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Erm, I bet nobody else is this dumb!

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I have just learned something from first grade math lessons!


Ds has just covered telling the time on analogue clocks and today he learned to tell the time on a digital clock. Apparently, on digital clocks where the colon between the hours number and the minutes number flashes, each flash is one second.


I had no idea. :blushing:


OK, who's going to call the child protection people and report that I'm an unfit home educator?


And please tell me that other people have had similar moments of realizing that they didn't know something that is really extremely basic?

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I have just learned something from first grade math lessons!


Ds has just covered telling the time on analogue clocks and today he learned to tell the time on a digital clock. Apparently, on digital clocks where the colon between the hours number and the minutes number flashes, each flash is one second.


I had no idea. :blushing:


OK, who's going to call the child protection people and report that I'm an unfit home educator?


And please tell me that other people have had similar moments of realizing that they didn't know something that is really extremely basic?


You're not dumb! That's trivial information--and would never occur to most people unless they had absolutely nothing else to think about for a very long time and nothing to look at but a flashing digital clock or watch.

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Perhaps I should inform the people who saw fit to include this on a curriculum that there are fully functioning adults out there who weren't aware of this vital information :lol:



Yeah, tell them that! :D


Oh, and on a barely related note, flashing clocks are annoying. It seems everything has a dratted flashing light on it these days (even my stupid cell phone has to let me know it's still working :glare:). I avoid buying these products whenever possible.


I have a cordless phone in my living room right now that I have to cover up at night so I can sleep (It's in sight of my bedroom door.). It flashes "O" to let me know there are no messages. It's on my to-be-replaced list (for that and other reasons).

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All my digital clocks flash - it looks like this 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 so don't feel badly. I seem to be suffering from a deplorable lack of curiosity about how to set them. :lol: Give me analog any day.


I am learning basic stuff all the time!!! You're not alone. :)

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That's not bad at all! My 7 yr old dd ran up to me at soccer in front of a fellow hs mom and a ps mom and asked me how to spell our last name!:confused:

I was horrified! All I could say was "YOU KNOW HOW TO SPELL YOUR NAME...right?" To make it worse, the dd of the ps mom spelled it out for her! She is the same age as my dd. I wanted to crawl in a hole!!! You should have seen the looks. My bf (the hs mom) had to say something. The next day I made her write out her full name 20 times! We called it handwriting:D.

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Mine doesn't flash at all. So there.


None of mine flash, either. Gads! All that flashing would drive me crazy!


If it makes you feel any better, I recently learned that turkeys fly. Had no idea. (still find it hard to believe, actually, but I witnessed it first hand)

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If I had to make a list of everything I've learned from our elementary curriculum, it would fill many, many posts! And now that DS is in the 6th grade, in many areas, I don't even try to keep up with him. I organize the curriculum, but I don't always learn it.

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I learned a lot too, from very basic curriculum.

I think that's one of the joys, though. pf hp,eschpp;omg. Finally understanding basic math rather than just being able to do it...seeing how grammar works ...when you are a kid, its all so big and you miss bits because your brain cant assimilate it all, and you don't have context. Once you are an adult, you have a lot of perspective and context and it suddenly all makes so much sense. I love it.

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None of mine flash, either. Gads! All that flashing would drive me crazy!


My dh decided he wanted a clock that tells time in binary. . . now in the family room there sits a clock that flashes all the time. . .columns of tiny blue blinking dots of lights with each blink changing the number of lights. I sometimes stand there and stare at it wondering how anybody can actually tell what time it is by simply looking at columns of blinking blue lights!

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My dh decided he wanted a clock that tells time in binary. . . now in the family room there sits a clock that flashes all the time. . .columns of tiny blue blinking dots of lights with each blink changing the number of lights. I sometimes stand there and stare at it wondering how anybody can actually tell what time it is by simply looking at columns of blinking blue lights!


Ack - I'm not going to tell ds12 about this - he would want one for sure!

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I have just learned something from first grade math lessons!


Ds has just covered telling the time on analogue clocks and today he learned to tell the time on a digital clock. Apparently, on digital clocks where the colon between the hours number and the minutes number flashes, each flash is one second.


I had no idea. :blushing:


OK, who's going to call the child protection people and report that I'm an unfit home educator?


And please tell me that other people have had similar moments of realizing that they didn't know something that is really extremely basic?


On plug in digital clocks, the timing is regulated by the 60Hz alternating current. But overseas, most current is 50Hz, so digital clocks will run slower unless they are designed to run on the different current.


When we moved to Germany we stored our bread machine because it specifically warned that it would not run on 50Hz.


Sooooo, does that mean that the colon only flashes every minute in America (or North America)?

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