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What would you call this???

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Yes we went crazy and added to our family. We are having trouble naming her though.






So far we have


mallomar (however we also have Mandy-dog and Maximus-VERY large cat)

lady Godiva




We've been thinking of things that work with her fur--(thus mallomar)

the white sort of comes up into the black in streaks at the bottom (like some shots of space solar flares.

We've also considered Greek/Roman/celtic names, but aren't that knowledgeable.

She also has this cool spot on her nose......


And Yes the date is wrong on the picture LOL!!!


Help please!!!!!



Edited by Lara in Colo
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Well, I'm partial to the name Paisley because we just adopted a stripy/swirly kitty who looks quite a bit like a short-haired version of your little furry baby there and we named her Paisley. I first heard it used as a dog's name, but it seems to be working out well for a kitten. :)

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I really like paisley as well, but DH doesn't (not that his vote counts much-Max is his cat)



what do you think about tempest or smudge (for her nose)???


This kitty seems hard to name, maybe I wore out the naming part of me with 4 children.


Keep the ideas coming!!!!



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Tempest and Smudge are both cute names. I picture Tempest growing up to be a very big, calm, lazy cat so that you have to explain to people all the time why she has that name. :D


We originally thought we were going to get a boy kitty and I had all kinds of ideas for boy names. Clive, Nigel, Norton, Percy... IMO girl cats are harder to name because people use more creative names for girl children, which makes it hard to pick a cat name that's not in use for a child you know.


Then I was up against DH and DS who always want to name cats after food items. Our tortie would be "Sweet Potato" instead of "Gracie" if it were up to DH. I put my foot down on that because I was not going to make a fool of myself yelling "Here kitty, here Sweet Potato!" across the back yard. :)


Some other suggestions:










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DH said she looked all cosmopolitan (the black tie look).

I said her fur striations reminded me of a comet's tail.

And she is sort of kookie


So her name is Cosmo.


Thank you all for your efforts on our behalf, you really helped me think this through.



Lara (still in colo)

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DH said she looked all cosmopolitan (the black tie look).

I said her fur striations reminded me of a comet's tail.

And she is sort of kookie


So her name is Cosmo.


Thank you all for your efforts on our behalf, you really helped me think this through.



Lara (still in colo)



Oh, that's cute! Enjoy your fuzzy little friend. :)

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DD 6's name is Paisley LOL! She used to crawl around, drink water out of a dish, and wear a collar like a kitty!


Wow! Well, tell her there's a little kitty in NC with her name. :D


My DH and his twin weren't allowed to have any pets because their dad believed "animals belong on farms". He says they spent one summer at around age 5 pretending to be puppies...crawling everywhere and barking. My poor MIL. :)

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