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Anyone else have WANDERLUST?

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Count us in! In our first 6 years or so of marriage we had moved 13 times. Then we settled down so our boys would have a "hometown." Now my oldest is leaving for college, the middle in two years, the youngest in 4 years. I'm ready to move about two years AGO, but am trying to hold on for them. (We have had discussions with my youngest debating the pros and cons of moving in his last two years of high school... he's not 100% opposed!)


Our plan for retirement is on the road (or boat) 24/7 traveling the world - not always vacationing, but always moving.

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Oh, yeah! I love to travel and see new places. I used to move quite a bit. My best friend jokes that she has 2 pages of crossed out addresses for me in her address book. DH is the opposite. He likes to travel, but it's not a serious desire, like I have. He never moved a lot, either. So, now, instead of moving, I just remodel! I'm in the middle of totally redoing my living and dining rooms, and I'm trying to plan a weekend getaway, too!

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Yup! Come November, this will be the longest we've been in the same house since college, and it's only been two years! We love moving, we love seeing the world and we can't wait to see where our next adventure will take us, although it'll be a couple more years yet. Hoping for Europe though.

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I have it too. I could get all psycho-babble on *my* reasons for it, but really it comes down to the fact that I like to explore new places. We've lived in our current house the longest of any -- 3 1/2 years. DH has now worked at his current job for FIVE whole years -- his longest employer ever.


It's not that I don't like where I live -- but there are so many great places in this country that I'd like to explore. He won't have it, however. So...I paint.....rearrange the furniture......dream about new furniture.......redesign my kitchen (but cannot afford to do any of the things I plan).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Total wanderlust here, and I don't necessarily like it. All my life I've wanted to just be in one place and settle down. But after about 3 years I get antsy and end up moving again. I grew up military and think that's where it started. I've married a man not originally from the US so our lives are in a constant state of flux as we grapple with his country of origin, my country of origin, and the rest of the world. For us, just about nothing is off limits as far as geography! In the past 3 years we have lived in three different states and Turkey, and I know we're not done yet.



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Yes! I could give up a permanent home and just travel from place to place. We haven't been traveling much the past few years and I am super, uber antsy to go. Once my older son starts college this fall, I'm hopeful that we'll be traveling more again.... I also tire quickly of jobs, etc......

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Anyone else have wanderlust?



I have serious wanderlust!!!!! I grew up moving a lot. I attended 10 schools in 13 yrs, then attended 3 colleges. I tend to change jobs every 5 yrs.


I wish I could move now, we have been in same place for 12 yrs and it is driving me insane!!!!!!!


Dh told me over winter that we can try to move to NY and so far he hasn't been able to find a job out there. It is driving me bonkers not being able to move.right.now.


But at the same time I want to feel a connection where I live. I haven't felt that yet. Dh's family is in NY and that is where we want to move to and I can't wait!!! I love the idea of moving to a new place and going to where family is waiting with open arms.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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I'm with you in wanderlust land, Heather. Alas, farming is a very settled life. I never imagined myself living in one place this long (14 years already!). Thought I was going to work in foreign diplomacy or international journalism, hopping about from here to there. Having five children in 10 years provided frequent change but I'm not going to populate the earth solely as a means of amusing myself.:tongue_smilie: So now I have to figure out how to satiate this aspect of my personality.


Btw, my friends who also work in education are much like you, frequently changing locales and positions. Started out teaching at an American school in Switzerland; came here to Washington for a while, where he pursued his PhD; served as principal at a boarding school for Native American students in New Mexico; went to a school in Indonesia; and are now moving to...where is it? I actually think it may be Malaysia.



Sometimes I think I am a little whacked out but, I have serious wanderlust.


I like to change jobs frequently (give me a challenge, let me conquer it, then I am ready to move on). In my professional career I have worked in 6 different school districts. That is basically unheard of in the field of education. Most people get a job in a district and die there.


I like to move a lot. Since I have been married (13 years now) I have lived in 7 different homes (in two different states and two different countries).


If I can't move or change jobs due to whatever circumstances, then I redecorate...a new paint, new furniture, whatever.


I just really like change.


I have been in Malaysia for a year and although we love it here and I love my job, I caught myself today thinking about my next move. Maybe Spain? Or Italy? Germany? Ireland? OR maybe back to the U.S. but a whole new area like Seattle? Or Texas? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT ALREADY?


Is there something wrong with me? I know people who are forced to move because of work (like military families) but I CHOOSE to change frequently.


My mom says it's because I am looking for something in life that I haven't found but that sounds kind of psycho-babble-ish to me. Someone on the boards has the Tolkien quote: "Not all those who wander are lost." That sounds better!


Anyone else have wanderlust?

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Most definitely - it shaped my career as a biz strategist - not only did I get to change clients often (most contracts were three months to a year long), I got to travel all the time, US and internationally.....since having DS and being a SAHM, I've kept the wanderlust alive with travel - off to see parents, inlaws, cousins, etc. at least six times a year (short trips, but still trips) and a couple of vacations a year when DH has off, plus we also go to his conferences (twice a year).

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Yep, here too. I was a child of wanderlust parents, and I don't want to have my kids go through what I did, so we stay put. I don't even want to move them across town. I also don't want them to have the 'friends are disposable' attitude that I have. I really don't have roots anywhere. No certain place, no certain family (aside from dh/kids) have more meaning to me than the next.

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Yep, we do, but when your kiddos hit the teen years they want to settle somewhere. During my younger dc's lives, we have lived in 3 different places in Asia (and 3 in US). Ds 17 wants to be like Rosie and live somewhere til they carry him out in a box:lol:. He doesn't even want to live on campus when he goes to college!:001_huh:

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I'm with you in wanderlust land, Heather. Alas, farming is a very settled life. I never imagined myself living in one place this long (14 years already!). Thought I was going to work in foreign diplomacy or international journalism, hopping about from here to there. Having five children in 10 years provided frequent change but I'm not going to populate the earth solely as a means of amusing myself.:tongue_smilie: So now I have to figure out how to satiate this aspect of my personality.


Btw, my friends who also work in education are much like you, frequently changing locales and positions. Started out teaching at an American school in Switzerland; came here to Washington for a while, where he pursued his PhD; served as principal at a boarding school for Native American students in New Mexico; went to a school in Indonesia; and are now moving to...where is it? I actually think it may be Malaysia.





My kids went to Bandung International School in Indonesia, was your friend there by chance??

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Heya Heather! :001_smile:


I know exactly how you feel. My feet are so itchy to move right now it's not even funny. I go online and look for jobs in other states that my hubby could apply for. (I wonder what he thinks of that.)


There are so many places in the USA I'd like to live. There are a few places overseas I'd like to visit...not sure about living there though. I'm not trying to fill a void or anything... I just want to experiences so much in my lifetime.


I dream about retirement for us and wonder what that will look like. I'm all for working until I'm 99+ years old if I am able and can still contribute something to the world and if I love my job.


Instead of "wife swap" there needs to be a "life swap" where one family moves into another's home/job/school etc. for a period of time...

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I too have wonderlust very bad. Since I was a litle girl I have always wanted to live in Ireland. I still want to live there even though it is not the most practical thing to do. If paperwork and expense were not an option I would go. My Irish heritage goes back to many generations to claim citizenship by decent. It is not as easy as just crossing the border and having an anchor baby either to gain citizenship. If it did not seem impossible I would take my family in a heartbeat. It stays in the back of my mind. Maybe one day I will find a way to make it happen.

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