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Prayers for my dad please (weird oxycontin reaction)

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He had knee replacement surgery last Friday (would you believe it was day surgery? And, he had only an epidural and conscious sedation during the procedure? And, he was up and walking within an hour?). Anyway, yesterday and today he's been having a REALLY freaky reaction to the pain meds he's on. Mom isn't sure if he accidentally took too many or if it's his reaction.


He's on Oxycontin and he's halucinating. He's really freaking me out. Mom didn't give him his latest dose and has a call in to the doctor.


Can anyone reassure me? Prayers are appreciated.


More info- he's gotten really angry and he's yelling at my sister, who is watching him. She's called a neighbor over who is bigger than my dad to help her. It's really weird and scary.

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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:grouphug: My mom had a reaction to Oxycontin but it was different. She had stroke like symptoms and did not recognize any of us for almost 17 hours. It was very frightening but she eventually came out of it fine. They did all sorts of tests and told the family it was a reaction to Oxycontin.


She did not hallucinate but she was just...SO different! Praying for him and you!:grouphug:

Edited by Rosemarie
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My mom had some kind of reaction to her pain meds when I was about 14 and she had back surgery. She actually told me she should never have had me, basically that I was an accident. Fun times...


Don't worry--call the DR, stop giving the meds, and it will clear up, but keep an eye on him. They can prescribe something else.



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thanks all. I'm still waiting for another update. These reactions sound SO scary. I'm sorry to everyone who had to go through them. A stroke? Really? One more thing to worry about.


Chris - my dad told my sister that she never really was a daughter to him. Sad thing is, she's adopted. He swore up and down at her. He pushed her down.


Anyone know the half-life of oxycontin?

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My dad started off perching. Mom called and when I got to the house he was on the back of the couch, squatting down, balancing on his toes (perching, like a bird on a telephone line). It was very bizarre. Dad had the doctors take him off of it. He enjoyed being able to move around so well, but said everything was strange and he was worried his heart would burst.


Oxycontin is a bizarre drug. :grouphug:

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Guest ToGMom

I wouldn't wait...I would take him NOW.


My MIL broke her shoulder last fall and was on Oxycontin -- it was a nightmare!! I took her back to the ER when she saw a Sudoku puzzle on the ceiling and told me I was wearing a beautiful Japanese kimono...that and she didn't know who we were and accused us of holding her hostage.


It took 4 days to get the Oxycontin out of her system...:glare:

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My dad started off perching. Mom called and when I got to the house he was on the back of the couch, squatting down, balancing on his toes (perching, like a bird on a telephone line). It was very bizarre. Dad had the doctors take him off of it. He enjoyed being able to move around so well, but said everything was strange and he was worried his heart would burst.


Oxycontin is a bizarre drug. :grouphug:


My dad is trying to do this type of thing. It's SO weird.


I wouldn't wait...I would take him NOW.


My MIL broke her shoulder last fall and was on Oxycontin -- it was a nightmare!! I took her back to the ER when she saw a Sudoku puzzle on the ceiling and told me I was wearing a beautiful Japanese kimono...that and she didn't know who we were and accused us of holding her hostage.


It took 4 days to get the Oxycontin out of her system...:glare:


What did they do for her at the hospital? They told my mom it would take 24 - 36 hours to get better.


I am really worried that my mom won't call anyone for help tonight. I think she needs someone to stay the night there. I don't live nearby, or I'd go. Right now a neighbor is over and dad seems better, he said. He can hold a conversation, but it doesn't make much sense. His last dose was at 8 am. So, 10 hours ago.

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I had a reaction to oxycotin last summer after an emergency appendectomy. My reaction to the oxycotin was, by far, the worst part of my surgery and recovery. Once we figured out it was the oxycotin making me feel so awful and I stopped taking it, I was feeling much better within 24 hours.

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Praying now! :grouphug:


Thank you.


I had a reaction to oxycotin last summer after an emergency appendectomy. My reaction to the oxycotin was, by far, the worst part of my surgery and recovery. Once we figured out it was the oxycotin making me feel so awful and I stopped taking it, I was feeling much better within 24 hours.


So, you remember it? We were hoping my dad wouldn't. I'm so sorry you had such a bad reaction. What happened?


I'm praying my dad starts to feel better sooner than 24 hours.

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My dad is trying to do this type of thing. It's SO weird.


My dad has type 2 diabetes and rms. He hasn't moved like that since I was just a small child. It was surreal.


Dad does remember, but for him it was just a bizarre episode. He doesn't dwell on it, he just remembers it with wide eyes and a shaking head. Dad stopped taking it and all those symptoms cleared up. The only bad part was, he lost all that ability to move too.


I imagine if someone can take it without those strange side effects it must seem like a miracle drug, sorry your dad wasn't one of those people :grouphug:

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Guest ToGMom
My dad is trying to do this type of thing. It's SO weird.




What did they do for her at the hospital? They told my mom it would take 24 - 36 hours to get better.


I am really worried that my mom won't call anyone for help tonight. I think she needs someone to stay the night there. I don't live nearby, or I'd go. Right now a neighbor is over and dad seems better, he said. He can hold a conversation, but it doesn't make much sense. His last dose was at 8 am. So, 10 hours ago.


Welll, they did a couple of things:


- took her off the Oxycontin and gave her something else for pain

- they gave her something through an IV (can't remember the name) that helps speed up the "processing" of the drug in the system

- monitored her behavior, etc. so that I could get some sleep (we couldn't leave her alone for a second for fear that she would try to run away, etc.)

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:grouphug: I am praying now. :grouphug:


thank you.


Welll, they did a couple of things:


- took her off the Oxycontin and gave her something else for pain

- they gave her something through an IV (can't remember the name) that helps speed up the "processing" of the drug in the system

- monitored her behavior, etc. so that I could get some sleep (we couldn't leave her alone for a second for fear that she would try to run away, etc.)


I didn't realize there was something they could give him to speed it up. He needs something like that. I'm so worried he's going to hurt himself, or my mom. My dad keeps trying to run away too.


Just talked with my mom and it sounds like she may take him in. She said she's not worried about him - she's worried about her! She can't control him. I'm worried he's going to be in a LOT of pain when this wears off.

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Guest ToGMom
thank you.




I didn't realize there was something they could give him to speed it up. He needs something like that. I'm so worried he's going to hurt himself, or my mom. My dad keeps trying to run away too.


Just talked with my mom and it sounds like she may take him in. She said she's not worried about him - she's worried about her! She can't control him. I'm worried he's going to be in a LOT of pain when this wears off.


PRAYING...:grouphug: **PLEASE** try to convince her to take him in...some people can also have weird "detoxing" reactions...

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My dad has type 2 diabetes and rms. He hasn't moved like that since I was just a small child. It was surreal.


Dad does remember, but for him it was just a bizarre episode. He doesn't dwell on it, he just remembers it with wide eyes and a shaking head. Dad stopped taking it and all those symptoms cleared up. The only bad part was, he lost all that ability to move too.


I imagine if someone can take it without those strange side effects it must seem like a miracle drug, sorry your dad wasn't one of those people :grouphug:


How sad. Your poor dad. To have a hint of what it felt like to move and then to find out it didn't work. I'm sorry.:grouphug:

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I'd encourage your mom to take him in also. Thankfully my mom was already in the hospital when it all happened. I still ended up staying in her room overnight just because she kept trying to get out of bed, every 30 seconds and was VERY restless. She also was not herself at all and didn't recognize me. The nurses couldn't get in the room fast enough even with the alarms set on the bed. It was very upsetting. Thankfully she was coming out of it by morning and doesn't remember the worst of it.

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I would take him in as well. Everyone will feel much better! My mom was on some pain medication years ago after surgery that made her crazy. We were arguing in the car and she tried to get out while I was driving on the highway. Later she told me that her thought was, "if Charlie's Angels can do it, so can I." :D

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And when it is out of his system - the pain will be immense. If they can take him in and get something else to help with the pain it would be better. My father had both knees replaced in January. He was in the hospital for 5 days, rehab for a week or more and then allowed to go home. He was in pain for almost three months.


I am so sorry your sister had to deal with the oxy effects. It sounds like she might have been really upset by what he was saying. :grouphug:


Good luck!:grouphug:

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Thank you all for your prayers. This morning my dad is in and out of it. Mom did not take him in as he was able to fall asleep and stay asleep. He did wake up at 4:30 asking for coffee. My mom made it for him. While she was making it, my dad told her he wasn't taking any of that oxycontin again. Apparently, he remembers what happened yesterday. That makes me feel so sad for him.


I'm SO relieved that he seems to be better. Still not normal, but better.

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Thank you all for your prayers. This morning my dad is in and out of it. Mom did not take him in as he was able to fall asleep and stay asleep. He did wake up at 4:30 asking for coffee. My mom made it for him. While she was making it, my dad told her he wasn't taking any of that oxycontin again. Apparently, he remembers what happened yesterday. That makes me feel so sad for him.


I'm SO relieved that he seems to be better. Still not normal, but better.


I feel so bad for your dad, mom and sister. I hope that they soon can forget the whole ordeal. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry your father (and family) had to experience that kind of a reaction. It is scary to witness it happening! There is a reversal, Narcan, although it sounds like it's out of his system now. Often times we see this type of reaction in the elderly, especially with morphine.


I would encourage your mother to call the doctor immediately and explain exactly what happened. Is he still in pain? There are other meds they can prescribe if appropriate.

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