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the "I wants"

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Do you find yourself wanting and feeling that you NEED lots of "things" when you read other peoples blogs, visit other peoples homes, look at magazines or watch how-to shows? I can NOT watch Food Network- it makes me feel the "need" for gadgets and food items we normally don't use/eat. I'm pretty darn sure that's what those shows are designed to do though, :tongue_smilie:

BUT, when I read another persons blog- (Pioneer Woman Cooks), I start wanting those pretty dishes, or all that homespun yarn and all those nice wood knitting needles, or all that fabric and sewing notions, or the scrapbooking supplies, or.... you get the picture. The thing is, *I* just seem to enjoy collecting the stuff, and *I* don't do anything with it :o

For now, my hobbies are: reading (books and internet), decluttering, listening to music, and watching movies. We have a limited budget, and I REALLY need to save money. I've quit buying such items mentioned above- a long time ago, but I still find myself "wishing" when I see these things being put to good use by others. I've been getting rid of my craft supplies- they induce guilt and ill feelings when I see them in my home.

I am NOT a crafy person- not to say that I am not able to do such crafts, or that I find absolutely no joy in them, but it's just not "me". *I* like to try things once, and that's good for me. Crochet a blanket, BTDT, maybe crochet something else next time, but not the same type of item- KWIM? So, it's not cost effective for me to gather ALL the supplies needed for one type of craft, only to be done using all of that equipment after one or two projects :lol:


Anyway, that's just some junk I was thinking about this morning- as I am getting read to go grocery shopping, LOL.

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They make me wish "I" were more beautiful. There are so many pretty women out there with such grace and poise.




I do sometimes wish for the beautiful house, too - we're constantly renovating whatever we're living in and we do almost all of it ourselves on a budget. It's about what works rather than having all the "must-have" high-end things.


I sometimes feel like maybe I don't deserve to live in a house that's "all that".

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BUT, when I read another persons blog- (Pioneer Woman Cooks), I start wanting those pretty dishes, or all that homespun yarn and all those nice wood knitting needles, or all that fabric and sewing notions, or the scrapbooking supplies, or.... you get the picture.


Actually, when I see Ree's kitchen, all I want is the light!! I want a nice, bright, airy kitchen like that!!


IKWYM, though. I don't really think about the "stuff" that much, but I do wish for the skills. I read other blogs and wish I knew how to quilt, or sew, or spin, or do photography, or train horses, or decorate the kids' rooms. But I don't want all the paraphernalia that goes along with all those things!

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I hear what you are all saying. And really I don't REALLY want all that stuff, KWIM? It just looks good at the moment. When I really stop and think about it, *I* just don't like having to deal with lots of "stuff". But it sure can look appealing when you see someone who enjoys having the stuff, and/or REALLY enjoys using it all.

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On the rare occasions when I do experience that passing longing for a thing, I've inevitably found that it wasn't the thing itself, that, on some level, I was feeling an unmet need, or I was discontent with something in my life and this object, for some reason, connected to that. When I addressed the subtext, the surface craving evaporated.

That really expresses it beautifully, Eliana. Thanks for posting it. :D

Also, I think I "inherited" this from my mom- we both decide we want to do some project, and we'll go about collecting the required items- only to be so sick of collecting the things and figuring out how to do it "just right" that we bury the "stuff" in a closet. LOL- and then we go on cleaning sprees and want to toss EVERYTHING.

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Living in 900 sq. ft. with 4 kids pretty much did away with any "stuff" wanting from me :D


Right now, all I want is a working kitchen, a private bathroom, a laundry room and an office with a door I can shut. :D


God willing, we'll be moving in this October.


I do KWYM, though... I like a lot of things I see... and in theory, would like to own them -- but I don't want to deal with them on a daily basis.


I am continually purging things out of my life. The one exception I have is books. It is *hard* for me to purge those. Especially with all of the kiddos. I can see me having a room of book shelves filled with books!


Books are my one luxury. :D

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I mostly just want intangibles. Like being different than I am. Having more drive, brain power (remembering skills), more energy, etc. I want to have certain traits that I never will. I want to be someone other than who I am in so many ways.


I am not so hung up on many things. Sure, I would love to have a better kitchen. But not willing to go through the cost and upheaval of a renovation right now. So, I make do. It works fine and we get fed.

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something or someone else comes along to remind me just how blessed I am. Don't get me wrong...I do still struggle horribly at times with "the grass is always greener" syndrome. If I only had a bigger house, more space, a better car, better behaved kids, more money, etc....Then I hear of a family who just lost their father/husband in Iraq or a young mother in a coma due to flu complications or something just as devastating. I'm blessed. That's all there is to it.


I agree w/ the other poster about "skill envy". Born-organized people...I covet their skills b/c I have none to speak of. That woman w/ the quiet and meek spirit?...not ever gonna happen here but I sometimes wish I had "some" of it! :) The mother w/ the patience of Job? Pass some of that along, please, b/c I'm tapped out! :001_huh: So, yeah, I get severe cases of "the wants" sometimes, but I thank God for setting my feet back on solid ground and reminding me just how good I've got it, KWIM?

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Oh yes, but for me it isn't "things", really, but opportunities for the kids. Travel- I read about families who go to Egypt or China while hs'ing. Classes- horeback riding camp, language classes, etc. Moms who go on retreats to art camps and such...that would benefit the kids a whole lot, LOL. Its probably my biggest moral failing, beign jealous and nt content with what we have (which compared to a lot of the world, is a ton!).

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I wish that I had the time to implement some of the more teacher intensive curricula with DD. I would love to do Classical Writing with her, for instance. I would enjoy doing Sonlight together at some levels. (We are doing much more reading aloud lately than formerly, though.) I wish that I thought I could buy the Apologia or Rainbow Science program and really count on doing all the labs together. I wish that we had time to do the parts of TODKAH that really appeal, or to use some of my extensive collection of cookie cutters. I wish that I could pull out my old weaving loom and actually weave.


I do not believe in quality time as a substitute for quantity of time. And yet, that is my reality.

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I'm with you. I had to stop visiting scrapbooking forums because they made me want to buy stuff all the time. We need to pay off a $4,400 hospital deductible for my cardiac ablation, and I do not have money to spend.


Being in the homeschool forum more now, I start wanting to buy every book under the sun. I am also an habitual purger -- I just loaded up 5 crates of book to try to sell to the local homeschool bookstore.


I am staying out of stores where I will make impulsive purchases. Our family room TV died the other week, and my husband and I spent $200 and change to buy a new one, but took it back. We are now looking on craigslist for a cheapy. We really need to rethink this money-spending thing.


Living in a small house does keep me from overdoing it in some things (like kitchen junk -- I love the fact that my kitchen houses only the most essential items and there's not a junk drawer in it!), but I do overdo it on books and scrapbooking stuff. I cannot bear to get rid of much craft stuff, because I do think I will have more time in the future.


But spending -- it's on a freeze.

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