statue come from?


What is MIB's name???????


Where will I get my future shirtless-Sawyer fixes?


Why is the island SO special? How do its special powers work?


Why is Widmore SO interested in it?


Why do they keep the connection going with the Losties? Even in the alternate reality they are connected to one another in some way.


My question: What is the light and why is it crucial that it not go out?


I am also interested in things that the writers said were going to be important but seemed to have been dropped like Walter and Aaron.


I also wonder about Rose & Bernard, and I wonder why the Smoke Monster couldn't bother Mr. Eko at first, but later killed him. And I wonder why Desmond is special. I tend to think he's a key to a lot of the missing pieces, but I wonder WHY.

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Widmore's obsession with the island. Who built the statue and how in the world they wind up on the other side of the world when they go through the wheel room, whatever it's called. And was Faraday right about the bomb going off setting all the alternate stuff into motion.

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I haven't watched the past 3 weeks, I am waiting to have a catchup lost day with no interruptions LOL. So, maybe this has already been answered but ....why couldn't babies live that were conceived on the island? (is it because there are 'no angels born as babies' ?)

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How does Jacob successfully leave and return to the island like he does?


Is Richard dead?


I was going to say that the Mr. Eko thing went back to who had and hadn't spoken to Flocke, but that can't be right, b/c the pilot never spoke to him, and he bit it right away.

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Is specialness of The Island "natural", "supernatural" or man-made?


Who built the donkey wheel?


Why do so many Moms go nuts on the Island? (Jacob's Mom seemed pretty nuts to me...but also sane; Claire is definitely nuts; Rousseau seemed pretty nuts, too)


I'm hoping for a happy ending for all of the Losties...including those who died on The Island...

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I only tried to keep up but only got to watch episodes here and there. Things I'd like answered.....


1. Why did someone have to keep push ing the botton in the hatch thing every so many minutes.


2. What was the purpose of the island and getting certain people there.


3. Did the others defend the island or try to take it for themselves.

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The numbers and Walt are my two big *things* - though I am interested in everything else as well!



Yeah - Walt - why was Walt "special", and what were the others trying to do with him?


Why does Eloise seem to have awareness across the different timelines?


Why, exactly, was Daniel crying at the beginning of season 5?


Why can Miles sense and Hurley talk to dead people?


I can surmise answers to all of these, and my guesses are probably more interesting and entertaining than anything they would "tell us" - but I just want to know!

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Yeah - Walt - why was Walt "special", and what were the others trying to do with him?


Why does Eloise seem to have awareness across the different timelines?


Why, exactly, was Daniel crying at the beginning of season 5?


Why can Miles sense and Hurley talk to dead people?


I can surmise answers to all of these, and my guesses are probably more interesting and entertaining than anything they would "tell us" - but I just want to know!


I wanna know too!

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The numbers and Walt are my two big *things* - though I am interested in everything else as well!


BTW, have you all seen

????? Not a spoiler, just a very funny Titus Welliver/Mark Pellegrino thing.


Oh, I'm laughing! That is too funny!


I love the Lost Untangled episodes on abc.com too -- with the Muppet Dr. Chang. I think all of them are up on YouTube -- just search on "Lost Untangled".

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