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Does every co-op have a problem with drama?

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Absolutely not. I have been in co-ops in five states and one other country and have had no such problems. Was there anyone there who annoyed me? Yes, but I just didn't let it bother me. I just didn't get into arguments with such a person. I don't know if it is the co-ops I have been in or that I am just much more easygoing (hard to see how I could be) but whatever, that has not been my experience.

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I guess it depends upon what you mean by "co-op."


I think it usually works well when you have an individual who is passionate and knowledgeable about a subject and chooses to do a class and include other kids.


I think it usually works well when you have 2-3 families get together to do science or a book club.


I don't think it works well to say "we're doing a history co-op and everyone has to teach the class an equal amount of times." Some parents are overwhelmed with their younger kids, some parents aren't passionate about a subject, some people have more resources than others...I just don't think it usually works out, especially if you have more than 4 families.


I think *large* groups usually involve some sort of politics or drama, almost no matter what. All of them. Not just co-ops.

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I experienced these and many other problems in every coop I ever tried to help get started. I finally just withdrew and gave up. I tried teaching in connection with just one other person last semester (for the first time in several years) and found many of the same problems existed. I've come to the conclusion that if I ever teach again (and I am doing one class this semester), I will do it alone. So far this go round, no problems.....

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Ours is pretty drama free. There were issues but now the Drama Queen is gone. She was asked to leave. She was also asked to leave the church we once attended. She has also had several friends, me included, end relationships with her.


Boy do I feel bad for her kids, especially her oldest.

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